Marvel’s Princess Chapter 431: The Balrog

 Bella looked around and found no special marks. She stretched out her right hand and drew a teleportation circle in the air.

 She didn’t want to cause trouble and just wanted to get out of here quickly.

 The drawing of the “Boom” teleportation circle was just one-third complete when it was interrupted by the raging and violent fire element. She cast the spell three times in a row, but the spell failed due to the restlessness among the elements.

 There is some kind of force anchoring the spatial coordinates here, and the chance of the teleportation spell failing is astonishingly high.

 Bella looked into the distance.

 There was a scorching fire at the end of the iron-gray underground passage, and the surrounding temperature was rising at a slow speed. Many orcs screamed in panic, as if they had encountered something extremely terrifying, even if Bella was far away. It can be heard from far away.

Her eyes were cast into the distance. Eagle vision, sixth sense, and the farsightedness she learned from the Eye of Agamotto. Various spells and sensory abilities came together. When she was extremely focused, her sight had already It can vaguely possess some penetration properties.

 Looking at the Balrog crawling out of the magma underground in the Moria mines, her eyes were neither happy nor sad.

  She looked at the Ring of Fire in her hand, and after a simple mind reading, she knew the truth. The other party seemed to be here for this ring.

 ”Ring, human, offer it to me.” The Balrog’s words reached her ears through some kind of sound waves.

 ”Don’t even think about it! This is my ring, monster, back off!” Bella snapped, her tone full of determination.

Perhaps it was a natural incompatibility, or perhaps it was greed, but her scolding had no effect at all. The Balrog’s speed doubled out of thin air, and he seemed to be impatient.

 ”Haha! You want the Ring of Fire? Do you think you’re dooming me? Ugly, I’ve changed my mind. In fact, using your core to strengthen the Ring of Fire is also a good choice!” Bella’s eyes were full of fighting intent. Elevate quickly.

 She follows the path of magic power that Ancient One used when he used the Eye of Agamotto. Her hands are like butterflies walking through flowers, constantly oscillating with primitive magic power. She uses her own magic power to simulate the Eye of Agamotto, which is time. The inner structure of a gemstone.

 With a lot of preparation, she can briefly control the flow of time, speeding up or slowing down time. The control time is roughly between one second and three seconds. With sufficient preparation, she can turn the enemy’s time like a second hand. Same, move forward or backward any three times.

 The Supreme Mages of Karma Taj have been guarding the Time Stone because they believe that time is the most elusive, but conversely, time is also the easiest power to be mastered by mages.

 Power, space, reality, soul, and the mind that is the source of Bella’s magic all have their own limitations.

 Only time is the fairest. It will not refuse contact with any intelligent life or anything. However, time is the easiest to get started and the hardest to control. Even Thanos’s grandfather, the **** of time Crow, was bombed to the end of time. North didn’t dare to say that he had control of time.

 Now that the space teleportation is anchored by the Balrog in some way, Bella cannot teleport out. Naturally, she cannot summon Jason and others to help in the battle. She can only rely on her own spiritual power and wisdom.

 It is a bad idea to fight head-on with ice picks and ice guns. It is the best idea to set up the battlefield in advance and take all aspects of the battle into consideration.

 She is quickly setting up the battlefield. If Balrog dares to despise her, he will have to pay the price.

 Many props used to slay dragons were taken out and placed on the battlefield.

The reason why Gandalf was chased everywhere by the Balrog was because he was carrying a bunch of oil bottles, and Bella had no burden around her now.

 She stretched out her hand and touched the wall. The mirror world of Karma Taj was simulated by her with her spiritual power. The gray marble floor quickly flipped backwards, and the walls and the square columns expanded outward and into the distance. The originally empty dwarf hall was suddenly expanded tenfold.

 After that, spiritual energy began to invade this temporarily created mirror world. Wind and snow suddenly fell, and the ground was shrouded in ice. In the howling cold wind, a world of ice and snow was formed based on the mirror world.

 ”Dong” “Dong” heavy footsteps sounded, and a figure wrapped in fire was walking quickly into her world of ice and snow.

 ”Human, die!” Bella didn’t like her, and Balrog had a very bad impression of her.

 The Balrog’s voice was very heavy, and it seemed to contain endless anger.

 Bella’s voice came from all directions: “Just a deserter on the battlefield! Where did you get the courage to act arrogant in front of me? It seems that the lessons the Asgardians gave you are not enough!”

 As soon as she finished speaking, a small group of soldiers wearing Asgardian armor walked out of the air. Their faces were a little blurry, but the armor on their bodies and the weapons in their hands impressed the Balrog.

 He was indeed a deserter on the battlefield, Bella was right about that.

 The Asgardians, under the leadership of Odin, have conquered all nine realms.

 Asgard’s soldiers are very strong. How strong are they? The mason who escaped from Asgard to Earth can beat all the SHIELD agents to a pulp. Is this mason strong? He’s very strong on Earth, but in Asgard he’s just a jobber at most.

 The workers are so tough, let alone Asgard’s regular army.

 The world of frost giants like Jotunheim was completely destroyed, and the world of fire giants like Muspelheim was certainly not spared.

 The King of Fire Giants and the Eternal Fire of Surtur were all turned into Odin’s collection. The result of that battle of conquest can be imagined.

 The Balrog that breaks into Bella’s ice and snow world now is the deserter on the battlefield that day.

 Countless fire lords and fire giant generals were killed by the Asgardians. He was so frightened that he ran away.

 Muspelheim did not dare to go back, so he could only hide in the depths of Vanaheim and survive.

 Now that Bella has revealed his scar, this makes the Balrog extremely angry, but the image of Asgardian soldiers that appears next makes him extremely hesitant.

 Walking through the straight corridor, his figure slowly appeared in front of Bella.

 This flame monster is ten meters tall. From the blazing fire, only a pair of yellow eyes can be seen that exudes a frightening light. He has devil-like goat horns, muscles all over his body, and wings on his back.

 As the Balrog entered the world of ice and snow, the surrounding heat increased rapidly, the solid ice turned into running water, and the ice within ten meters of the Balrog turned into water vapor.

 ”Keep going, don’t stop.” Bella said with a hint of sarcasm in her tone.

 The Balrog has extremely high intelligence, and the strength of the group is no less than that of the giant dragon. However, these days, the five fingers are not even on one side, and the strength within the group naturally varies. The Balrog in front of him is in the group. Even though he was considered weak, he did not continue to move forward, but looked around cautiously.

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