Marvel’s Princess Chapter 412: A brutal battle

The tauren general is extremely powerful. In Bella’s opinion, it is no less powerful than the triangular head who killed the broken monk.

“Hold still! Hold still! No one is allowed to attack without my order!” Bella rode a unicorn and kept repeating her orders in front of the array.

This unicorn was a little resentful towards her, thinking that she only knew griffins and was neglecting him.

However, after Bella raised her fist to show that she was a pure girl, the unicorn still forgave her.

The performance of decisively giving in made Bella look down on the unicorn even more. Look, the will is so unstable. No wonder the original time and space can be ridden by a British boy. This is simply a shame of fantasy. Men can also ride alone. Horned beast?

Fortunately, the unicorn is really cool, and its temperament is one level higher than that of ordinary horses. She can still accept it with difficulty.

Seeing the tauren general rushing toward us with a ferocious aura, many centaur and satyr warriors wanted to attack, but without exception, they were all restrained by Bella.

The coalition soldiers numbered a thousand, and they were just three square formations. It didn’t take much time for her to ride a unicorn in one circle. After she repeatedly ordered not to attack, the coalition formation was finally in order.

Seeing that the minotaur was getting closer and closer to her, Bella sat firmly on the unicorn without flinching at all.

Closer, closer, three hundred steps, two hundred steps. When the distance was only one hundred and fifty steps, she raised her right hand, the satyrs turned their slings, and the centaurs also picked up their bows and arrows. A few with strong arms picked up the sharp javelins in front of them.

The little animals beat drums and cheered them up from behind.

“Hahahaha – it’s just a square formation, a child’s trick, and this is what you rely on?” The white witch standing on the chariot in the distance laughed disdainfully.

The next moment she suddenly stopped laughing. She saw that the two-meter-five-meter-tall tauren suddenly shrunk out of thin air. The dust was flying, and he rushed into the pit like an out-of-control chariot!

The strength of the tauren general’s running was the same as the damage to his ankle when he suddenly stopped. With a “click”, even the steel hoof that could leave a footprint was twisted and broken on the spot.

Many evil creatures who had the same fate as him also fell into a trench three hundred meters long, two meters wide and half a meter deep.

“Well done, Mr. Beaver.” Bella expressed her appreciation for the hero, Mr. Beaver, and his lot of little rabbits, little pangolins, and little marmots.

These little animals have been digging holes underground for three days.

No problems can be seen on the ground. The ground has actually been hollowed out. If you step on it, it will definitely collapse.

Seeing that the first wave of the evil army’s offensive was blocked, Bella waved her arm vigorously: “Shoot!”

The centaurs and satyrs who were well prepared shot arrows in their hands one after another. Some of the evil creatures sprained their feet and their mobility was greatly reduced. Some hesitated and wanted to run back, while others were rushed up from behind. Friendly troops were knocked down, arrows rained down on them, and the evil army was in chaos for a while.

Bella never stopped: “Shoot! Keep shooting! Even if your arm is dislocated or your fingers are cut off, shoot all the enemies in front of you to death!”

Under the influence of a little suggestion she used, the coalition’s courage doubled, and arrows rained down on the heads of the evil army.

Bela herself also bent her bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at the tauren general’s eyes.

Her arrows are as if they are not there. This is a skill she learned from Casillas. Of course, Casillas did not take the initiative to teach her, but she can imitate it 70% to 80%. The arrows are like As if he was invisible, without making any sound after leaving the bowstring, an arrow pierced the Minotaur General’s left eye and penetrated several centimeters deeper. After that, the power in the arrow was exhausted.

The injured tauren general roared, limping, but still charging forward.

Many arrows pierced his body, but he seemed to have no feeling at all and could only charge headlong.

The assault troops sent by the White Witch were all powerful races. The tauren were simply unstoppable in their bravery. Several tauren were shot like hedgehogs by arrows, but their speed still did not slow down at all. After that, it was like They were like huge boulders rushing into the satyr phalanx.

“The central army holds on! For Narnia! Attack on the left and right wings!” Bella shouted, and the centaur general held two swords and faced the lame and blind bull head, which was hit by more than ten arrows. Human general.

The satyrs unearthed a lot of armor left over from the ruins of John Heim when Asgard conquered the Frost Giants. The armors were all seriously damaged, but in today’s environment, they are considered strong.

The satyrs relied on their strong armor and the flesh and blood of their tribe to withstand the attack of the tauren. The centaurs, who were mortal enemies of the tauren, killed these rough-skinned men from the side with spears or arrows. Fleshly evil creatures.

It is true that the tauren are strong, but they will die even if they are stabbed seven or eight times and hit by more than ten arrows.

Many Asgardian weapons picked up on ancient battlefields were effective. The Centaur General relied on his sharp sword to fight the injured Tauren General.

The demoralized evil army faced off against the Narnian coalition who was waiting for work. Both sides were evenly matched. Even Mr. Beaver drew his bow and arrow and wanted to kill the two enemies.

However, morale cannot offset the numerical disadvantage. When the initial courage was exhausted, the Narnian coalition faced an evil army that far exceeded its own, and the situation began to tilt toward the unfavorable side.

“For Aslan!” A satyr used his excellent jumping ability to jump behind the two tauren. He clenched the dagger in his hand and stabbed the tauren’s back.

But his sword was too short and too weak, and the enemy’s hair and muscles were too thick, so the killing effect of this sword was almost nonexistent.

“Roar!” The tauren grabbed the satyr’s arm with his backhand, and pulled hard in the opposite direction. A **** arm fell to the ground, and was soon stepped on by another tauren, and the arm’s The master also fell into the dirt at the next moment. A big hole was torn open in the satyr’s chest, and the heart was taken out from the chest by the tauren. However, he died with a smile. At the last moment, his dagger was also pierced. The minotaur’s jaw, and stirred the monster’s chin twice.

Tragic! This is the direct feeling after the battle between the coalition forces and the evil army.

What should I do if I can’t compete in strength? Then work hard!

What happened to the satyrs is not an isolated case, but a common phenomenon.

Several cheetahs roared around a three-meter-tall giant. This giant had a bit of Frost Giant blood. He was tall, strong, and had skin as hard as ice. Several leopards came one after another, biting his throat. More than a dozen cheetahs were beaten to pulp by the giant, and the giant finally fell on the battlefield due to excessive blood loss.

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