Marvel’s Princess Chapter 372: Tsunami

There is a reason why Max is valued by Bella and helped him several times. This man is actually very kind at heart. When something unexpected happens, his first thought is not about his house or career, but about saving people. , the fat sheep who spent five thousand dollars to buy a lucky rabbit’s foot is still buried under the rubble

“I’m here to save you! Brother, hold on, don’t give up, don’t give up! I’m here to save you.” Max kept looking around, trying to find some handy tool.

Thinking from his perspective, Max felt that if he was buried under the rubble, he would definitely go crazy, so he comforted him while looking for tools.

But he didn’t expect that the other party would be very calm, with a tone that sounded like he had seen strong winds and waves.

“Little brother, don’t worry, I am in a triangle area, it is safe for the time being.”

Max’s popularity is pretty good, and his business does not conflict with other people’s business. He quickly asked two neighbors to help, and the three of them spent some time to rescue the middle-aged man.

Although the collapse of the house left the middle-aged man covered in dust, he was really calm and seemed to have gotten used to it.

Idol! This is his idol, and he must become the kind of man who won’t panic even if the sky falls. Mustache Max set a new life goal for himself in his heart. Go to **** with such a black-hearted boss.

“Wow!” He suddenly shouted. Violent earthquakes began to spread in the city. Bottomless cracks could be seen everywhere. Many citizens ran out from everywhere with blood on their faces. The buildings around Max They were collapsing in pieces.

He was completely confused and had no idea what to do.

On the other hand, the middle-aged man next to me is very decisive.

“Run! Run to an open space! Hurry up!”

Mustache subconsciously followed the middle-aged man as he ran. As he ran, he discovered that the middle-aged man had an extraordinary premonition of danger and could escape from disaster every time.

The wall he passes will collapse in the next second, and the road he runs on will crack into a spider web.

The two grabbed a car midway. The middle-aged man drove the car very fast. The originally clean and wide road collapsed rapidly. From time to time, citizens and vehicles fell into pits. But just like in a movie, the ground kept sinking. I ran after them, but I was always just a little short of catching up with them.

This big brother is really a very lucky person! Max looked at the middle-aged man as if he were looking at a super-large lucky rabbit’s foot. Does this kind of person still need a fortune? Don’t understand! Go back and ask the black-hearted boss

Max the Mustache looked nervously behind him from time to time, and then turned to look in front from time to time. He was so nervous that he felt that death had never been so close to him.

There is no way to get to the dock. There are too many vehicles and survivors on the road, and there are too many damaged roads. From the easternmost part of the city, drive across the city to the westernmost part? This is simply unrealistic and they have to find another way out.

With the middle-aged man’s driving skills comparable to those of a professional racing driver, they rushed into a stadium far away from the city.

The vibration amplitude here is obviously much smaller, and there are not many high-rise buildings around, so it is relatively safe.

“Brother, my name is Max, I” Before Mustache could finish his words, he saw the middle-aged man’s originally calm face turned ugly, and he pointed stiffly at the other end.

“The earthquake caused a tsunami! Come on, follow me to higher ground!” They and many citizens who fled to the stadium ran to the three-story building next to it.

The terrain there is the highest and the buildings are relatively solid.

More than a dozen people climbed to the top of the building and watched helplessly as a giant wave that seemed to connect heaven and earth, carrying unparalleled power, surged towards the center of San Francisco.

The remains of the Golden Gate Bridge were swept away by the waves, Fisherman’s Wharf disappeared, and countless citizens and buildings were swept into the waves. The huge waves rushed through the city center, like an invisible giant hand, wiping out the entire city. Once again, the force of the tide washed over the city center and seemed ready to sweep across San Francisco.

The good luck of the middle-aged man next to Max once again came into play. When the huge wave was less than two hundred meters away from them, it exhausted its impact.

The waves hit the wall of the small building, causing the whole building to shake violently, but it did not collapse.

“Brother, can we still be saved? I don’t know what happened to my girlfriend.” Max wanted to cry, but looking at the warrior next to him, he felt embarrassed.

“We will be saved, right? The state government will come to save us, right?” He said to himself for a while, San Francisco has become a desert, and he doesn’t know how many people in the city government are still alive. There was no hope at all. He felt that the state government should send someone to rescue him.

The middle-aged man remained silent and looked around. The more he looked, the more frightened he became.

This small building is indeed solidly built, but the previous earthquake has destroyed most of the load-bearing structure, and now it has been hit by the tsunami. The surface of the building is full of cracks, and it may collapse at some point!

Max followed his gaze and was dumbfounded.

“No way, it shouldn’t be. There should be a way, at least!” He murmured meaningless words, hoping that the middle-aged man would think of another way.

Facing his hopeful gaze, the middle-aged man took out a well-sealed diary. What was he doing? Max was puzzled. After looking carefully for a while, he found that the middle-aged man was actually writing a diary!

Brother, is it time to write a diary now? Max wanted to roar twice to vent his despair.

“Brother, are you really not afraid?” he asked loudly.

The middle-aged man replied while writing in his diary: “I’m afraid, but is fear useful? Just wait, I have a hunch that someone will probably come to save us.”

Max looked around in despair. San Francisco has become like this, and there will be people there to save them!

In the blink of an eye, five minutes passed. Everyone saw the cracks on the wall of the small building getting bigger and bigger. It was a painful and torturous five minutes.

I don’t know who suddenly shouted: “There is a boat! There is a boat coming! Help! Help!”

A few people still on the top of the building shouted in unison, and even Max shouted at the top of his lungs.

Only the middle-aged man did not shout. He put away his diary and sat aside dejectedly. He had regained his old life. It was so good to be alive!

Seeing the people in the whole city being unlucky with him, he felt very calm inside. Wasn’t it just an earthquake and a tsunami? What a joke! Where is this?

The ship was getting closer and closer, and Max finally saw clearly his former sinister boss and his girlfriend who were sailing the ship.

“I’m here! I’m here!”

The fierce girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was worried that her boyfriend would go out to cheat after he got rich, so she asked Barbara to install a location on her boyfriend’s mobile phone. Otherwise, the city would be so chaotic that she would not be able to find him for a while. arrive.

Bella also saw her former employee, but she did not see 006. Comrade Six was sitting on the ground at the moment and could not be seen from her perspective.

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