Marvel’s Princess Chapter 692: Encounter

Although in Miles Quach’s view, it is better to cooperate with these aboriginal people than to destroy them directly, but the soldiers on the spaceship are too few, only twelve soldiers when they are full, and the other tribe has hundreds of people, and such a tribe is in There are countless intelligent beings on Pandora who want to rely on twelve people to destroy all intelligent life on the planet. It is useless no matter how hard they try, and they are exhausted.

  He had reservations about teaching English to the aborigines. The female lieutenant, Ellen Ripley, admired this approach very much. She also offered some of the picture albums, food, and handicrafts she carried in exchange for the aboriginals’ Pandora crystal.

 This kind of crystal is exactly what they came to Pandora for. It is a very important normal-temperature superconductor when the spacecraft is sailing. It has an immeasurable role in Wieland’s research on the tachyon propulsion chamber.

The crew exchanged a lot of modern handicrafts for more than three tons of Pandora crystal. Several warehouses were filled. This thing can float automatically. There is also a lot of repulsion between crystals, making it difficult to store. big.

 On the twenty-second day after entering Pandora, Miles Quatch returned to Earth with three soldiers, two Wilander scientists, and two pilots including the Latina beauty Leti. The remaining people stayed in place to build Wieland’s atmospheric treatment plant and conduct various scientific research and data analysis.

 Bella did not leave immediately. She secretly observed for two more days. As more and more Triangular-headed aborigines became more and more common, the civilization of the earth slowly spread to all directions, centered on that tribe. Come on.

 The extent of the spread is not large, basically equivalent to the level of “Hey, do you know about Amway?”

  When we go back, we have to find some monks from the earth. Anyway, monks these days are doing it as a profession. There are still father-to-son traditions in Japan. Spend more money and find some people to teach the scriptures. It’s no problem.

 Told Fatty Wang to be careful when teaching English and to run away if anything goes wrong.

Bella continued to wander around the planet. The birth of Pandora was not short. It was said that it took so many years to give birth to the aboriginal people who were like the Stone Age. It was a bit slow. She wanted to look for it to see if there were any. The secrets of prehistoric civilization.

 She searched the Western Hemisphere and found no problems. There was no difference between those tribes and the tribes where the Triangle Head preached the scriptures. The only difference was the different levels of barbarism.

  She was flying at low altitude when a sudden metal collision and loud roar caught her attention, and she quickly looked over.

 I saw a group of blue-skinned aborigines besieging a green-skinned woman holding two swords.

The green-skinned woman’s strength is not low, roughly equivalent to the limit of Earthlings, that is, the level of Captain America. The speed seems to be due to her body structure, which is a bit faster than the limit of Earthlings, but certainly not faster than the speed of sound. .

The green-skinned woman kept roaring, and the surrounding Pandora aboriginal people surrounded her. An aboriginal leader who was more than three meters tall, with strong muscles and rode a death beast watched the battle from a distance.

 One side has superb martial arts and strong physical fitness, while the other side has a large number of people and a tacit cooperation.

The Death Beast was in vain when facing the Diamond Demon, but in regular battles, it was definitely a natural hunter. The Death Beast of the Aboriginal leader put great pressure on the green-skinned woman.

Bella crossed her arms and sat on the treetop to watch the excitement.

 She didn’t help anyone and just watched happily. However, she knew the names of both sides and the reason for the battle through mind reading.

The green-skinned woman is actually a celebrity, known as “the most dangerous woman in the universe” in many galaxies. She is Thanos’ adopted daughter and number one assassin, Gamora.

 Bella does not take seriously the title of “the most dangerous woman”. Gamora is not weak, but where is she? You don’t understand the horror of the earth at all! This kind of combat power similar to that of Captain America can still be messed up in the early stage, but in the era of Omega-level mutants flying everywhere, it will be a scumbag.

 Gamora’s spaceship had some malfunctions, so she landed on the planet Pandora. As a result, she met the indigenous people and they couldn’t understand the language. After that, the two sides got into a fight.

 After a hard fight, Gamora killed more than a dozen aboriginal warriors in a row, and in the end, he exchanged injuries for injuries, injuring the dark death beast that looked like a large cheetah.

 This beast still follows the most basic hunting principles. After realizing that the enemy is threatening and has a certain chance of killing itself, the Death Beast is unwilling to continue fighting even with the order of the indigenous leader.

Gamora was seriously injured, and her recovery was only average. At this time, her shoulders and lower abdomen were pierced by the poisoned spears of the indigenous people, and her left arm and back were bitten by the death beast. As usual, this She would have fainted long ago, but today she felt that she was in very good spirits and her heart was full of strength. Not only did she scare off the enemies, she also had the physical strength to repair the spaceship, and finally she drove the spaceship away from the planet Pandora.

 In the realm called the dark galaxy by many races in the universe, several large-scale interstellar wars in history have resulted in unstable star energy and a serious lack of resources. Over time, criminals and interstellar pirates have become ‘s home.

 Thanos and his Dark Order are hiding in this area. It seems that in order to commemorate the hometown that he destroyed, Thanos also named the planet where he has lived for a long time Titan.

Gamora returned to Titan and met the pale-skinned Ebony Maw from the Dark Order, who used words as weapons.

 ”Go away! You coward who is showing off your words!” She yelled loudly. The tall and thin ebony-throated man smiled and stepped aside. His somewhat cloudy eyes stared at Gamora’s back. He felt that Gamora was now There’s something wrong with La’s state, but he can’t tell what exactly is wrong.

 ”Performance is very good this time! Next time you see that disgusting guy Ebony Maw, continue to scold him!” Bella walked out of Gamora’s shadow. This was her use of the time stone to travel from the future to time. In a projection extracted online, Bella was clearly standing in front of her, but Gamora couldn’t see her. Ebony Maw had some intuition problems, but he couldn’t see her either.

 Meeting Gamora was an accident, but helping her reach her physical limit and defeat a group of powerful enemies was no accident.

 In order to test Thanos’ side and for the Mind Stone, Bella has maintained a time projection for a long time. One second passed by a normal person is one second, and one second passed by her now is equivalent to two seconds. Fortunately for her The lifespan is long and the loss is bearable.

 Time projection said to Gamora: “A fearless warrior not only needs the body and martial arts, but also the power of the mind. Find the mind scepter, strengthen your mind, and make you fearless. Find the mind scepter, and find the mind scepter.” Mind Scepter…”

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