Marvel’s Princess Chapter 680: Stop it

 If Bella hadn’t been desperately blocking the infiltration from the other side of the Crimson Universe, the current battlefield would have been upgraded!

 ”Black…Director Nick Fury, I don’t have much time to elaborate with you. I can only say that Red Tank’s ability restrains me, and I have to prevent his boss from coming to Earth. I don’t know if you can understand this, but it can be summed up in one sentence, please send someone to support! ”

Bella said urgently into the phone.

 Red tanks really restrain her.

 That oversized helmet can prevent mind control, which makes most of Bella’s mind-affecting spells useless.

Toxin? Red Tank is immune to most toxins, and with his extremely fast metabolism, the few remaining poisons can be resisted by his powerful physical fitness.

Suffocation? Bella secretly drained the oxygen around him, and found that this guy actually had some kind of internal circulation fighting method and could survive without oxygen.

 Time spells? Because of Settorak’s magical power, red tanks are immune to aging! The priority of this immunity is no lower than the Time Stone.

 If Cytorak doesn’t want the red tank to die, then many instant-death spells won’t work.

 He is immune to a lot of spells including instant death, slowdown, confusion, petrification, dizziness, blindness, and curse. His health bar is still huge, and his recovery power is unparalleled. Apart from the human sea tactic, Bella can’t think of any solution for a while. Great way to red tank.

Black Braised Egg’s reinforcements came a little faster than expected. Hawkeye, wearing a black strapless vest and holding a longbow, arrived at the scene in the fifth minute of the battle.

Hawkeye was originally in London, but he was on another mission before. Hei Lu Dan heard the urgency in Bella’s words and had to use this trump card.

 He carefully concealed his whereabouts. When the red tank grabbed Barbara and was about to tear this woman who was dedicated to joining the army into pieces, Hawkeye shot the crucial arrow.

The Isu gene gave him extraordinary abilities, but this ability is only the basis, and it depends more on his talent and hard work.

 His arrow shot out from a tricky angle and pierced the red tank’s right eye socket.

 “Ah——!” Red Tank roared. He threw the Barbara in his hand hard and reached out to pull out the arrow. His strong body recovery power began to repair the damage to the eyeball with all his strength, but this would take a little more time. Time, suddenly losing an eye, he ignored Barbara who was thrown out by him.

 Barbara was in mid-air, twisting her waist and swinging her arms. The electric baton in her hand passed through the gap in the red tank helmet and stabbed his neck like a poisonous snake.

 The neck is the weak point of most humanoid creatures. There are those who practice Iron Head Kung Fu, those who practice Iron Sand Palm, and those who practice Jie Bao with a wheel. You can say what part they practice. There are many, but almost no one exercises the neck, and this part cannot be trained.

 Red Tank was hit by an electric baton, and his central nervous system was affected. His body was paralyzed for a few seconds. Tony Stark no longer hesitated and immediately activated the laser on the back of his hand, like a colorful sword. From top to bottom, hit the red tank’s head with full power.

 Marvel is different from DC next door. The superheroes here are murderers. Even saints like Captain America hold a gun in one hand and a shield in the other on the battlefield. Soldier, War Machine, Falcon, Hawkeye, and Black Widow, these superheroes all kill people. I haven’t heard of any of them having a no-kill policy. Tony Stark is relatively better. He doesn’t kill as much as possible, but that’s not the case. That kind of absolute non-killing.

 The red tank is now a huge threat, and he has no plans to hold back.

 The laser cut open the red tank’s anti-mind-control helmet and left a three-finger-deep wound on the strong man’s skull, which was harder than steel.

 Bella, who had been observing in the dark, immediately found an opportunity and raised her hand to knock out the red tank with a mind blast.

 If she can be stronger than Cytorak of the Crimson Universe, she can take advantage of the situation and control the red tank for her own use. Unfortunately, she is still several hundred levels away from Cytorak. Taking food from the tiger’s mouth is purely seeking death. , after psychically stunning the red tank, she withdrew the spell.

Tony Stark didn’t know that Bella was secretly taking action. He took a second look at Red Tank’s injuries. This incredible assassin’s ability really shattered his worldview. He was indestructible and could only A single laser shot only cut a hole in the red tank’s head. Is this still a human being?

 Taking advantage of the opponent’s coma, he collected blood samples from the red tank and prepared to go back and study it carefully.

 At the same time, he also wants to research a new type of armor, which will be specially used to deal with such powerful and physically strong enemies in the future.

 ”Hi, beauty, do you need help?” Hawkeye stretched out a hand to Barbara who fell to the ground and hadn’t stood up for a long time.

Barbara fell a little hard. She was not wearing a steel armor. Although her physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people, she was still within the range of normal humans.

 There was one person at the scene, but she was the only one who was fighting in close combat with a red tank with an electric baton. The degree of danger was really difficult to describe in one or two sentences.

 She reached out her hand and Hawkeye pulled her up.

 ”Miss Barbara Morse, please remember that you have been fired from Stark Industries.” When she left the battlefield, Stark shouted from eight feet away.

 “You can’t make the decision yet, the current manager of the company is Miss Potts!”

Barbara and Hawkeye are a bit like the heroes and heroines in many movies who have just stopped the villain’s conspiracy. From a physiological analysis, this is the effect of adrenaline. They urgently need to use some activities such as rolling in bed to vent their bodies. huge pressure on.

The red tank was tied tightly with alloy chains by the London police, three layers inside and three outside. An anesthetic that could numb ten elephants was injected into the red tank, and a bunch of people breathed a sigh of relief.

 It’s not that they are compassionate and don’t dare to kill, it’s that they can’t do anything about the red tank’s powerful recovery power. Poison, firearms, explosives, and conventional means cannot kill this man. Tony Stark has done a lot of calculations. He estimates that if the red tank is thrown into the molten iron, he will survive, and the only thing that will melt will be his bindings. chains, not people.

 Now we can only use some means to restrain the red tanks, and then we can think about what to do next. The final war in London City has begun.

 Baron Strucker, who was hiding behind the scenes, stopped at the right time. He had the same idea as Bella. There would be no benefit in killing Benjamin Asher now. A United States with the same hatred would not help him seize world hegemony. Dealing with this country requires Use bloodletting tactics, one cut today and another cut tomorrow.

 A weak United States can attract more careerists. Benjamin Asher is more useful alive than dead. Baron Stracke withdrew his own Hydra elite, leaving those peripheral organizations to bear the burden of the United States and Britain. of anger.

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