Marvel’s Princess Chapter 493: Teasing

“Uncle Master, you are so beautiful!”

“Uncle Zeng, your hair style looks so good today!”

The magicians of Kama Taj are also familiar with Bella’s habits. Masters of secret arts like Daniel know that these compliments are the source of her magic power. Everyone has their own path. Those who achieve it come first, and everyone also knows There was nothing to be embarrassed about. Without saying a word, a rainbow fart was slapped on me.

Seeing a bunch of them surrounding Bella and saying flattering words, even though Victor was smart and witty, he couldn’t understand her for a moment.

What are you doing? Victor doesn’t know Bella, the two have never met.

He is usually concerned about issues such as science, social development, social economy, and the future of mankind. “Little people” like Bella who write novels and sell cosmetics are really not in his eyes.

He is very excited. He is usually more interested in Reed, a **** friend, than Susan, a beautiful woman. The scientist and the beautiful woman are standing in front of him at the same time. He will go to see the scientist immediately. This buddy can be regarded as some kind of A straight man in the sense of steel.

Bella’s stunning appearance, slender neck, and delicate collarbones have no influence on him at all.

“Reinforcements? Unfortunately, your strength is too weak and you cannot even out the gap in strength.”

He was full of momentum, his fingers were filled with electric light, high-intensity electric arcs penetrated the air, and dense power grids scattered in all directions with him as the center. The entire hall became extremely dazzling because of his magic power.

The young mages retreated each other. Although they did not say it clearly, their expectant eyes still hoped that Bella, the senior, would help them regain their position.

Bella did not take action immediately, she wanted to say something.

But Victor was not prepared to listen to her nonsense.

The electric light in his hands suddenly gathered together, and then it was like a winding and swimming dragon, slamming into the many mages of Kama Taj.

Why don’t you let me say a few words and then fight! Bella still didn’t know why this person came to the New York Temple. She wanted to ask what was going on, but the opponent was so aggressive that he came up with a big move, so she could only fight him.

After taking a look at the opponent’s spell, she raised her left hand and drew a half arc in front of her like a fan.

A black vortex with huge suction appeared in her hand, and the lightning dragon was sucked in with a “swish” sound. Under the pull of magic power, even the magic power in Victor’s body was attracted, and he couldn’t help but He ran forward for a few steps and then stopped.

“What are you doing!?” He was shocked. He had never heard of this kind of magic.

Bella didn’t answer his obligation? She looked at the temple guard dressed as an Indian monk.

“Master Daniel, why does this guy come to the temple?”

After being kicked hard, the temple guard who was still bleeding from the corner of his mouth whispered: “Greed? He has taken a fancy to the many artifacts collected in the temple.”

Bella said “Oh”, understand everything? This guy is really not afraid of death. The artifacts collected by Kama Taj involve a lot of demons? Even she will not touch them easily? Now Vic There is such a newbie who packs up the artifact and takes it away as soon as he opens his mouth. I can only say that he is ignorant and fearless.

“Do you think you can ignore me because you know a few tricks?” Victor was offended by Bella’s indifference. In the past, he used this attitude towards others, but today he was treated the other way around? He simply accepted it. No.

Today was originally a day of great joy and great sorrow? His mentality was a little fragile.

He used his gypsy witchcraft again, and a rougher, more worn-out straw man appeared in his palm.

At the same time, thick black mist surrounded him, and the breath of **** emerged from it again.

Spells, summonings, he even secretly summoned a stack of tarot cards. The cards flipped quickly, but he waited anxiously for more than ten seconds. The results he expected did not appear on the cards.

Bella glanced at it, Gypsies knew nothing about magic!

She didn’t take it seriously at all? There was a huge gap between the two sides in terms of strength, realm, and understanding of magic. Just like she couldn’t defeat Gu Yi now with all her methods, Victor definitely couldn’t defeat her now.

She used the magic node of the New York Temple to extract magic power from the depths of the temple, leverage the law of time, and set up a time curtain in front of her to block many mages. All of Victor’s magic was neutralized by time. .

Bella asked Daniel in a leisurely manner: “Master, this is the New York Temple after all. What do you want me to do with this guy? Kill him directly? I can notify my men to come here to collect the body. They are all professionals. …..”

The monk guardian slowly shook his head: “Our duty is to protect, not to kill, just drive him out.”

This decision is certainly not a tough one, but it is a rule that the New York Temple has maintained for many years. If everyone comes in and kills everyone, then this place will no longer be called a temple.

“Have you finished saying your farewells? I wonder if I have left you enough time to say goodbye?”

Victor is still unable to understand the specific role of time in the magic system. In his opinion, it is his own fierce attack that leaves the opponent unable to fight back.

He watched as the demons he summoned were slaughtering wantonly in the hall, and he even saw the somewhat strange woman who had been knocked down by his own spell and was now lying on the ground waiting to die with more air coming out and less air coming in.

Time allowed him to see everything he wanted to see, but when Bella closed the curtain of time and looked at him teasingly, his mood fell from the peak to the valley again, and his fragile mentality completely disappeared. Exploded.

It is easier said than done. When young geniuses such as Victor Von Doom and Tony Stark faced huge blows, they were not as good as Captain America and Spider-Man who were born from ordinary people.

At this time, Victor was teased by Bella, his grace was gone, and his self-esteem was beaten into holes. He roared ferociously.

“Are you kidding me? Do you know who I am!” He desperately squeezed the cells in his body, trying to convert more magic power.

“You don’t understand magic at all! Magic is not used like this.” Bella was very disdainful of Victor’s magic. After attacking Victor’s mind several times in a row, Victor’s willpower and self-control have been weakened. lowest.

Bella has been on defense since she entered the New York Temple. This time she attacked. With her fingers, she drew a mysterious rune with her invisible psychic spell, and then directly blasted it into Victor’s body. spiritual world.

This is an enhanced version of mind blast, a five-ring spell, and mind crushing.

Who is playing a magic showdown with you? Will Uchiha Itachi compete with Orochimaru in ninjutsu? One move will solve you!

The power of the mind is like a drill, rushing directly into the opponent’s spiritual world, and then begins to destroy and suppress it.

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