Marvel’s Princess Chapter 559: Trace

 The gangsters were held back by Mike Banning with only half of their men in many rooms of the White House, and were suddenly attacked by James Rhodes. Their numbers were immediately at a disadvantage.

 The gun battle took less than ten minutes. Seeing that all the hostages were rescued, they had to abandon the bunker and evacuate to the ground.

 Jiang Yanshuo did not escape from the White House in the end. He was shot dead by Mike Banning who was guarding outside.

 His body was shot several times. Although most of them were blocked by the bulletproof vest, the black lieutenant colonel was still a little staggering at this time. He was very depressed when he saw the body of the bandit leader. It was almost! He didn’t get this head!

 ”Are you a staff member of the Ministry of Finance?” Seeing Mike Banning killing like a **** gourd, the black lieutenant colonel and the soldiers behind him felt sincere admiration. Could this be the National Taxation Bureau? people? Really elite beyond imagination! I heard they were very brave when collecting taxes!

 When fighting with teammates and without teammates, there are two different concepts. The black lieutenant colonel led his teammates, and the number of kills was about the same as that of Mike Banning alone! It’s impossible not to admire him.

 Mike Banning spat out a mouthful of blood. He was originally a Secret Service agent, but now he does work in the Ministry of Finance. To a certain extent, he is similar to Natasha, who works in an office at SHIELD and works as a clerk. , they all belong to the kind of characters who are actually very good at fighting, but in the end they are removed from the front line of battle due to various reasons.

 ”Yeah, yeah” he said casually. He couldn’t refute the black lieutenant colonel when he mentioned his workplace. He was originally a staff member of the Ministry of Finance! It’s time to get off work now. I went out for a walk and made a cameo appearance to save the president.

 The incident has been successfully resolved at this point.

 Looking back on the incident, the process is actually very simple.

 At 6:30 in the evening, Benjamin Ashe welcomed the visiting South Korean Prime Minister at the White House. A terrorist attack occurred at 7:30. The White House was completely occupied at 7:30. After that, meetings began at the Pentagon. Four hours! After Charlie was appointed as on-site command, the president, the Secretary of Defense and his entourage were rescued in less than fifteen minutes.

Two soldiers were killed, and everyone else was injured, not to mention James Rhodes and Mike Banning, who were covered in blood. Even the female Secretary of Defense took away a piece of her calf with a bullet. Of the meat, the only one that was intact was Benjamin Aishe.

The casualties were high, but this operation was definitely a success. The executors deserved the credit, and Charlie, as the on-site commander, made even greater contributions.

  To a group of reporters, he talked at length about the difficulty of the rescue and some details of the operation. Keeping a low profile is not in line with the values ​​here. Charlie also talked about the black president and his own experience back then. Did you, the Republican Party, always use this as an excuse before? Now everyone is the same!

Although it’s not to the point where ‘no one knows the White House better than me’, Charlie believes that his on-site command can get full marks.

Benjamin Asher thought so too. He thanked Charlie graciously, believing that the other party’s decisive action saved his life. To a certain extent, it also saved the United States. At least it did not lose its national identity.

 Charlie did not participate in the follow-up matters. He is a senator and has his own job.

Perhaps the terrorists also knew that these people in Congress were useless. The White House, Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial were all attacked to varying degrees. Only the Capitol remained intact. The next day, Charlie went as usual I talked nonsense with a bunch of congressmen in Congress, and then asked a few congressmen with whom I was close to go fishing after get off work.

 Benjamin Aishe is sad.

 Having been ravaged by C-130s, heavy machine guns, rockets and bombs, half of the White House was destroyed. If he wanted to work and work here, it would have to be renovated. The government has money, but everyone in the government All money has a clear purpose, at least in the eyes of the public. He can’t just conjure up a sum of money out of thin air to build the White House.

 You can only collect taxes, but you must collect them immediately, collect them immediately!

 He cannot care about the dissatisfaction of the people.

 Repairing the White House is a small matter, but what needs to be done by South Korea is a big deal. The South Korean Prime Minister who came to negotiate with him was shot to death by Jiang Yanshuo. Now, South Korea is asked to send someone? He thought it would be better to negotiate over the phone!

 After everyone’s persuasion, he also realized that his previous actions were too hasty, which prompted the radicals to make a desperate move. However, it is impossible to withdraw the troops. We must not compromise with the terrorists and can only continue to be tough.

  Identifying terrorists and fighting terrorists have become the two most important things for President Benjamin Asher at the moment.

 The government allocated funds and used the name of the National Security Agency to continue to increase funding for an artificial intelligence surveillance system called ‘Machine’ owned by Nathan Ingram. At the same time, several similar projects were launched, including Benjamin Love. She was very annoyed that his intelligence department took four hours to determine Jiang Yanshuo’s identity. Do you dare to go any slower?

 Even though security experts expressed doubts about the development and use of artificial intelligence, he stubbornly pushed forward these projects.

 Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes, who was instrumental in the rescue incident, was promoted to colonel, transferred from the Army to the Air Force, and was sent to Stark Industries as a military representative, responsible for communication between the military and weapons manufacturers Work.

 This position is very important. It can be regarded as an important step from a simple soldier to a management-oriented school officer. In the future, James Rhodes will have a very broad road after being promoted to a general with this work experience. It can be said that Benjamin Asher He values ​​black colonels very highly.

 Faced with the anger of the American father, South Korea decisively gave in. It is not clear how they operated. Jiang Yanshuo’s backstage supporters were implicated in some tribal armed forces in Afghanistan.

 Benjamin Aishe took advantage of the situation and transferred 80% of the US troops stationed in South Korea to reduce the resistance of the people of the allied countries. At the same time, the war in Afghanistan officially started four years later than in parallel time and space.

  He has also relaxed many restrictions imposed by the black president on the military-industrial complex. He wants more and more powerful weapons to deal with terrorists!

Bella is very concerned about the person who summons Dormammu in the future. After reading the fragments of the dark book obtained from the Volturi family, she felt that these magics have a huge corrosive effect on the soul. She feels that she can It is effective to distinguish, but it is difficult for others to tell.

 These magics are indeed evil. The view that “magic is not right or wrong, it all depends on the user” does not apply to the Dark Book. Once someone gets involved in it and faces huge temptations, they can indeed do some incomprehensible things. Well, who is the most suspicious of summoning Dormammu? She didn’t need to spend too much time investigating, she knew it was Casillas, it couldn’t be the Ancient One, right? If that’s the case, then there’s nothing she can do

 The Cauldron of All Things is a divine weapon. With the help of the Divine Cauldron, she quickly found the traces of Casillas. This guy left Karma Taj and is now pretending to be an ordinary person, operating in the Balkans, and explaining While her daughter-in-law and children were playing by themselves at home, Bella took one step and arrived at the small country in the Balkan Peninsula, which is still called the Union of States of Serbia and Montenegro.

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