Marvel’s Princess Chapter 465: Treatment

Old John risked his life just to add insurance for his youngest son. Bella was greatly touched and asked herself, is she willing to make such a big sacrifice for her child?

I chatted with Odin for a long time at the summer camp, but there was no actual help at all. What about humanity and divinity? Does this have anything to do with the current matter?

In order to make Comrade 006 wake up as soon as possible, she could only use stupid methods.

That evening, using the materials at hand, she made a somewhat rough iron golem, and then dismissed all the staff on the top floor of the Empire State Building. She placed the iron golem at the entrance of 006’s palace. Didn’t you say Are you a **** king? I’m going to make you realize the reality!

With the muffled sound of ‘dong dong’, the iron golem walked into the palace of His Majesty the ‘God King’ with heavy steps.

After that, there was a series of sounds of steel hitting the flesh. 006 was really a tough guy. Instead of begging for mercy, he used his thunderous voice to angrily rebuke the Iron Golem.

It always says “Back off! You evil creature!”

Or “I summon you, Thunder! Crush my enemies!”

Bella moved a stool and sat at the door waiting.

When 006’s voice completely disappeared, she walked in slowly.

She looked at her iron golem first.

“Awesome! This kind of energy reaction is really strange…” There were burnt damage on the iron golem’s chest, head and lower abdomen. She stretched out her hand to touch it, and her fingers would feel a slight Paralysis, under the influence of that strange memory fragment, Comrade 006 really has some extraordinary abilities, but the price is also very high.

He is described as haggard, with a head full of white hair. His originally well-proportioned and strong muscles have become shriveled, and his teeth are somewhat loose. He looks like a candle in the wind, and he is estimated to have less than a year left to live.

The result was a bit tragic, but still within Bella’s expectations.

She used adrenaline to wake up 006: “Mr. Eric, are you awake? Although I don’t want to say this, I must inform you that you have been absent from work for three days.”

006 was extremely weak and barely opened his eyes, pointing his fingers tremblingly at her, as if making a silent protest to her.

Not bad! The energy of ‘I am the King of Gods’ seems to have disappeared!

Bella took out the fire flower juice and gave him a drop.

The effect of the fire flower juice is extremely strong? It can’t be overstated to say that it is the living dead or flesh and bones? One drop of it will make 006, who is about to kick his legs, fall asleep immediately? A large amount of vitality is added to the cells? The hair turns from white to black, before Some of the rickety bodies became straight again.

“Have a good rest? Mr. Eric, I will come see you tomorrow? If you are not awake yet? Then I can only make another iron golem…”

The next morning, after breakfast, Bella came to visit her old friend.

She found that her old friend was still filling in the diary that she had not finished yesterday because she was in coma.

Bella’s eyes were so good that even though she knew it was immoral to peek into other people’s diaries, she still stretched her neck and took a sneak peek.

Ha! She found that 006 had already written a large article.

The core content of the diary is describing his experience fighting the Iron Golem last night.

“Last night I was sitting on the throne meditating, and a sound of footsteps caught my attention. I looked and saw a dark Tigada walking in the distance, walking like it was hitting the ground. I said, black guy ?You haven’t seen the God King? You try to hit me with your fist, but it can’t hit me? I said it’s useless, and it shakes its head? It seems to mean that I, the God King, are useless, a joke! 50-50 with me.

I said I won’t fight back? You can attack anyway? As soon as I said it, it stood up quickly! It was very fast, a left hook and a right hook, I blocked them all! All guarded! The traditional battle of the Olympus gods should end here. I smiled, this Tegada couldn’t beat me, it had already lost at this time.

I am the God King! Although it was boring, I wouldn’t fight with such a toy, so I took back my power and stopped fighting. Who knew that Tegada would suddenly attack! I was careless and didn’t dodge, and its fist rubbed my shoulder. I said stop, but it still hit me!

I’m going to tell the maker of Tegada, come on, lie! Come on, sneak attack! Is this good for treating such a noble god-king as me? You don’t understand the rules of the Olympian pantheon, and you don’t understand the martial ethics of ancient Greece!

I was about to tell the maker of Tegada through spiritual connection, hoping that the young man would reflect on it and take care of himself and not make such a clever move again. Before I could finish speaking, the Tegada punched me out. Got it! ”

Bella saw a dark line. Comrade 006’s illness seemed not to be completely cured? Is there any memory left of Zeus?

Memory is a very complicated thing. Human memory is very complicated, let alone the memory of gods.

She didn’t say that she was the maker of the iron golem that had no morals. If 006 found out about it later, it would be in the future. She wanted to know how far this man’s condition had recovered. .

006’s first words after meeting her can be said to be bittersweet: “Am I really not Zeus?”

Bella sounded very sure: “Believe me, old friend, you have nothing to do with Zeus.”

It’s hard to say whether it actually matters or not. Destiny is such a wonderful thing.

But at present, she must dispel all inappropriate fantasies about 006.

006 patted himself on the head hard: “But I still think someone stole my scepter? Can you help me find it?”

This guy is so mad…

Bella felt that if she completely denied it, it would be a serious blow to 006’s inner world. It is true to use heavy medicine for serious illness, but now that he is more than half cured, it is inappropriate to use heavy medicine again.

“Ahem, let’s do this. The young men and women in the ‘sanctuary’ have nothing to do anyway. Weyland Company will pay and let them help you find the scepter.”

With Bella’s words, the summer camp upgraded!

More than a hundred young men and women were divided into fifty groups, in groups of three, to search for the so-called scepter across the United States. Searching for the scepter is a reference to 006. For these young men and women, it was a free trip. of tourism.

Wiland Company will pay for all the expenses along the way. They only need to record the beautiful scenery during the journey with a camera or pen and paper, and the task will be considered complete.

Ninety-nine percent of Americans would not reject this kind of activity.

“Aren’t you going? I think it’s very interesting.” Heather also invited Bella.

Bella politely declined.

Then she saw Heather leaving the summer camp with a handsome boy named Percy Jackson, a young black man who had worked as a radio host.

The Big Fierce Girl still broke up with Mustache.

This is not new. Seeing Max the Bearded talking and laughing with the girl in another team, Bella thought it would be good to break up peacefully.

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