Marvel’s Princess Chapter 634: Trouble each other

“No way? You can actually see me?” Bella’s question was met with a glare from the young woman.

She didn’t think the **** was that good, but now any passerby could see through her behavior. She suspected that she was a false god.

Loki lowered his voice: “Some kind of change is happening in the town. That guy probably already knows about your arrival. His magic is extremely powerful, beyond your imagination… If you don’t want to make things worse, If it gets serious, I suggest you run away quickly!”

The young woman was considered a powerful person in the town. As she shouted, several guards came over with revolvers.

“What the hell!” Bella disappeared in a flash as the young woman shouted “over there” and “catch her quickly”.

It only took a minute for the smooth-talking Loki to dispel the young woman’s dissatisfaction, saying that he only loved her, and that she was just an unrelated woman passing by before.

This guy never misses any opportunity to deceive people. Even if he only has a little bit of divine power, he will go there and harvest it.

A few days later, more and more businessmen were willing to invest in Thor brand excavators. A few knowledgeable people gradually began to have some doubts. What kind of business requires so many people to participate? They found Rocky and found that this guy was having a great time and had no intention of building a factory. A large group of people realized that they had been cheated.

Loki smiled as he escaped from the town, and saw Bella sitting on the treetop outside the town.

“You are so embarrassed. The best way to deal with you is to throw you into an empty world.”

Loki smiled, and his smile was particularly hypocritical: “Don’t think that I don’t know your details, this trick can also be used against you.”

The two exposed each other, and Bella said impatiently: “Get rid of that evil old version of Loki quickly, I don’t have much time to waste here.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a large group of people rushing out of the town. The group of businessmen from before were also among them, and the young woman wearing glasses rushed to the front. They were still shouting “catch” A murderer or something.

“Did you kill someone?” Bella asked strangely.

Loki was wronged: “How is it possible? Who can I lie to after someone dies? You have all misunderstood me. I respect life very much. Even if my brother turns into an evil god, I will not do it. No one in this world can Everyone is important to me.”

Bella put on her artifact mask and used her priesthood to glance at the crowd rushing towards her in the distance.

It can be seen that most of them are ordinary people, but a few of them are not normal at all. There is not much flesh and blood under their skins, and what is left is just ice like stones with a faint blue luster.

Frost giant? Bella has met the Frost Giants. Smaug used the power of the undead to awaken several Frost Giants who died in the battle in Jotunheim before, but those guys are already dead, and now this group is alive, but… … He is too short to be called a giant at all.

“What did you see?” Loki asked.

“A few guys are not human at all…” Bella recounted her findings.

Hearing the word Frost Giant, Loki was silent for a few seconds, and then casually changed the subject.

“There are too many enemies. I think we should retreat. It’s best to run separately!”

Bella looked around: “It seems like we can’t run away. There are so many people. We are surrounded.”

At this time, people appeared from several directions, who appeared to be townspeople, but were actually some kind of guys with Frost Giant blood. They had gloomy faces, cloudy eyes, and various weapons in their hands.

The encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, and the noisy crowd was glaring at them.

Bella jumped down from the tree, three meters away from Loki, and said: “There are very sophisticated spellcasting methods in this area. My teleportation spell is anchored. Can you deal with these guys?”

Loki refused: “I am not a **** of fighting.”

“Do you think I am?”

Whether the two are willing or not, the space is anchored and they can only fight.

Just when Bella was about to watch the spell-casting skills of Asgard’s number one mage up close, she saw Loki take out a dagger and stab a citizen on the side of her.

The blade penetrated the body for about a few centimeters, and then it could no longer penetrate. No blood flowed out from the wound. The townspeople laughed ferociously and punched Loki in the face. Loki also had a lot of fighting experience. He leaned back. , dodged the punch, and at the same time, holding the dagger tightly in his hand, he cut open all the skin from the opponent’s neck to his lower abdomen.

Bella: “…”

Loki’s fighting skills are really good, but that’s not what she wants to see! Magic, where’s the magic? Why not use magic?

Seeing that Loki was besieged by more than 30 enemies without using magic, Bella slowly gained some understanding, I understand! This means there are big bosses at the top who are watching, right?

Fighting to the flesh is the style of an Asgardian god?

Secretly cursing the **** political correctness, Bella must help Loki. Without magic assistance, and worried about causing some kind of chain change, she couldn’t take a heavy blow, so she played very conservatively. This guy was beaten by a group of people. The enemies are surrounding you and you are about to lose your strength!

“Get out of the way!” she shouted, and then joined the battle with the two-handed sword Frostmourne in hand.

The strongest mage in Asgard and the top three mage on earth just held daggers and two-handed swords and fought bravely among a group of enemies who were suspected to have the blood of some frost giants.

While slapping, Bella felt that the pressure on her side suddenly increased. She looked around, Huh? Where’s Loki?

She discovered that Loki was missing, and all the enemies were surrounding her.

Bella searched the crowd and soon saw Loki, who was shrunken and dressed as an ordinary town citizen. On the surface, he seemed to be shouting with the townspeople, but in fact he was retreating.

Grandson! If you are unkind, don’t blame me for being unjust!

Bella walked around behind a big tree, activated the secret priesthood, and she instantly merged with the shadow of the big tree.

Huh? The townspeople searched nearby in confusion. After searching, they found Loki who was mixed in the crowd. Illusion is an illusion after all. It must be fine if you look at it from a distance. Now you are standing in the middle of a group of enemies. No one is attracting attention. Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to rely on illusions to get through.

A group of people discovered Loki and started chasing him and beating him.

“That, that…that shadow under the tree over there is the murderer you are looking for!”

A group of people started to beat Bella again.

“Open your dog eyes and take a closer look. That guy in the cowboy hat is not your companion at all!”

“Stone! There is someone behind the stone!”

They were fighting extremely lively. If they had united as one, they would have rushed out by now. But the consequence of reporting each other and exposing each other was a lot of energy wasted, and in the end no one rushed out…

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