Marvel’s Princess Chapter 745: Bella VS Balthazar

Bella divided spells into levels one to nine according to their strength. This had already aroused daily teasing from the old lady Gu Yi. Now she saw an even more amazing one!

 Level 777? Is each level divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced levels? This disease needs to be cured!

 ”Mr. Level 777 Mage…” Before she could finish her words, a black mist with a fishy smell flew towards her.

 ”Little trick!” Bella’s backhand was a wave. The wave was more than ten meters high and layered on top of each other. Not only did it completely block Balthazar’s spell, but it also rolled back with indomitable momentum.

 The waves also contain two spells related to sleep.

 Balthazar heard a faint song from the waves, and his consciousness was in a trance for a moment. He fought hard to overcome his sleepiness, and took out a dark brown flint knife that was shaped like a stalagmite and seemed to have been simply polished. He pointed the knife edge at Bella, softly uttered a few syllables in his mouth, and then slashed his left hand.

 This move is quite new. Bella has never seen it before. She didn’t notice anything strange, but she knew it must be some kind of curse ability.

Bella has very few opportunities to fight against mages now. There are only a few mages, and there are even fewer at the same level as her. Strictly speaking, only a few people like Gu Yi and Loki can fight against her.

 Both Ancient One and Loki are people who want to reach a higher level. For them, spells are a boost, a way to improve their knowledge, analyze and understand the world. Balthazar is completely different. This guy treats spells as a tool. , regardless of what system the spells are in, just use the Merlin Circle.

 This Merlin Circle is used to mean a bit of a magical version of the Little Wuxiang Gong.

Bella specializes in psychic energy and has not dabbled in the messy magic system. She couldn’t find the location of the curse for a while. Lightning flashed all over her body, and thunder and lightning gathered on the surface of her body. She was like a real thunder **** coming to the world. Several streaks of black energy entrenched on the inside of his arm were instantly dispelled.

 Electric light was everywhere, and the abandoned church used as a trading place at night was illuminated as if it were daytime.

 She exorcised the curse, and Balthazar also avoided the impact of the waves.

 The first round between the two sides was considered a draw.

 Bella reached out and touched the large urn behind Balthazar. The so-called urn used by the queens of the Han Dynasty to make human pigs slowly crawled out of the figure of a woman in white robes. Even though the woman in white robes was already in a spiritual state, There was still blood flowing out of her limbs. She lay on Balthazar’s shoulder, like a couple in love.

  Balthazar did not panic. He took out a six-pointed star amulet and crushed it. The woman in white robe on his back suddenly lost her target and wandered around. Finally, she landed on a knight soldier. The soldier had no magic resistance. None, it was instantly sucked into a puddle of thick water.

  “You have some ability, but why do you, a level 777 magician, always use foreign objects to cast spells?” There was a hint of disappointment in Bella’s tone. This guy’s magic power is not low, but the road seems to be narrow.

 “A spell that defeats you is a good spell!”

 “This is really true.”

 Balthazar is not as bad as Bela said. He can actually cast spells himself, but in this era, the amount of mana is less and it is too difficult to replenish it. So he tries his best to use foreign objects and use the magic power in those magic items to cast spells. .

 After realizing that this method could not defeat Bella, he could only use his own magic power to fight.

  Flames flying all over the sky, huge thunder falling from the clouds, curses, evil spirits, whispers in sleep, and the aftermath of the battle blew away more than half of the abandoned church used for trading.

 ”Click, click, click” gunshots rang out, and the Japanese inner temple knight Mitsuko Nakamura was shot in the head. The remaining knights also suffered heavy casualties due to the cyborg’s surprise attack.

 Some of the more than fifty magic apprentices ran away, some chose to avoid, and a few couldn’t see the situation clearly. Those who thought they had extraordinary power helped the knights attack the biochemical soldiers.

 David, Betty and a few friends were hiding behind the wall.

 Everyone was shivering like quails, except David who poked his head out of the corner from time to time to observe the magic battle outside.

 There was not much fear in his heart, only a feeling of excitement about seeing the true face of the world.

The magic battle between Balthazar and Bella made his blood boil, and he wanted to jump out and join the battle.

 When he was about to try, Betty hurriedly caught him.

 “You are sick! Who are you going to help?”

This question made David stunned for a moment. He had no good impression of the Knights and Balthazar who sold these people as goods.

It was the same on Bella’s side, her face couldn’t be seen clearly, and she didn’t know who it was. She only knew that it was a woman, and the legs that had been stretched out were retracted.

 At this time, a large number of cyborg soldiers armed with rifles rushed into the ruined church in an orderly manner. Three teams suppressed the Knights soldiers, and the remaining cyborg soldiers all aimed their guns at Balthazar.

Like Bella before becoming a god, Balthazar is a typical mage, thin-skinned and big-hearted. Without special protection, he might be shot to death.

Facing the metal storm, he parried again and again. He had to defend against bullets and Bella’s magic, which made him look a little busy.

 What is the biggest gain from using Mjolnir is that Bella combines some of the design ideas in Mjolnir with the use of Zeus’s thunder power and her own thunder spells.

Just like the ice stabbing sword she liked to use the most in the early days of time travel, at this time her right hand made a pull-out motion in the air, a sword full of brilliant lightning that lasted for at least ten minutes. The sword was made.

 Hello everyone, our public account will find red envelopes of gold and coins every day. You can receive them as long as you follow them. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp]

 Thunder and lightning are so good! It can increase attack power, speed, and defense. Thunder and lightning can also be used like armor to prevent a lot of curses and curses. Bella is becoming more and more fond of using this lightning mode that she has developed.

 Her figure was incredibly fast, dragging the sword blade with her right hand, and the tip of the sword hit countless sparks on the ground. She jumped up to Balthazar’s eyes, and slashed out with the Thunder God’s Sword. This was a trick she learned in Ashina Country. , fly across the floating boat!

 Balthazar’s melee combat ability is not bad. He dodged left and right, and the lightning flashes crisscrossed his field of vision, which seriously affected his vision. Bella also used the illusion skill very well. When the Thunder God’s Sword stabbed his chest, he misjudged it. .

 He used the flint knife with a powerful curse to parry, but the move missed the target.

 The Thunder God’s Sword cut a deep scorch mark from his right rib to his left shoulder. The remaining lightning was still raging in the wound, causing considerable damage to his body every second.

 Bela took advantage of the opponent’s general paralysis and pointed the finger of death at the opponent’s chest. Balthazar was also fierce. His palm passed through the wall as if through the air. From a distance of more than 20 meters, He grabbed David who was hiding behind the wall and blocked the spell for him.

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