Marvel’s Princess Chapter 573: Slay God

 ”Huhu…huhu, the fight was really lively!” Bella was a little out of breath, and she observed the battle situation.

 ”Turn the guns, let’s help Calypso fight the sea monster!” As a third party force, she can choose allies. Seeing that the sea monster is about to completely devour the sea goddess, she immediately changes her stance.

  Provoking a fierce fight between Calypso and the sea monster is an impossible choice.

 She will beat whoever forces her!

 Calypso wants to stop fighting. What she spends every minute and every second is not her divine power, but her life! She wanted to run, but the sea monster in her body didn’t want to run. The sea monster’s consciousness was simple and direct, and it wanted to devour her. This led to the sea goddess knowing that Bella had bad intentions, but she could only deal with the sea monster first.

  Whenever she gets the upper hand, the sea monster’s good friend Bella comes to help. Whenever the sea monster gets the upper hand, Bella goes to hold her back.

 With the rapid consumption of energy, her height of more than a hundred meters shrank little by little. When Calypso completely erased the sea monster’s consciousness, she was only less than three meters tall.

 The deep divers were all wiped out, and the four sea serpents belonging to Calypso were also torn into pieces. The half of the body belonging to the sea monster dried up and rotted. Now only tentacles as thick as fingers are weakly lapping the sea water.

Madness and evil were all expelled. Not only did the Ocean Goddess completely control her body, she also regained consciousness. She looked not far away, and the Flying Dutchman had all its guns pointed at her.

 ”Death! Disgusting sea goddess!”

 Facing the only blood-skinned sea goddess left, Bella still went all out, with many ghosts and wraiths testing her, Smaug, Ghost Sister, and Jason launched a strong attack, and finally she completed the final blow!

 ”Do you also covet my power? Despicable mortal, I will wait for you below! Hahahaha—!”

 Bella used Frostmourne to pierce Calypso’s heart. The sword blade pierced her body from front to back, and the two-handed sword covered with spells completely destroyed her life.

 At the last moment of her life, the goddess of the sea was still full of harsh words. Bella also expressed her understanding of this. The other party died in her own hands, so she was not allowed to curse a few words?

 Normal gods die, but the divine body can still exist for a long time under the maintenance of divine power.

 Calypso was different. Her divine power was completely drained by Bella, leaving nothing left. Her divine body turned into golden quicksand before her eyes, and disappeared without a trace as soon as it was washed away by the sea.

 Bella recited the spell she learned from the Book of Cagliostro, and the spell in her two-handed sword emitted a burst of cold light. Relying on the magic, four groups of glowing lights appeared on the originally empty scene, like Cyclone-like material.

 The cyclones tried to escape, but Frostmourne firmly locked the four cyclones.

 ”Fuck! Four?” Even though Bella had expected this, she still couldn’t help but exclaimed.

 Priesthood! It belongs to Calypso’s priesthood. I didn’t expect this guy to have four priesthoods without making any noise!

 She relied on her own knowledge to identify these priests one by one.

 The faint blue light, the largest and brightest cyclone belongs to the sea, which is Calypso’s duty, the priesthood of the sea.

  The cyclone of bright red light was a bit confusing. She discerned it for a long time before roughly confirming that it seemed to be an obsession with the priesthood. This obsession was different from Aphrodite’s love priesthood, and was more like a category of unrequited love. .

  The cyclone of dark green light was the smallest and weakest. It was like a candle in the wind, as if it could be extinguished by a gust of wind. Bella observed it carefully for a while and felt that it seemed to be the murloc priesthood, which originally belonged to the sea monster. I don’t know what kind of nook and cranny this dear friend unearthed it from.

 The last cyclone, which is dim in color and cannot be seen clearly without looking carefully, also seems to belong to a sea monster. It is a hidden priesthood and represents the secrets that have not been revealed. This is also the priesthood within the body of the sea monster. Bella estimates that this is the secret **** of a certain pantheon hiding under the sea. Because it was too secretive, it was swallowed up by the sea monster…

The sea monster doesn’t know how to use the priesthood, it can only devour it instinctively. Bella knows how to use it, and Calypso’s words are still in her ears, seeming to be sarcastic to her.

 Occupying these priesthoods, Bella will follow Calypso’s old path. The other party said that he is waiting for her ahead, and this is not a lie.

 Ancient One also advised Bella that for mages who have reached a certain level, it is not difficult to become a god. The key is that the current environment is not suitable for gods. They have to work hard every day to maintain their divine body and maintain their divine power. In some respects, Might as well be free as a mage.

 What if I don’t occupy it? No one can resist the temptation of the priesthood and become a god! Infinite lifespan, divine power…limited divine power!

 ”Do I want it or not?” Bella asked her heart, and the answer was yes, she wanted it!

 ”Ocean, obsession, fish people and secrets…” She stretched out her hand and tapped the cyclones that represented the priesthood one by one.

 The murloc priesthood was abandoned by her immediately. This is so rubbish! Moreover, it was extremely damaged and was about to fall apart.

The Obsessed Priesthood is very suitable for her appearance, and there is a certain future after absorbing it. The development should be no less than Loki’s Lie Priesthood, but this thing really does not fit her character. She has seniors and juniors. The eldest daughter needs to be taken care of, and she is extremely busy every day. If she is pursued by a large number of people, she will be annoyed to death.

 Ocean is the strongest priesthood with the greatest potential for development, but… Calypso is not a serious Poseidon from the Greek pantheon. She is a Poseidon derived from the Titan Atlas, not the current God King Zeus. The appointment is a bit like the official of the previous dynasty in the entire pantheon. If Bella follows her old path and returns to the Olympus pantheon, there will be pressure from Poseidon, the King of the Sea, and it will be uncomfortable to think about it.

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 The Olympian pantheon is not friendly to goddesses, it has such a bad reputation!

 If Bella inherits the priesthood of the sea, she will definitely be dead when Zeus, the lustful **** of sex, is suppressed by the king of the sea.

 ”Secret? Unrevealed secret?” Bella thought about it for more than ten minutes, and finally gave up on the Ocean Priesthood, which seemed very powerful and had good prospects. She looked at the last and most inconspicuous one. Hidden priesthood.

  She found that Calypso did not have any secrets that could be called “unrevealed secrets”. Most of the secrets recorded by this old woman were that Zeus slept with that so-and-so’s daughter today. , tomorrow Zeus will sleep with so-and-so’s wife again, is this a secret? This is a chicken secret! ?

 Why are you staring at Zeus every day?

 Does Bella have an ‘unrevealed secret’? She didn’t dare to think about it because she knew too much!

 The five gods of the universe, above the five gods there is the Tribunal of Life, above the Tribunal of Life there is the OAA, and there are transcendent gods outside the Marvel Universe…these existences that neither the Ancient One nor Odin can spy on or understand should be considered ‘Unrevealed secret’ huh?

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