Marvel’s Princess Chapter 40: At the bank

The reason for shopping is naturally to celebrate the successful divorce of Natasha’s stepfather and mother. At such a happy moment, how can I not be worthy of myself without a big shopping spree?

In terms of intensity, what a woman calls shopping is actually about the same as fighting the God of Death.

Facing ordinary people, Bella can crush her even if she is naked, but she must be more cautious when dealing with Natasha, the little beauty.

She spent an hour putting on makeup and taking care of her hair. She picked through her previous clothes and finally found a gray-purple T-shirt. She pulled open the collar and deliberately exposed it. On the left shoulder, underneath are colorful shorts, and under the feet are a pair of flat boat shoes, just to highlight a pair of long legs!

Her advantages are tallness, long legs, and a standard model figure.

Natasha naturally didn’t want to be a foil, so she dressed up quietly and carefully. She wore a bulging-back style. Some small knitted sweaters were held up by her figure, revealing her cute belly button. She wore raw-edged denim shorts and a pair of high heels. She was slightly shorter than Bella, but had the same figure. The inherent charm in her eyes made up for that shortcoming.

“It’s time for you to make up for it. As a friend, I must say that you are too young…” Natasha puffed up her chest and said pointedly.

This is heartbreaking! Bella had a look of disdain on her face: “At first glance, you have no vision and knowledge! This is the standard body shape. Look at those supermodels, and then look at me? Are they similar? A British psychologist has studied… ….”

She talked for a while, but in the end she didn’t forget to sprinkle a pinch of salt on Natasha’s wounds.

“It’s you, look at your height! I’m wearing flat shoes today! It looks like you are shorter than me… Do you like people around you to look down on you?”

Come on, let’s hurt each other!

In the end, Bella expressed her own opinion: “I don’t need high heels! Look at me? How calm and comfortable I am? Even in a gunfight, I can run faster than you… ”

Shopping was just a side trip. Natasha’s mother used the common property before marriage to set up an education fund for her. Now she needs to go to the bank to go through some procedures.

The two of them first studied the invisibility cloak that Bella had captured in the room for a while. To say that Bella is scientifically illiterate is definitely a slander! But her physics knowledge is basically still at the level of high school senior in her previous life.

Natasha is much better than her. The little beauty is involved in all subjects, but she is not different from those super scientists. Mr. Fantastic Reed Richards wants to explore the mysteries of the universe, and Tony. Tucker wants to change the world through science and technology.

Natasha just wanted to have fun, but she was far behind in her realm. In addition, she was still young, so she only had a rough understanding of optical invisibility. She wanted to improve on the existing basis, but she didn’t. Don’t even think about it in three to five years.

The two studied until nine o’clock and then went out to the bank.

“Wow! Is this your car?” The little beauty was shocked by the newly transformed pickup truck.

She touched the silver-gray shell and gestured to the height of the car, with an excited look on her face: “Can you let me try it?”

Bella chose to refuse without hesitation, just kidding! What should I do if a girl in a pickup truck jumps out and ‘takes me home’? These words can easily cause ambiguity. What if she is misunderstood as a scumbag? Now only she can drive this car!

Both of them had cars, but Natasha strongly insisted on riding in her pickup truck, so she abandoned her car in the garage of Bella’s house.

As soon as she got in the car, the little beauty noticed something unusual about the pickup truck.

“Huh? What kind of air conditioner does your car have? The cold wind is very strong! Is it a brand on the market? I feel cool down instantly, it’s great!”

The wind was blowing, and Natasha admired the ‘car air conditioner’ in the pickup truck.

The state flower of Arizona is the cactus! You can imagine how hot the climate here is! It’s nearly June now, and the temperature is so high that it’s simply appalling.

But as soon as Natasha entered the pickup truck, she felt the cool breeze blowing against her face. It was really comfortable!

Bella laughed dryly. Of course it is comfortable in summer, but what about winter? She felt that if she drove this car in winter, she would have to wear a cotton coat, right?

Using Jacob to prevaricate, she said that this car was modified with the help of her Indian friends. Bella guessed that Natasha would never meet Jacob in her life, maybe? ……

Bank of America, this is their destination. You can tell from the name that this is another old bank with the characteristics of the times.

There is no mobile payment, and there are many people doing business in the bank. The two of them sat waiting and chatting.

Natasha seemed to be complaining, but she was actually showing off that she seemed a little older. Bella immediately began to humbly ask for advice.

“Eat more foods rich in collagen and vitamins, drink 1500ml to 2000ml of longan water every day, swim regularly, and get more rest…”

Natasha Balabala was introducing her experience, while Bella was writing furiously while holding a small notebook. These are all subject to examination!

Before she can make her dream come true, make it as big as she wants, or as small as she wants, and be able to transfer fat in her body at will, she still needs to remember and master some scientific methods! These methods are somewhat helpful, right? Being despised every day? She also wants to save face!

“Bang bang bang!” Gunshots rang out in the empty bank hall. The two women who were chatting reacted quickly and turned their heads to look.

“Ladies and gentlemen! We are here to rob the bank!” Three men wearing masks and top hats filed in. They fired continuously at the ceiling, and then a woman’s scream rang out in the hall.

Several of the female staff members even had their eyes turned white, their legs and feet were sore, and they fell to the ground in a daze.

Natasha gave Bella a weird look, you crow’s mouth!

Bella glared at Natasha, obviously you have a black physique!

“Can you run away in this situation?” Natasha alluded to what Bella said about her wearing high heels.

Hey, we can still run away if we want!

Don’t talk about invisibility, just talk about physical fitness, and with all her strength, Bella can run a hundred meters away before the robber can react! The shooting range of that crappy pistol is safe enough beyond a hundred meters.

However, she did not reveal her trump card, but talked about her observations: “Look at these three guys, their knees are unnaturally bent. Even if they are trying to straighten, the rickets on their backs can still As you can see, they have gloves on their hands, but their limbs are very stiff, and the way they pull the trigger is unnatural. The recoil of the pistol can affect their palms to a certain extent…”

Natasha directly concluded: “They are old people, and they look very old…”

The two discussed in low voices, and then sighed together, how sad! What kind of system would allow three 80-year-old men to take risks and rob a bank regardless of their own safety? !

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