Marvel’s Princess Chapter 755: The arrogant Captain Marvel

 After many iterations, the latest flight cabin armor does not require the original armor mode of people standing in a designated area and being assisted by external machinery. The tracking system comes with instructions for disassembly and dressing.

 Faced with Loki, who was already an enemy in the original time and space, Tony Stark would still take off his armor, pour himself a glass of wine very pretentiously, and then BBQ for five minutes. Now he doesn’t even see the shadow of the enemy, naturally. There was no fear at all. He still wore the portable armor, but put on a mask, and used various instruments in the mask to analyze the golden-red figure that was getting closer and closer.

Captain Marvel’s arrival on Skull Island immediately aroused King Kong’s vigilance. King Kong has his own method of identification.

 Like Bella, he can be recognized at a glance, not by his appearance, but by his energy.

 At this time, Captain Marvel, a woman with powerful energy, made him feel like he was facing a formidable enemy. Not only did he stand up on guard, but she also grabbed a big tree next to her, pulled off the branches, and waved the trunk, ready to use it as a short stick. .

 ”Hey, you don’t know me? We were friends before? You’re really strong now. When we last met, you were… only thirty meters tall.” Captain Marvel With a smile on her face, she flew in the air and gestured to a higher level.

 I know you? King Kong could feel that Captain Marvel was not hostile. He threw aside the tree trunk he was preparing to use as a weapon and scratched his head to express his confusion.

 ”I’m here to rescue you. You are also angry at being enslaved by an evil woman, right?”

 Whenever the word “evil woman” appears in Captain Marvel’s mouth, the audience will be confused. The black braised egg before was full of confusion, and the current King Kong does not understand what she means.

 Are you angry? no? I am quite happy!

 Having food and drink, life is going well! I have grown more in size in the past two years than in the previous twenty years. The cloned dragon meat does taste a little worse, but it can’t stand up to the high energy! He was quite satisfied.

King Kong’s big head shook violently, indicating that he did not understand what she meant. Captain Marvel is a purely physical superhero who controls things like the electromagnetic spectrum and gravitational fields. She has no mind-reading ability.

 Having Loki’s preconceptions of a lot of lies, King Kong’s shaking of his head was considered by her to mean that he was too angry to speak out.

 Originally Loki said that King Kong was locked on the island, but now that Captain Marvel didn’t see the chain, she automatically thought that King Kong couldn’t fly and couldn’t leave the island. This was an invisible chain, so vicious! King Kong should be free!

 “I’ll help you, old friend.”

  She left a sentence that left King Kong confused, and the next second she landed in front of 006, Stark and Dr. Ethan.

 Wieland’s defense force on the island is very weak, 006 waved them all off, there is no need to increase unnecessary casualties.

 As the host, 006 asked: “Madam, what can I do for you?”

 Captain Marvel pointed his finger at him: “Loki has drawn your portrait, I know you, the number one accomplice of evil women.”

006’s face turned green after hearing this. This is the main reason why he wants to retire! It’s true that there are huge rewards from following Bella, but this thing is also dangerous!

 Different from the confused faces of Black Braised Egg and King Kong, 006 instantly guessed who the ‘evil woman’ Captain Marvel was talking about.

 He felt that there was something really wrong with his luck. If you want revenge, you should go to me. Why are you going to me?

 006 laughed dryly: “Madam, I think there seems to be a bit of a misunderstanding here. Please listen to my explanation…”

 Captain Marvel did not have the slightest intention of listening to his explanation. She raised her voice: “Tell your people to give King Kong freedom, and I will find a planet suitable for him to survive.”

 006 looked up at King Kong, and the gorilla looked down at his feeding supervisor. Both of them were confused.

King Kong tilted his head. He was living a good life on the island. Where is this woman going to take him?

Tony Stark is such a smart person. It’s not that he doesn’t understand the ways of the world, it’s just that he has an arrogant personality and doesn’t bother to maintain interpersonal relationships.

 At this time, after just listening to a few words of conversation, he got a general idea.

 But what he said was still very venomous: “Hey, stupid woman, you have been deceived. Although I have just arrived, I know that no one is restraining the gorilla here.”

 Captain Marvel will arrange a new residence for King Kong as soon as he arrives. This is full of American hegemonic thinking. I am good for you, so you have to listen to me.

 006 has been beaten too many times by society. He can take it calmly when others say something to him, but Tony Stark will not tolerate it. He will feel uncomfortable if he doesn’t say something.

Tony Stark and Carol Danvers dislike each other and are at odds with each other. Loki’s lies often pop up in Captain Marvel’s mind. She is becoming increasingly impatient with the nagging Tin Man in front of her. , the result of enduring it until the end is to punch out!

 006 quickly retreated, and after a quick glance, he knew that Stark was no match. In just two moves, half of the portable armor was broken into pieces. Captain Marvel did not pursue the victory, but allowed him to put on a brand new flight cabin armor. , in the Mark armor series, the code name of this set of armor is Mark VII.

 Relying on the new armor, Tony Stark finally qualified to fight Captain Marvel. Ground combat could not bring out the many functions in the armor, so he used the missiles on his shoulders to interfere with his line of sight, then distanced himself and used his hands to Pulse cannon blast from the palm of your hand.

Captain Marvel has been fighting the Kree, Shi’ar, and Skrulls in the universe for many years. Her combat experience is not comparable to that of a **** like Stark. Not only did she dodge all the missiles, she also had an assault Grabbed Stark’s wrist.

  There was a crunching sound, and the laser transmitter on the armored wrist was crushed directly.

 Captain Marvel sneered: “Children’s stuff!”

Grabbing the armor’s wrist, she raised her arm and threw Stark away.

 The somewhat embarrassed Iron Man did somersaults seven or eight times in mid-air before he stabilized his body.

 Angry, he turned the leg thrusters to the maximum and crashed into Captain Marvel like a meteor.

 006 signaled Dr. Ethan to leave Skull Island quickly, and he helped fight together.

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 There are a lot of trees on Skull Island. After 006 gained some of the abilities of the alien, he was more agile than an ape when climbing trees. He climbed up in just a few clicks. He stood on the treetops and kept shooting at Captain Marvel.

 The gun fighting techniques improved by the Order of the 22nd Century are already much more complicated than the one Bella originally made. 006 can be regarded as practice makes perfect. He constantly calculates Captain Marvel’s speed, strength and surrounding environment.

Whenever Stark is about to be hit, the 10mm pulse pistol will fire a hail of bullets as support.

 ”You’re so annoying!” Captain Marvel is not afraid of bullets. She can even absorb the kinetic energy of bullets, but she is also annoyed by being disturbed all the time. She looks at 006, ready to give this guy a hard slap!

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