Marvel’s Princess Chapter 4: Rescue

“Please listen to me. For the sake of the child in your arms, please be careful. The rain outside is really heavy and it is not safe to take off in this weather.”

“Sir, I mean no harm, I just want you to listen to what I have to say… Sir?”

“Two ladies, don’t you have any premonition? As long as you experience it carefully, I believe you will have some sense of the danger that is coming.”

Bella tried hard to convince the passengers around her, but she couldn’t produce any effective evidence for this matter, so she could only make her attitude as sincere as possible.

As long as someone was willing to listen, she would tirelessly persuade them to wait for the next flight. Bella’s tone was sincere, and several passengers slowly stopped.

More passengers were still dubious, and a few people had already begun to make sarcastic comments.

“Idiot.” “Crazy.” “Fantasy.”

Many titles have fallen on Bella.

“Miss! If you don’t want to board the plane, please leave immediately. We don’t welcome you at the airport!” Airport security rushed over aggressively, and a **** man pointed at the exit, signaling you to leave quickly.

Bella finally came to her senses, saying that she was too passive and inefficient, so she could go directly to the airport’s official agency.

“Where is your supervisor? I ask him to immediately organize maintenance personnel to inspect the aircraft. An inspection will not take long! This is the right of our passengers!”

This time her words were very American and democratic. Four or five people began to support her in a low voice. Not far away, an old man with a white beard and white hair also said that the airport should be cautious.

“I support her. Your airport should be responsible for the safety of passengers and the aircraft should conduct a comprehensive inspection.”

A tall brown-haired girl walked out of the forty student team. She clearly supported Bella.

It can be seen that she was under tremendous pressure when she stood up at this moment. There was sweat on her forehead, and she was forced to say what she said.

“Claire, are you crazy too?”

“Haha, crazy Claire, I have long seen that there is something wrong with her sanity.”

“Miss Redfield, we are a team and I ask you to come back immediately!”

The female teacher said sternly.

But the brown-haired girl still firmly refused to board the plane and said nothing.

“We can wait for the flight in three hours. It’s too risky to board the plane now. I have the same premonition as this lady, but it’s not obvious. Please believe me.”

Even after hard persuasion, most passengers still regarded the matter as a complete joke. The only ones left in the terminal were Bella, brown-haired Claire, her two female classmates, and more than a dozen passers-by.

The airport director hurriedly arrived. This white man with a big belly had dissatisfaction written all over his face. More than a dozen passengers refused to board the plane with a very ridiculous reason. Once this matter was reported by the news media, he would definitely He was criticized by airline executives.

He said sullenly: “Girls and gentlemen, I ask you to leave the airport as soon as possible. In addition, I am here to formally inform you that TWA does not welcome you.”

Brown-haired Claire’s two female classmates were dumbfounded. They were still thinking about the flight three hours later.

“Sir, you have no right!”

“You are abusing your power, I want to file a complaint against you!”

The person in charge of the airport waved his hand impatiently, signaling to the security guards to drive away these ‘evil guests’. One more look at them made him feel sick.

But before Bella and the others left the terminal, they saw an extremely noisy noise coming from the plane. Two tall male students forced a thin male student to run off the plane in embarrassment. They once suggested that Bella go The doctor’s female teacher followed with a gloomy face, and behind them followed a crowd of students and passengers.

“Let me go! The plane is about to explode! I didn’t make trouble! I really didn’t make trouble! Let go, let go, bastard!” The thin male student kept struggling, as if he was fished out of the water , sweating profusely, and his plaid shirt was soaked through. The two tall male students next to him looked disgusted, as if they were subduing a psychopath.

There was another person among the passengers who was also yelling loudly. He was a young man with black hair.

He kept telling people around him about his experience: “Do you know about the previous bridge collapse accident? I was a survivor at that time! It’s terrible! God! I was still thinking about this before, but When we arrived at the airport, it was like… something had taken over our minds. It was so scary! We couldn’t escape! We were all going to die!

No one may believe it if one person says it, but if two or three people say it, the credibility of the matter will be much higher.

Different from Bella’s original memory, this time forty or fifty people got off the plane with a crash. Many people ran so hard that their shoes fell off, as if there was some beast chasing behind them. They were waiting for the flight. The hall instantly became extremely lively.

The captain was a black man. At this time, the black man’s face turned pale with anger. This was the first time he had encountered such a rare thing in so many years of flying.

The dozen or so people who were originally stranded in the lobby, plus the forty or fifty people who were now running down as if fleeing for their lives, made the plane instantly one-third empty.

When the incident has developed to this point, someone with serious intentions will definitely report it to the media. If the airline wants to crush the rumors, there is only one way, and that is to take off as usual.

“Are you sure nothing will happen to the plane?” The airport manager looked at the increasingly heavy rain outside the window and couldn’t help but ask the black captain in a low voice.

“Please believe in my professionalism, I assure you that there will be no problems!”

The black captain turned around and boarded the plane angrily.

Bella stayed away from the passengers who had boarded and disembarked the plane, and sat alone in the corner. She watched the plane slowly draw out of the runway, with extremely complicated emotions.

After the passion, she began to be afraid…

The more you know, the more you fear.

She was worried about the remaining more than 100 passengers, but if all the passengers were fine and the plane landed safely, what would she, the instigator, do? Are you being detained for fifteen days for spreading rumors here?

Thinking further, if anyone suspected that she was responsible for the plane accident, it would have been fifteen years ago, right?

Bella became a little worried about gains and losses, her beautiful eyebrows knitted together, and her face that was already quite pale now became even paler.

She looked at the thin male student who was still struggling and yelling like a mad dog, and when she looked at the black-haired young man, she only felt a sense of comfort. Fortunately, there were two male protagonists with her to carry it! She had no interaction with those two men, so it was not considered a gang crime. If the three people were counted separately, their culpability should be much lighter, right?

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