Marvel’s Princess Chapter 429: Misty Mountains

As for the entire terrain of Vanahem, there are many plains [Youyou Reading], but there are also many mountains here.

Looking from the map, the mountains of the entire world form an “I” shape.

The horizontal line in the north, counting from west to east, is the Blue Mountains where Thorin and his friends have lived for the past hundred years, the source of the orcs, Gundaba Mountain and the Gray Mountains, and in the far east, Thorin and his family. The Iron Hills ruled by Cousin Dane Ironfoot.

The reason why Gushan is called Gushan is because it has nothing to do with the Gray Mountains or the Iron Hills. It is such an abrupt mountain in the northeast.

The southern horizontal line is the White Mountains that separate Rohan and Gondor, and the Ash Mountains and Shadow Mountains that half surround Mordor.

The vertical line in the middle of the entire world is the Misty Mountains that Bella and the others are going to cross now. This mountain range runs from north to south and divides the continent into two regions: east and west. There are more plains to the west of the mountains, and more forests to the east of the mountains. Much, Serdair’s Mirkwood, Galadriel’s Golden Forest, and the Treants’ Forest of Fangorn are all in the east.

Rivendell, the Mines of Moria, Isengard and many other well-known areas are located in the Misty Mountains, a north-south mountain range.

Bela and Thorin travel eastward and must pass through the Misty Mountains before they can reach the Lonely Mountain in the east.

There are many dangers in the Misty Mountains. It is really dangerous to cross the mountains. Elrond built a city here many years ago and has been guarding this gateway. He hopes to maintain the passage between the East and the West and allow the East to Those elves in the forest can follow this passage through the increasingly dangerous Misty Mountains to the Gray Havens.

This passage is exclusive to elves, and humans and dwarves are not welcome. However, Bella felt that everyone was just passing by, and it shouldn’t be difficult to talk about it.

Unfortunately, the opposite happened.

“Dwarves? Dirty dwarves? Leave Rivendell! If you dare to come near again, we will release arrows!” the elf who seemed to be the captain said loudly.

“My friends and I will not enter Rivendell. We are just passing by and will not cause trouble to Rivendell.” Bella felt that she should be more polite when passing by the road that others had worked hard to maintain with their lives.

“I say it again, leave Rivendell!” The elf captain raised his longbow.

The remaining elves also fully drew their bowstrings, ready to fight if they disagreed.

To be honest, Bella has always had a good impression of the elf. He is good-looking and has a good figure. The selfless help of the old elf Sirdan has greatly increased her favor. Originally, her **** was still vaguely sitting on the elf’s side. , but looking at it now, come on! These guys have really bad personalities.

In comparison, the dwarves are obsessed with gold and treasures, which are traits shown on the outside, while the contempt these elves have for other living beings is deep down.

Now it seems that a simple dwarf is more in line with her character, elf? Just take a look!

“Okay, I’ll leave right away.”

She walked back to the group of dwarves, looking frustrated.

Thorin Oakenshield seemed to have anticipated this situation a long time ago, and acted very normally towards her returning empty-handed, without ridicule or cold eyes.

Bella is also reflecting on this matter. Before, she thought it was simple. After all, she is not Gandalf. She does not have the reputation of wandering on the continent for many years. She wants the elves to open the door to welcome him. It is completely overthinking!

I haven’t said anything yet. After thinking about the Misty Mountains, the dwarves should continue to sit there!

But when she proposed to let griffins take everyone over the Misty Mountains, except for Thorin Oakenshield, the king who could sit on the back of a lion, all the dwarves and hobbits objected and were caught in the claws Flying is really not a pleasant experience. If they have a choice, they would rather walk on their own two legs!

“There are still six months before Turin Day, Thorin, we still have enough time.” The old dwarf Balin and Thorin’s two nephews Fili and Kili expressed limited objections.

Thorin wished he could spread his wings and reach Lonely Mountain in one day. The faster, the better. He couldn’t bear to delay for one more day, but everyone was against it, so he couldn’t bear it.

He glanced at Bella, who shook her head and said it didn’t matter. She sent the griffins back to Narnia and wanted to climb the mountain, so let’s climb the mountain.


The Gushan expedition team began to cross the mountains.

The road in the Misty Mountains is extremely rugged. There is no road at all in the mountains. You have to avoid the orcs and various evil creatures that pass by from time to time. They walk very slowly.

Bella did not trek with the dwarves. She came here to increase her knowledge, not for military training.

She sat on the magic carpet and read a book by herself.

Bilbo Baggins had become acquainted with her ‘old friend’ recently. At this moment, he saw her raising her head, moving her cervical spine, and quickly handed over the food and water.

Spells are the most urgent thing for Thorin’s team, and they are also the last resort to survive. Therefore, Bella has many privileges in the team. For example, she does not have to keep vigil or go hunting, and she can choose whether to participate in encounters on the road. war, and there were people providing her with food every day.

In the wilderness, this treatment is very good.

Recently, the hobbits have been helping her with odd jobs, because there are too few areas where the hobbits can contribute in this team.

Bella ate the food in three mouthfuls, took another sip of water, and was about to continue reading, but out of the corner of her eye she noticed that the hobbit was hesitant to speak, so she looked over.

“Mr. Baggins, what’s wrong?”

The hobbit blurted out: “Can you bring me my armchair from home?”

Bella looked at him strangely, and Bilbo Baggins wanted to give him a mouthful. What was he talking about?

He stammered for a long time. Seeing that Bella was still waiting for the next sentence, he bit the bullet and asked: “…I want to say, can you send me home? I am really good in this team. It’s not much help.”

His voice was very low and his tone was very decadent.

Bella is not a close sister, and this kind of thing is not her business, but Bilbo Baggins is a very important person, and he cannot be allowed to leave.

This hobbit with little power held the Lord of the Rings, faced the temptation of the Lord of the Rings for nearly a hundred years, and was able to hand it over in the end. This willpower is definitely second to none.

According to Bella’s observation, Bilbo Baggins’s willpower should be much stronger than that of his eldest nephew Frodo Baggins. That is to say, he was born at the wrong time, otherwise his eldest nephew would have nothing to do with him.

“Mr. Bilbo Baggins, maybe Thorin didn’t make it clear. Let me tell you again. Your mission is very important. We need you to steal a treasure from the dragon’s nest. This treasure I I don’t know what it is specifically, but it must be very valuable. It determines whether Thorin can successfully obtain his throne. Only you can do this. Do you still feel that you are not important now? ”

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