Marvel’s Princess Chapter 5: Explosion

“Don’t worry, child, a kind reminder is not a sin, and it doesn’t matter even if it is wrong. We will not curse others with malice, but we will not let kind people be punished for it.” The fat man with white beard and white hair The old man sat next to Bella and expressed relief.

The fat old man handed her a business card.

John Gray, professor of history at Bard College in New York.

Bella didn’t have a business card, so she could only introduce herself: “Isabella Swan, Professor, you can call me Bella.”

“Hello, Bella, I see that you are very uneasy. Are you worried about censure from the government? I still have a few friends, so you don’t have to be afraid.”

At this time, Bella did feel very guilty. After the urge to save people, all that was left was fear. She knew better than anyone else what she was about to face, which was beauty, wealth, and status. Something that no one in terms of status can contend with.

“You believe my…my nonsense?” she asked thoughtfully.

Many passengers are dubious, or rather prefer to believe it or not. There are only a few who support themselves unequivocally and believe it firmly.

The fat old man looked into the distance, looking a little lonely.

“You are a high school student, have you studied American history?”

Is there such a thing as history in the United States? Bella despises the so-called American history from the bottom of her heart. She only remembers Washington and the vampire hunter Lincoln…

She didn’t receive many memories from her previous life at all. She had only traveled through time for three days! There is no time to read at all.

She didn’t know what was taught in the history class in the United States, so she could only answer vaguely: “I know some.”

“Our history carries original sin, this land does not belong to us, this sky hates us. In 1821, in Idaho, the residents and gold diggers of a small town all died, no wounds, no Regardless of any sign, five hundred people died suddenly and suddenly. There are many similar cases. The government thinks it is a vendetta organized by the Indians, but I think it is the revenge of nature.”

Bella felt that the fat old man’s statement was very close to the truth. No one could tell what the Grim Reaper in the movie was.

“I think…” Before she could finish her words, she saw a huge eye-catching fireball burst out of the sky in the distance.

Two seconds later, the air wave caused by the violent explosion hit the glass of the terminal hall, and there was a “boom”. Several passengers standing in front of the window were directly knocked away. The newspapers, water glasses, etc. of the passengers in the hall were Clothes and hats were blown everywhere.

The drizzle outside the window was carried by the strong wind and poured into the waiting hall. The shiny ground was stained with a layer of mud. Maybe it was an illusion, but Bella smelled a faint smell of blood.

The indoor temperature instantly dropped by three to four degrees, but at this time no one had time to think about the glass and the ground. Everyone, including Bella, looked out the window blankly, watching the fireball burning violently in the air, and Falling towards the ground.

A few men threw away their so-called manners and covered their heads with disbelief on their faces. The women hugged their children and tried to give their children some courage, but in fact they themselves were too scared now.

“Oh! God!”

“Mom! I’m scared!”

“Child, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, mom is here! Mom is here!”

The survivors in the terminal hall fell into inexplicable panic.

Some people kissed the cross, some slumped on their seats in a daze, and some couples hugged each other and lamented that they had escaped.

The female teacher, who was still apologizing to the airport director and hoping that she and her students could board the plane as usual, suddenly turned pale. She was either thankful or regretful. If she had it to do over again in her life, she would definitely stop everyone. .

“Didn’t you say that the plane is fine?! You are committing murder! Do you understand murder! You stupid pig! You are all murderers!” The thin female teacher grabbed the airport director’s tie. She had heard this guy swear before It means there is nothing wrong with the plane. What now?

Is this okay? How was she going to explain it to the families of the students who died?

The airport manager was also shocked. The one who said the plane was okay and patted his chest was the captain! Is this product already sold out now? ……

The law cannot control the dead, so the living will be in trouble.

“I saw it! I saw the whole picture. Everything was exactly as I remembered it. The engine on the left side of the plane caught fire, and then the flames caused by the explosion rushed into the cabin. I saw you, you, and you. , you are all dead! You are all dead!…”

The thin male student has been emphasizing the scene he predicted. To be honest, Bella thinks his ability is quite miraculous. It is like going through a process and then turning back the time alone to listen to his story. It looked like it had a nose and eyes, and it always felt very real, completely different from the death omens Bella had experienced herself.

Her perception seemed to be some kind of spiritual perception, while the thin male student’s perception seemed to be a temporary cheat.

Since someone is willing to attract firepower, she will not jump out to highlight herself.

There were more than a hundred people killed, and the faces of many of them still vaguely appeared in front of Bella’s eyes. There were female students who mocked her for dressing up in a tacky way, and company executives who scolded her for being crazy. Now everything is gone… .

At 9:25 a.m., the plane took off and a big explosion occurred. Although the airport dispatched a search and rescue team despite heavy rain, everyone expressed pessimism about the results of the search and rescue. In that case, the chance of survival was slim. .

Trans World Airlines has been under pressure from all aspects due to poor management, and now the Flight 180 accident has dealt them a heavy blow. Neither machine failure nor fuel explosion can stop this airline founded in 1925. The company fell into the abyss.

The police, firefighters, FBI, and reporters from various media took turns, and they began to ask the survivors all kinds of questions.

From religious beliefs to human rights issues, from political stance to the teams you support.

Among them, Bella, the thin male student Alex, the black-haired young man Sam and the brown-haired female student Claire are all the focus of questioning.

The middle-aged man in a long woolen coat showed his ID to several people. He was a C1-level field supervisor in charge of the Phoenix Bureau of the FBI. He had a very cliché name, or a pseudonym, and he introduced himself Said his name was Henry.

Claire Redfield, the brown-haired female student with the least suspicion, was the first to be questioned.

“Miss Redfield, I have not seen any interaction between you and Miss Swan before. Can you tell me why you support her point of view?”

“It’s a very ominous premonition that I will die if I get on the plane, it’s that simple.”

“Premonition? No more? Do you mind if I record it truthfully?”

“Of course.”

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