Marvel’s Princess Chapter 611: Reactions from all parties

“Your rigid way of thinking makes me laugh!” Hellstorm stood up and said with great momentum.

The old vampire knew how to be flexible and flexible. Seeing Hellstorm stand up, he lowered his head two points: “We are willing to provide three thousand elite soldiers to join the army from **** to attack heaven.”

“Humph, too little!”

“Five thousand.”

“Do you think I’m one of those fools whose heads were burned by the flames of hell?”

“Eight thousand warriors, no new generation, all elites over 500 years old.”

Hell Storm thought for a while: “Each of the thirteen families will send out a thousand warriors, and I also want your vampire clan to send out two hundred mages to join the battle.”

The old vampire was surprised at first, and then became angry: “Impossible! We don’t have that many warriors! We don’t have that many mages! Even if you include me, we can’t make up the number you mentioned!”

After some bargaining, the number of warriors dispatched by the Vampire Clan remained unchanged. It was still one thousand warriors from each of the thirteen families. However, the mages were basically the leaders of each family. Hellstorm also knew not to push too hard, so in the end they only agreed. The number of fifty.

Seeing the **** demon and the vampire come together through the Cauldron of All Things, Bella’s mood did not fluctuate at all. It was expected and reasonable.

In her opinion, this Hellstorm is quite powerful. Its power is similar to that of the son of Satan whom she killed in the White House before. He should also be the son of Satan.

The systems do not completely match each other, and simple observation cannot measure each other’s combat strength, but Bella believes that her own strength is superior to the other’s.

She observed for a long time, but there was no reaction from Hell Storm. The other party’s mental power must be weaker than that of Fallen King Kong, and the physical condition was difficult to estimate.

“Oh.” She sighed longly. The trees were quiet but the wind was still blowing. She wanted to stay out of the matter, but one or two of these guys were forcing her to take sides.

“Activate the last five thousand cyborg soldiers, now start loading combat skills, and wait for my orders. Also tell Starscream that I want the Huntian Leopard to be ready for battle.”

As her orders were issued, in addition to the cyborg soldiers who attacked frontally, the Continental Hotel, which had been working in New York for several years, also launched a huge killer network.

Many assassins and killers who were completely unaware of the inside story received commissions to go to a certain place to kill someone. Vampires who were left alone to deliver information were killed one after another.

The network of the Continental Hotel is composed of countless elite killers. They quickly travel through the streets and alleys, hunt down targets, upload evidence, and receive rewards. This is a point-to-point fighting method.


The billionaire Nathan Ingram and his friend Harold Finch, who had warned Bella before, looked at the computer monitor in horror.

Thirty minutes ago, when Bella issued the order for the general attack, the artificial intelligence they named “the machine” started spitting out the social security numbers of the victims as if it was crazy.

In less than ten minutes, they received more than 500 death notifications. According to the calculations of the “machine”, these people were all in danger of death. In the next twenty minutes, the “machine” The clock didn’t stop, and more than five thousand numbers popped up. Then a lot of people appeared without social security numbers, only blurry portraits. The last photos that appeared were just piles of question marks.

“What does this mean?” Nathan Ingram was also a computer expert at first, but after taking charge of the company’s operations, his ability deteriorated seriously. At this time, he could only ask his friends.

Harold Finch, whose hairline was a little high and whose eyes protruded like goldfish, did not answer immediately. He kept checking several core algorithms in the “machine” and then tapped his forehead lightly. Finally he looked at his friend.

“…I think, I think these people are in danger.”

“What? So many people are in danger?!” Nathan Ingram is a bit of a superhero. He likes to help others, but at this time, the middle-aged man was also confused.

He pointed at a photo on the computer display. The “machine” did not provide much information about this person. There was only an extremely blurry side face. The surrounding light was dim. It looked like it was night. Judging from the face, he should be a person. Old man, the rest of the information is unknown.

“This man has no social security, no driver’s license, and nothing to prove his identity. How am I going to find him? And…” He asked in disbelief: “Why did he appear all of a sudden? So many numbers? Do these unknown people also live in New York? “What does this prove?

Harold Finch stared at him and said word for word: “This proves that New York will be very dangerous tonight. Many people will die tonight, many, many…”

At the same time, in Kansas in the middle of the United States, the Wen brothers, who had been busy slaying demons, also encountered a group of vampires. They even got a revolver in the hands of vampires that was said to be able to directly kill demons.

Brother Dean Winchester is very motivated and cleans the revolver carefully, and his younger brother Sam Winchester is also determined. They will use this gun to avenge their mother and completely kill the devil from hell. Thazler.

The brothers quickly drove away from the town, unaware that there was “someone” watching them on the top of the mountain in the distance.

The angel Cassidio, who was evaluated by Bella as being childish, has changed his body again. At this time, he looks like a young man, with bright eyes, thick stubble on his chin, and is wearing a beige trousers. Windbreaker.

He watched the Wen brothers leave the town expressionlessly, as if he had been thinking about something. It wasn’t until there was a wave of space teleportation next to him that he turned his head and looked over.

Seraphim, whose appearance is that of a bald middle-aged man, Zechariah followed his gaze and looked into the distance, with the same amusement on his lips as always.

“Why do this?” Cassidio asked.

Zechariah looked calm: “Why? Why else? You are always like this. No wonder that human woman, um… seems to be a demigod now. No wonder that guy always talks about you. Childish.”

Zechariah looked at his subordinates who always liked to ask “why”: “Remember, our mission is to achieve the final victory, and we also need allies. Since humans have been unable to make up their minds, then we Give it a push in the dark.”

The bald angel said in an admiring tone: “How poetic what human meteorologists say! A butterfly in Brazil **** its wings gently, and in a month, Texas will usher in a hurricane!”

He pointed at the Wen brothers who had already left far away: “Their flapping wings have already blown a hurricane in New York, and I only gave a revolver to kill the devil, hahahaha——”

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