Marvel’s Princess Chapter 50: Rescue

Bella avoided the crowds and police cars, carried large and small bags, and walked around to the other side of the parking lot to pick up the car.

The appearance of her pickup truck is extremely domineering. As an inland city, Phoenix has many idle people in society. There are many black homeless people walking around the city, looking at other people’s cars, and scratching their heads twice.

Ordinary cars can be scratched, but the ghost pickup truck is different. The pickup truck lady can pull those bad guys in and kill them!

In order to prevent such incidents from happening, Bella usually parked the car in the corner, and also told the pickup truck girl to turn on the ghost invisible mode. Except for the kind of people who are about to die, most normal people will definitely look at it. There was a car parked just around the corner.

This trick works all the time. Who would be willing to run into the parking lot if they were about to die? When the normal person comes, he can’t see the ghost pickup without Bella’s consent.

However, something unexpected happened today.

The blood stains are very light, and it is really difficult to detect them without a certain level of vision and sense of smell.

Bella looked around and sighed.

Wherever something happened, I must have been affected by Natasha’s evil physique!

She opened the door and found a pickup truck girl sitting in the passenger seat wearing a white dress, and a man covered in blood lying on the back seat.

This man was the middle-aged cashier who was shot three times in a convenience store because he was clever and hid behind her.

This guy is about to die, otherwise ordinary people would not be able to see the invisible ghost pickup truck with their spiritual sense.

“What’s going on? Is this?” Bella asked the female ghost.

Since the pickup truck girl swallowed the ghost of the ghost truck, her spirit body has become much more stable than before, and her former memory and way of thinking have also recovered by 10% or 20%. Occasionally, she still has anger, depression, confusion, etc. Wait for the emotion to show.

“Send me home.”

Bella carefully experienced the emotions perceived in her psychic energy: “You mean this guy is your friend? Do you know him?”

This time the pickup girl seemed to think for a moment: “Send me home.”

“Oh! So I don’t know you! That’ll be easy.”

There is definitely a big problem with the middle-aged man’s identity. Bella doesn’t want to be nosy, but she is a little curious.

She looked through the middle-aged man’s wallet and found a few messy notes in it, but there were also four or five documents mixed in with them.

The driver’s license is in English, and the name is Christopher da Silva. This name looks like a pseudonym. The letters on the other documents are not in English, and one of them looks like Russian.

The middle-aged man was unconscious. He had been shot in the shoulder, chest and lower abdomen. Now he was covered in blood and he was about to die.

Bella patted the other person’s shoulder lightly.

“Comrade, vodka?”

The other party did not respond.

“Comrade, Bobosha?”

Still no response.


After Bella shouted, she stopped chanting the curse at all. Recently, she and Natasha learned three sentences in Russian, and she won’t be able to do it after more.

“Comrade, I’m sorry, it’s my fault for involving you, but unfortunately, I don’t have the ability to treat you! It’s definitely too late to research now, this is life…it can’t be cured, wait Die and say goodbye!”

Bella grabbed the middle-aged man by the collar, pulled him out of the back seat of her car, and threw him to the ground.

As she turned to leave, the middle-aged man grabbed her ankles.

“Save me…save…me! Save me! I am an agent of MI6, codename…006…I know important information… ….I have the value of being saved…of being saved…of value…”

The man had a strong desire to survive and repeatedly called for help in English.

Bella pried off the other party’s fingers. The other party was not as strong as her in normal conditions, let alone now that he was seriously injured. It was just that the middle-aged man was very persistent and unwilling to let go of any life-saving straw around him. Break it apart and catch it, break it apart again and catch it again.

After three consecutive times, his physical strength was completely exhausted, and his blood-stained right hand grabbed the air, trying to grasp the last elusive hope.

The middle-aged man’s strong will to survive really shocked Bella. She felt that if she had walked to the other man’s position, she would have resigned to her fate at this moment.

“It’s useless if you catch me. How should I treat a gunshot wound? I don’t know how!” She scratched her head and developed a temporary healing spell? Sorry, she doesn’t have the ability yet.

“Send me home.” The erratic Pika girl pointed at the middle-aged man and said.

Bella frowned: “You mean…you know battlefield first aid?”

“Send me home.”

“…This is what you said, okay, I’ll make another trip to find some first aid medicine.”

In an emergency, it was difficult to find many medicines. Bella thought of Dr. Brandon who was on the jury before. His clinic was not far from the parking lot and the effect of the previous obsession was still there. She ran over and said a few words, and he The other party’s first aid kit was brought back.

The ghost pickup truck will not leave stains, and the blood flowing out will be automatically sucked away by the body of the vehicle. Bella laid Comrade 006 flat on the back seat, and then gave him first aid under the guidance of the pickup truck lady.

“Send me home.”

“OK, OK.” Bella sprinkled alcohol on Comrade 006’s wound, then disinfected the scalpel, dug open the wound, and removed the warhead. But she stared and dug for a long time, but saw nothing.

“Send me home.”

“…What? The bullet didn’t stay in the body, but it passed through at that time? Then you didn’t tell me earlier! It made me dig here for a long time…”

“Send me home.”

“…You think my stitches don’t look good? Come on! I’m a high school student giving first aid here with blood on my hands. It’s already amazing! Are you standing and talking without back pain? Let’s ask the person involved. , Hey! Do you think I can sew well? Look, he didn’t say a word, which means he thinks I can sew well! ”

Several injections that Bella couldn’t name were injected into Comrade 006’s body one after another to maintain body functions, followed by debridement, suturing, and blood transfusion.

The whole process took less than half an hour, and the actions were a bit rough, but on the surface, the person was saved.

However, if you receive treatment in a ghost pickup truck, there will definitely be side effects. The negative energy in this car is extremely large, and normal people will be fine. Comrade 006, who is about to die, will probably leave behind the negative energy due to the accumulation of negative energy. Some minor quibbles.

Bella and Miss Pica pondered for a long time together. They believed that Comrade 006 would have a small number of symptoms such as epilepsy, dizziness, insufficient blood supply to the brain, or simply awaken the yin and yang eyes in the future. Ability, these are normal phenomena. If you have any problems again, go to the hospital!

Comrade 006 lost too much blood and fainted a long time ago. Bella could not leave him in the parking lot to die and send him to the West. At least he should give this dear friend a relatively warm place to rest.

“Send me home.”

“OK, OK! Go home, go home first!” Bella threw Comrade 006 into the back seat and drove the pickup truck out of the parking lot.

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