Marvel’s Princess Chapter 605: Juno

 ”I don’t listen, I don’t listen! I don’t believe it! This is not true! None of these things can happen!” Bella is like the heroine in Qiong Yao’s drama, with a look of despair, as if she knows that this news has changed her world view Like a complete collapse.

 Juno and Minerva, two Isu women, felt like they had been punched hard in the stomach. Don’t you believe it? Then you’ve been fooling around with us for a long time? If you don’t believe it, you told me so early!

 Jupiter looked normal and sighed repeatedly. He thought Bella had received too much news in a short period of time and could not emotionally accept it for a while.

 He likes Bella as an audience very much. There was a young man named Connor who entered the synchronization core before, but that man was impatient. He only said a few words to Juno and left in a hurry. Jupiter Didn’t even have time to show up.

 The mentor in this fraternity is really good and stable! This is Jupiter’s evaluation of Bella.

 ”We will respond to your call again, but please remember that there is not much time left for you.” Jupiter took Juno and Minerva to cancel the holographic projection and left this time distortion point.

 Bella’s expression gradually returned to normal.

  The Isu people have a lot of secrets, but unfortunately the quality is still a bit poor. Bella estimates that if the Life Tribunal chats with her for two hours, she will be able to beat Dormammu when she goes out! Then Dormammu, who was bruised and swollen, would negotiate terms with her…

 She has not given up on this twisted point in time called the synchronization core. Next time she has a chance, she can come and chat with Isu Laotie. One wants to talk, the other wants to listen, and each gets what they need.

 However, this time point is still unsafe. Meeting once or twice is fine. If the number of meetings is too many, it will be easily assimilated by the river of time.

 This is a different-dimensional space rooted in blood and independent of time. It was forcibly opened up by the Isu people through technological means, and the spatial structure is not stable.

Bella looked at this space carefully. It had some similarities with the dimensional space that her spiritual traveler used as a storage space.

 She immediately returned to the original point in time, ignoring the strange looks from the assassins, and began to absorb this extra-dimensional space.

 She uses her own dimensional space as the basis to absorb the essence of this time distortion point, which can be regarded as changing from a portable flow to a chat flow.

 Countless speckled fragments poured out of the void, and ten groups of pale white threads emerged from the fingertips of Bella’s hands. The threads were like a web, constantly splitting and organizing the distorted time points, and finally turned into themselves. of nutrients are absorbed.

 She used the magic in the Book of Weishan Emperor to extract the power from this twisted point in time bit by bit.

 The Book of Weishan Emperor has no attack magic at all, but it has to be said that it has achieved the ultimate in defense, transfer and protection.

 The Book of Emperor Weishan can be described as profound and profound. Even with Bella’s magic level, which is about to reach the seventh level, she can only understand more than 10% of this magic book, and less than 20%.

 It took half an hour before and after, Bella completely absorbed the characteristics and energy of the distorted time point, and transformed her own dimensional space into a different dimensional space independent of time.

 When she has nothing to do in the future, she can not only chat with Jupiter and learn the secrets of the Isu people, but she can also use this space to observe time and situations outside of time.

  She wants to know the secrets within time, and she also wants to see the situation outside time. This is probably the situation…

 “Teacher, we have discovered a huge light door.”

 “Let’s go and have a look together.”

 Everyone came to a door filled with many golden lights.

 Bella thought for a moment, then gestured to the furry girl beside her, and Galina Voronina immediately handed her a cyan accessory.

 This is the key to the Great Temple. Previously, Bella asked Mao Mei to take it out from the tomb of the legendary assassin Connor.

 The key is in the shape of a pendant, with the Ouroboros symbol symbolizing the infinite cycle on the front, and a star map including the zodiac on the back.

 ”Get back, everyone.” Bella put the key in the recess in the center of the light door. The door swayed slightly, but after waiting for a while, it still didn’t open.

 ”It seems that there is a lack of energy? We may need to look for clues in the nearby halls.” Sean Hastings, a hacker from the Brotherhood, expressed his opinion.

 Bella looked at the light door several times and shook her head firmly.

 These designers must be sick! Put the key to open the door at point A and the energy block at point B. Then you will probably have to go to point C to see some murals to know the opening sequence! Does it take so much effort to open the door to your home? Isn’t this annoying?

 She stretched out her hand to use it. There was still some residual energy in the distorted time point that she had messed up before. Taking advantage of the broken space before it was completely swallowed up by time, she absorbed some of the energy from it.

 They are all technological products of the Isu people, and their energy is universal.

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 The energy of the distorted time penetrates into the light door and forms a passage through the key of the great temple. The door painted with many golden lines slowly opens.

 The inner hall is very empty, with only a half-person-high, pure metal base in the center.

 Bella could tell at a glance that this was the base that Jupiter told her could prevent solar flares in 2012. The base should contain the strange weapon, the “eye.”

 The assassins were at a loss as to why the ancient Isu people had such an inner sanctum.

 ”You go out first, I will scan the room with a golden apple.” Bella placed a golden apple at the temple door, and now took out another one.

 The energy rays of the golden apple are very deadly to people with low Isu blood concentration. All the assassins knew this and they all exited the inner sanctum.

 The golden apple’s energy rays not only enveloped the entire inner hall, but also blocked the sight of many assassins.

  Between the light and shadow, the outline of a woman slowly emerged from it.

For Bella, this is the Juno she just met, the queen of heaven in Roman mythology. The last conversation between the two parties was less than ten minutes, but to Juno, this is seventy-five thousand See you again in the next year.

 ”What an amazing technology. Have you stored your consciousness in the machine?” Bella felt that this technology was much more advanced than the technology used by Hydra to save Zola. At this time, Juno could still project it, and even I can see that the demeanor and expression are almost exactly the same as the real person.

 Without Jupiter and Minerva by her side, Juno no longer concealed her true nature. She looked at Bella with a condescending look.

 Just by looking at his expression, you can tell that this guy is extremely arrogant. Bella can read part of the inner activities of the Transformers, but she cannot read the inner world of the holographic projection. This is several layers away.

  She looked at Juno, who was also looking at her, and both sides fell silent at the same time.

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