Marvel’s Princess Chapter 648: Oxford

 As you can tell from the name, the Sand of Time has the property of time. This thing can go back in time within a small range. The longer the time goes back, the more sand is consumed. Use less sand. In terms of power, Far inferior to the infinitely usable Time Stone, but a relatively low-level item like the Sand of Time is more suitable for Bella’s current research.

 Everything has a step-by-step process, and the Time Stone is too high-end.

Bella felt that the Sand of Time in the dagger was too little, just a few grains of sand, and it would be gone after use. She traced the source of the Sand of Time and found the source of the Sand of Time, only to find that it was the feces of the time worm. …After a big fight, she was beaten to a pulp! In the end, I only got back half a sack of Sands of Time! Blood loss!

 After traveling through the timeline for a long time, she was a little tired both physically and mentally. She gave some guidance to several apprentices and Mordo. Seeing that Kama Taj was prosperous and both apprentices and mages were full of energy, she Went home to rest.


 At the end of July, Bella arrived in Oxford, England, and her doctoral studies officially began.

 Supreme Mage sounds nice to say, but in fact, for Bella and Gu Yi, this is just a starting point. The old lady is over 700 years old, and she can still start over from scratch, and Bella will not put on airs. put.

 Her strength is still far away from creating life. From the time she traveled to the present, the spells she studies are mainly about killing. The secret priesthood and winter priesthood have nothing to do with creating life. She will prepare the much-needed knowledge. Use science to make up for it.

 After all, Oxford is not the Stanford where she has been studying for six years. The prestige value is obviously not enough, and the British people have always shown a kind of deep-rooted alienation towards her.

 This time Bella’s tutor, Professor Vincent, is an authority in biology introduced by Professor Serizawa. He is not at school all year round, and he will not rush back to the school to receive her just because she comes to report. He will just list it for her in an email. I wrote a long list of books and left the rest of the questions to the teaching assistant.

 Huh? Bella carefully looked at the young female assistant coach named Marcy Kane. She was about 27 or 28 years old, had brown shawl hair, and was very well-dressed.

 She felt something was wrong with this person, but she couldn’t tell what was wrong for a while.

 ”Miss Swann is very young. She is twenty years old this year?” Marcy Kane asked.

Bella is of course younger. Her appearance has not changed since she was eighteen years old. Today, she deliberately changed into a mature look for reporting.

 ”Huh? Haha, I am naturally not old, and Miss Kane is also very young! Are you British?”

 “Yes, yes, my home is over in Edinburgh…”

 After a few words with this strange young assistant, Bella did not notice the danger, so she did not continue to explore. Everyone has a little secret in their heart, and the secrets in many people’s hearts are very eye-catching. If you see one, read it. If she is worried, she will feel very uncomfortable.

 Bella met her friend, the adventurer Laura, in the afternoon.

 “Hi! Laura!”

 “Hi, Bella!”

 The duo reunited again, and the two hugged each other vigorously.

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 Laura still wears a single ponytail, with almost no decorations on her body. She is simply wearing a shirt, a jacket, and jeans underneath. She does not look like the heir to a large group at all.

Laura has her biological father by her side, and does not have to box and deliver food every day. She has gained a lot of nutrition, and her figure has obviously grown bigger, and the feeling when hugging her is obvious.

 She also came to Oxford to study at university. Originally, Laura didn’t care much about going to school. She didn’t need a diploma to prove herself. Wasn’t going to school a waste of time? Wouldn’t it be nice to have that time to study at home by yourself?

 But after her father was rescued, he asked her to go to school! After college, I was a graduate student, and now I am also studying for a PhD in Oxford! She is still studying history.

 Oxford University welcomed Laura very much. That bad nickname, the Rose of England, was put on her head the day after she arrived in Oxford.

Bella does not have this kind of treatment. Even if her father is running for president and she has a luxury goods company in France, the British are still lukewarm towards her.

 ”The British are like this, it’s normal. When my father disappeared, they also ridiculed me. When I was delivering food, their words were very unpleasant.” Laura was worried that she had a grudge, so she took care of herself. A compatriot explained two things.

Bella shook her head and smiled, saying that she didn’t care. In fact, she was so cautious that she had already written down the British people in her notebook. Don’t let me find a chance! I’ll hack you when I get the chance!

 July seems to be a very strange month. In addition to the Erla combination, there is also a rich man who also came to Oxford to study.

 T’Challa, who appears to be the son of the king of a third-rate agricultural country but is actually the future heir of Wakanda, also came to Oxford.

 Like Laura, he also came to study history.

 The only difference is that Laura has to learn some side knowledge, while T’Challa uses the channel of learning history to increase his understanding of the outside world.

Bella, Laura, and T’Challa, the three tycoons with the word “L”, have not had much impact on Oxford University… It’s strange that they have not had much impact! The target of discrimination has always been the poor, not money.

 At this time, Chanel had completed its listing and took control of the sports car manufacturer Koenigsegg. The foundation established by Bella’s economic team to avoid tax took 25% of the shares of the Los Angeles Lakers and funded the construction of the former The Staples Arena was destroyed by the earthquake. According to calculations by outsiders, she should have a net worth of more than 1.75 billion US dollars.

Laura’s side is similar. Although the Crawford Group is controlled by outsiders for various reasons, the foundation and group shares under her name add up to almost 2.2 billion US dollars.

 T’Challa is even richer. Africa’s uncrowned king is not fake. In addition, Wakanda occasionally sells vibranium to the outside world gram by gram. Top laboratories in various countries are secretly studying this metal. , the accumulated wealth is even more amazing.

90 trillion US dollars is definitely nonsense. This is mainly because countries do not know the total amount of vibranium and raise the price of vibranium too high. But even so, his wealth is not inferior to Stark. A net worth of tens of billions of dollars is in line with reality.

Since Laura and T’Challa are both in the history department, Bella has become familiar with T’Challa through her relationship with Laura.

 “Wow! Laura, you look so beautiful today? Did you use new skin care products?”

 “…You are too exaggerated and not as beautiful as you.”

 “Hey, T’Challa, you look so handsome today!”

 “Thank you, you are the most beautiful…”

  It is impossible to praise this thing too little. Under her guidance, Laura and T’Challa also developed the habit of exchanging a few words of business before meeting.

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