Marvel’s Princess Chapter 479: Save the White Ghost?

Hei Lu Dan is a very decisive person. Seeing Natasha’s obvious intention to quit, he immediately traded favors for benefits in a realistic manner: “I have helped you many times, do you admit it? Things are very complicated in Paris now. It’s complicated, I need you to help me again.”

For this reason, Natasha was very embarrassed. She gave Bella a wink, which meant that it was difficult for her to refuse.

Bella immediately cooperated with her complaint: “You have countless elite soldiers, why bother us two weak women, but… just tell me, if it is not too difficult, we can help.”

Bella positioned her role as providing help, and Natasha nodded in agreement, saying that this was her true thinking.

The baby in her belly is just over a month old now, and she is worried that something will happen if she fights with someone.

The agent mission can be done at any time, and there is no rush. The child is the most important thing now. For the sake of the child, she can completely suppress her pursuit of adventure and excitement.

Hei Lu Dan had been observing Natasha’s expression, and seeing that she was not very interested, his heart sank.

To be honest, he has been taking advantage of Natasha’s excitement-seeking mentality. He has always thought that this trick is very effective. Every time he talks about some intense and exciting mission, this elite agent with the title of Black Widow will always His face was excited, what happened now?

The option of a child also appeared in his mind, but he could see the close relationship between Bella and Natasha and thought it was impossible, so he subconsciously removed the option of a child. Black Braised Egg thought hard, but couldn’t come up with a clue.

After thinking about it secretly, he could only solve the immediate problem first.

He spoke slowly: “The matter this time is very big. Let me briefly explain… In order to cope with the huge crises that may arise in the future, NATO has specially established this special force composed of elite soldiers from multiple countries. , their official code name is Special Forces.”

As soon as the mission introduction started, Bella burst out laughing.

“Special Forces? A special force called ‘Special Forces’? The people in the Pentagon are so stupid. Can they be any more lazy?”

Black Braised Dan still treats her as nothing: “In the past six months, the special forces have made outstanding achievements? But directly participated in the terrorist attack on Paris? This crime is too big? All European countries know that this force is nominally under the NATO framework It was established under the rule of law, but the actual leader is still the US military. If the evidence proves that the special forces have a motive for terrorist attacks, it will be a heavy blow to the reputation of the United States.”

There are many hidden lines in his words.

The strength of the United States is severely weakened. It really doesn’t want to stand up to its allies because of this matter? No matter how weak France is, it is still one of the five permanent members? Now it’s time to put swords and guns into Kuma and release Nanshan? But the potential for war is still there, and France has always been the United States. Important allies, whether it is the White House or the Pentagon, do not want to have any diplomatic disputes? Not at all.

Under normal circumstances? Agents should be sent to silence them at this time, but the members of the special forces are not only American soldiers, but are involved in many things, so it is not appropriate to use the old method.

They could only let SHIELD come to save people, and Black Braised Egg had another idea on Bella and the others.

“I need you to rescue a few people from the special forces? Then retrieve the lost nanobug warhead. If you can’t do it, the Pentagon can only do it in cooperation with France? By that time, Things can get incredibly complicated.”

Black Braised Egg briefly and concisely described the goals and consequences of this mission.

These days, even if the two departments in the company cooperate, they will be at odds for a while? When the country is involved, it becomes more complicated.

Originally, the difficulty level of the event is 1. But if a large number of politicians with different interests are involved, the difficulty level will instantly become 10.

And the profession of agent basically comes into play at this time? Whether it is the previous 006, 007, Ethan Hunt or the Natasha in front of you, they will do something illegal and non-compliant. They are not heroes, they represent their respective countries behind them, but with agents coming forward, many things can indeed be solved relatively easily.

Black Braised Dan believes in Natasha’s personal abilities, especially now that Bella is following him, and he thinks it’s a good idea to buy one and get one free.

Leaving a sentence of “You still have two hours,” Black Braised Egg left the restaurant elegantly.

Natasha looked at Bella: “It seems that we don’t have time to go shopping today. The French Counter-Terrorism Agency seems to be quite interesting. Let’s go and see it together?”

“…Okay, let’s go.” Bella looked at the Moulin Rouge VIP ticket in her bag, 420 euros! Pity!

Leaving 30 euros on the table, the two got up and left the theme restaurant.

It is not difficult to rescue the generals of the special forces.

From top to bottom, the French do not want to offend their American father. If these special forces guys are more low-key and smart, you can just run away after something happens. But these guys They were stunned. Not to mention the crazy chase on the street, the French police surrounded them, and some of them even bumped into each other.

The French police can’t do anything without arresting them, and they can’t explain themselves to the people unless they are arrested.

Both the police station, the counter-terrorism bureau and the special service department are all having a headache now. They would definitely not dare to kill him secretly, but what if they let him go directly? The people didn’t agree either. We are the Five Permanent Members after all, so we can’t be too weak!

SHIELD went through seven or eight twists and turns, using middlemen of middlemen to spread the word. They understood clearly. As soon as Natasha’s hacker invasion started, they started to operate blindly internally, and then gave up their management rights. .

A door to a sealed room made of bulletproof glass quietly opened. Duke Duke, a black man, a red-haired woman and a Frenchman all looked at each other. What is going on?

Then the fire alarm bell rang outside, and they immediately understood that someone was coming to save them. How long would it take if they didn’t run away now?

A few people ran out immediately, forgetting even the two exoskeleton armors that had been stripped off before.

Natasha helped them turn off the cameras along the way. While operating, she asked softly: “What are you going to do with this guy?”

Bella took a look and realized that she was talking about the white ghost.

People from the special forces are treated specially by the French police. White Ghost is obviously not in the same group as these people.

The members of the special forces would not say that this was their comrade, and he was too proud to kneel down and lick him. At this time, he was detained alone in another cell.

White Ghost sat quietly in the room with his eyes closed and meditative. The sound of the fire alarm outside, the opening of the cell door next to him, and the sounds of several people running out did not affect him.

Bella hesitated.

She saved White Ghost’s life, but he helped her kill Warren Vidic of the Knights Templar. The two parties did not owe each other anything.

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