Marvel’s Princess Chapter 764: Absorb people

In those days, Mai Weir studied the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube and transmitted a large amount of data back to the country. As one of the three rogue empires in the universe, the Kree have sufficient scientific knowledge and in-depth research on space. A Kree soldier used some parts from the aircraft and used the Cosmic Cube as energy source to establish a transmission channel to the Kree mothership outside the solar system without much effort.

A minute later, soldiers from the distant mothership began to be continuously transmitted to the earth.

The reason I came here in this deceptive way was mainly because I was worried that if the news was leaked, I would be able to explain to the Shi’ar Empire that it was the soldiers who went to fight on their own initiative and had nothing to do with the Kree Empire.

Whether or not Shia believes it is their business, as long as there is a reasonable excuse. After all, Kerry is not afraid of Shia. If the other party wants to start a war over such a trivial matter, then let’s fight!

Stalker Coras handed over all command of the soldiers to Loki. He wanted to lead the team to see Captain Marvel with his own eyes. It would be best to bring the body back to the Kree Empire. His ideas were very similar to Bella’s. Everyone thinks that the secrets in Captain Marvel’s cells are no worse than the Power Stone and the Magic of the Universe.

Loki pointed him in the general direction of the flying aircraft carrier. There was a Tegada flying in the sky. It was easy to find. Optical invisibility did not exist for the Kree. The two sides had great differences in science and technology. The gap is very large.

He is not optimistic about the actions of the stalker Korath at all. If Captain Marvel can be beaten to the point where he loses all his powers, how can you guys, who were beaten into dogs by Captain Marvel, be able to do well in the past? I hope you can pose in a good-looking pose when you die, right?

Looking at the steady stream of Kree soldiers walking out of the space channel, Loki laughed heartily. This chaotic process full of deception and lies really made him intoxicated. He liked his current life so much.

“Attack, soldiers, I want you to occupy the city under my feet before the sun goes down today. This is the beginning, and then it will be the entire nine realms!”

Loki has no long-term plan for doing things, he just comes up with it as he thinks. This is related to his nature and priesthood.

He had just ordered the Kree to occupy New York, then turned around and asked the Kree to catch some experimental subjects for him. He wanted to verify some of his conjectures.

The mages are all very research-minded. Bella secretly planned to be a clone of Captain Marvel. Loki was also a powerful mage. Along the way, he saw Captain Marvel’s powerful superpower and secretly did it. Some research was just busy chatter, and there was no experimental material, so the matter was delayed.

Now on a whim, I immediately asked the Kree to grab some experimental materials for me.

Not long after, the three gangsters who were wandering nearby were taken to the top floor of Stark Tower.

The three of them were trembling, not knowing where to put their hands and feet. They were really shocked by this group of blue-skinned Crees armed with high-tech firearms.

“Don’t be nervous, my friends, you actually also want those super powers, right? I am a very benevolent God, and I will give you super powers today.”

Loki’s words were not contagious at all, but several people were still frightened.

He doesn’t mind either. The opening remarks are just a formality. No matter whether these people agree or disagree, he will carry out his ideas.

“Well, let me think about it, what should we do specifically?” He kept recalling Captain Marvel’s external performances, trying to recreate the whole process.

If the experiment succeeds, will he create another Captain Marvel who is stronger than himself? He doesn’t care about this problem at all. This is the earth anyway. The more chaotic the better, the more chaotic he is, the happier he is.

“What’s your name?” he asked the strong man standing on the far left. This man looked powerful and courageous, just a little bit more courageous than his two companions.

“Carl Creel, sir, can you let go…”

“No! Shut up!” Loki interrupted the other party’s begging for mercy rudely.

He held high a long-handled warhammer inlaid with power gems in one hand, and held the Cosmic Cube in the other hand. The shape looked a bit like the Statue of Liberty standing in New York.

The three gangsters had no free thoughts at all. With guns pointed at their heads, they did not dare to resist and could only lower their heads and wait for the unknown fate.

Loki’s experiment was simple and crude. He first used the space ability of the Cosmic Cube to create a hole in Carl Creel’s body. This hole was not a blood hole in the conventional sense, but a hole that absorbed and transformed energy. Invisible hole.

He couldn’t find the white hole, but he had the power stone at hand, so he used the power stone’s energy to forcefully pour it into Carl Creel’s body.

Originally, Loki thought that the experimental body would die soon and even explode into pieces. However, he did not expect that either Carl Creel’s physique was special, or it was the power gem and the magic cube inside. The space gem created a certain resonance, and the two energies reached a balance in Carl Creel’s body that was not too perfect, but was far higher than expected.

I am really a genius! Loki was overjoyed. He waved his hand to indicate to the other two gangsters that they could leave. He himself squatted on the ground and carefully studied the changes in Carl Creel.

The energy impact of the Power Stone and the Space Stone caused Carl Creel to faint directly. He was lying on the floor, and the places where his back, elbows, etc. came into contact with the marble floor were rapidly petrified. In less than five seconds, Over time, Carl Creel turned into a somewhat terrifying stone man!

“No…this is not a simple petrification, but why did it become like this?” Loki thought that he had not found an energy source that could connect with Carl Creel at all times. , At present, his experiment only replicates Captain Marvel’s ability to absorb energy, but because there is no energy source, Carl Creel can only act as a car without gasoline. He needs to absorb any energy he needs.

“Forget it, I don’t have any better solution for the time being. From now on, you can just call me Absorber.”

Loki used lies to dispel Carl Creel’s resentment against him. Because of the energy absorption, this lie could not last for a few days, but for now it was more than enough for this guy to be a thug.

“What will happen if the stalker sees my brother? I hope he won’t be killed, right?” Loki stood on the top of the building and looked down, feeling the pleasure of controlling all living beings.


Bella was not in the mothership when Loki was conducting experiments.

As soon as the mothership took off, she noticed eyes on her.

After a few words with 006, she left the mothership. Five seconds later, she appeared on the moon. Next to her was a giant more than three meters tall.

The giant wore a blue cloak, and his slightly thin body had a large bald head that was seriously out of proportion to his body.

This is Otto the Observer, who belongs to an extremely mysterious and powerful cosmic race.

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