Marvel’s Princess Chapter 626: Lock wheel and silver box

 How did Laura find Chak Chel’s lock wheel in the original time and space? Bella no longer remembers the process. She did not look for the lock wheel immediately. Once the lock wheel was taken away, she would be like Laura in the original time and space, lacking the cooperation of the silver box. The divine power belonging to Kukulkan in the lock wheel could not be stored smoothly, which would cause a tsunami, Disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

 The correct way to find it is to get the silver box first and then look for the lock wheel.

 Holy Trinity is searching for the silver box with all its strength. This is evidenced by the fact that the opponent obviously follows the order of first silver box and then locking the wheel. Only a fool like Laura can take whatever he sees. If there is a gap or a wall, he will dig through it. , tear down whatever you see.

 Of course Bella will not cause the tragic situation of a volcano erupting and a tsunami sweeping through the city. Peruvians are also human beings. If hundreds of thousands of them die, she will also be condemned by her conscience.

  She wants to get two artifacts first. As long as she puts the lock wheel into the silver box, she can let Kukulkan, the enemy in Bella’s mind, use his divine power. She wants this part to help her shape her divine body. Divine power is inevitable and must not be wasted by the guys from Holy Trinity.

 Combined with the narrative of Jawnula Tu and the written records in Patiti, we finally identified 13 places where the ancient Mayans may have lived. Where there were Mayans, there were temples. According to Jawnula Tu According to the known custom, the lock wheel will definitely be enshrined in the temple.

 Where it is specifically, Bella needs to find it herself.

 “Okay, I understand, I will get back the lock wheel and the silver box, by the way… Where is the older church nearby?”

 At the end, she seemed to ask casually.

 ”Church? A Catholic church? Walking west from the town of Kuak Yaku, there seems to be a very old church about two miles away. I heard it is a colonial-era building. What’s the matter?” Jaw Angry Latu asked strangely.

 Bella shook her head: “It’s just some small things.”

 She quickly left the rebel valley.

 She doesn’t need to worry about overthrowing the current king of Patiti. Laura can fight one against a thousand, and Desmond Miles is about the same. If it doesn’t work, he can still ask his father for help. The Brotherhood can do whatever he wants now. Send some tyrants and cyborgs over and you can bulldoze Patiti.

Following the guidance of Jianu Latu, Bella found an abandoned church outside the town that could no longer see its original appearance. Without any effort, she easily obtained the treasures of the original colonists in the tomb below the church. The silver box of Ichichel hidden by the missionaries.

 The people of Holy Trinity are still looking for it all over the mountains and plains, and there are a lot of clues. In fact, this thing was brought out from Patiti by missionaries during the colonial era.

 The Ixichel silver box is pure white, thirty centimeters long, square, and shaped like an hourglass twisted in half a circle.

Bella was worried that her dimension would be discovered by Kukulkan, so she put the silver box into her backpack.

 The divine power in the silver box is not very strong. It is just for positioning and guidance. However, the subtle divine power above will penetrate the holder of the silver box at the spiritual level. Bella ignored the weak influence and thought Brainwash her with just a few thoughts? Moon Dragon came over with the Mind Stone and it was just fine.

 Patiti is located at the source of the Amazon River, which is now marked as the Andes Mountains on the map, with an altitude of 5597 meters. The Nevado Mismi Peak. The place where they collected the Chakchel Lock Wheel is also in Peru. La followed the river all the way north, looking for places where the Patiti people had stayed for a long time.

 Teleportation, levitation cloak, and Wilander’s satellite positioning, Bella was very efficient. Even so, she still made two round trips to the Amazon River Basin in Peru, and finally found a Mayan temple.

The location of the temple is extremely remote. The nearest human settlements from the temple are ten miles away. The locals are all Peruvians, and there are no Mayans left.

 This should be here, right? How did Laura find this ghost place in the original time and space? Looking at the dilapidated temple, Bella drank water and beat her legs. She ran back and forth in the mountains several times, but she was exhausted.

 There were no enemies at the scene. She punched the disc in the center of the temple, shattering it, and took out the sealed Chakchel Lock Wheel underneath.

The lock wheel is a rather ornately decorated dagger. It’s hard to tell what material it is made of. The blade of the dagger is pitch black. A special wave tried to spread in all directions, but Bella, who was well prepared, stopped it. .

 Having obtained the Silver Box of Ixichel and the Lock Wheel of Chakchel, two artifacts that are inseparable from Mayan mythology, she needs to return to Patiti and summon Kukul on the altar of Patiti. Kan, and then used Kukulkan’s divine power to shape the divine body.

 It took her nearly half a month to find the lock wheel. After returning to Patiti, she found that William Miles had arrived at Patiti with the Brotherhood elite and some cyborg soldiers. They had already arrived with the Saint The people from Trinity have been fighting for several days.

 The old man’s expression was a bit strange, but he still directed the people to fight in an orderly manner.

Desmond Miles is a born assassin. He combines all the combat skills of the previous assassin masters Altaïr, Ezio and Connor. Whether it is a bow, a battle ax or a hidden sword, he can use them all. With his uncanny ability, coupled with the 1% concentration of Isu genes, his strong physical fitness and eagle vision, he can move around on the battlefield without a single general under his command.

Bella is not in a hurry to go to the Patiti Altar to hold the ceremony. She is not the BOSS in the game. She will not rush to hold the ceremony until all the enemies are eliminated. What a waste if it is interrupted. ! I have been waiting for half a year and I don’t care how many more days I have to wait.

  She lives alone in a tent, and her daily task is to meditate, adjust her mental state to the best, and is supported by the knowledge in the dark book. The chance is as high as 90%, but you still have to be fully prepared and don’t be careless at all.

 Holy Trinity has good military strength, and it also has the advantage of geographical location. Myers and his son and the Patiti rebels joined forces and attacked for three days, but still could not defeat Holy Trinity.

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The terrain of Patiti is too complex, with all the mountain roads visible at first glance. However, the IQ of the cyborgs is too low, and 70% of the battle losses were caused by falling into the ravine.

 “Jason, A-Lin, you can go too.”

Bella felt like she was trying to attack some martial arts sect’s imperial eagle dog. She opened the portal every day to transport biochemicals, which made her tired.

 Just send Jason and A-Lin out!

 Jason was very satisfied with this task. He pointed to the mountains in the distance and then to himself. A Lin understood instantly and nodded, which means we understand, you can kill all the soldiers!

 A little expert in torturing vegetables, classmate Jason went into the mountains with a machete!

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