Marvel’s Princess Chapter 363: Santa Claus

Charlie and Samantha are still setting up the baby’s room on the second floor. Yinglong has gone back to the room to sleep. She has the gift of invisibility. Charlie and the others can’t see Yinglong at all. Bella herself and Natasha are watching the snow scene in front of the window. , where did the movement in the fireplace come from?

No one lives in a fairy tale world. As a police chief, it is impossible for Charlie not to offend people in many cases. It is too normal for Charlie to come to seek revenge during the Christmas holiday.

Bella and the others had no fear.

They looked as normal. Natasha took out a pistol from somewhere, installed the silencer neatly, and silently walked towards the fireplace, with Bella following behind her.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they happened to see a fat old man with a white beard wearing a red cotton coat, red boots, and a red hat looking around.

The fat old man had a big belly and was carrying a big bag on his shoulders. At this moment, he heard footsteps and turned around hurriedly, just in time to see Bella and the others.

“Hi! The snow here is really heavy! It’s been a while since it snowed so heavily in Los Angeles.” The fat old man dressed as Santa Claus waved his hand in a friendly manner.

Bella is a little confused, what’s going on? A Santa Claus fell from the fireplace? are you kidding me! ?

Natasha would only show her childish side in front of Bella, but this was not the case in front of outsiders. She raised her gun sternly: “Sir, you broke into the house without permission. I have the right to take any necessary measures against you.” means.”

The fat old man chuckled and said: “Children, don’t be excited, don’t be excited.”

Natasha’s voice was as cold as the heavy snow outside: “I am no longer a child.”

Just when she was about to take further action, Bella pressed down her gun-raising arm: “Don’t be impulsive, this guy…”

This guy is very strong! In Bella’s perception, this guy dressed as Santa Claus is stronger than Himiko from Yamatai!

In fact, Himiko was not defeated by Bella, Laura and the other duo, it was entirely because of her own suicide. She was so tyrannical that she died without exerting even one thousand eight hundred years of mana!

If the opponent returns to his full strength and attacks with all his strength, Bella will definitely be no match.

A full 1,800 years of mana accumulation, that’s not 1,800 days, accumulated bit by bit, it is completely on the level of a land god. Himihu can cover Yamatai Island with a storm when he is sleeping, but today it is snowing in Bella and he needs Sakuraryu to help. The gap between the two sides is very obvious.

The fat old man in front of me is stronger than Himihu, and he doesn’t have the troubles that Himihu has to fight for. He is a real strong man.

“Who is your Excellency?” Bella protected Natasha behind her. If the other party took action, no matter what, she could persist in two attacks. As for what happened next? Then just run!

The fat old man pushed up the brim of his hat, exposing his forehead, and then blew **** his white beard: “Can’t you tell? Today’s young people don’t respect tradition at all. I am Santa Claus! ”

Bella asked tentatively: “Are you a mutant? An Omega-level mutant?”

The fat old man showed a shy expression: “I don’t understand what you are saying now, just say whatever you want… I brought you a gift. In addition, there is a little trouble now. In fact, I can also solve it, but you know my job. I have to go around delivering gifts tonight and will be very busy. I really don’t have time at the moment, so I need the help of you two smart girls.”

He took out two boxes, one long and one short, from his backpack.

After that, he motioned for them to come and receive the gifts with a happy face.

Seeing that the matter involved occult matters, Natasha’s choice was similar to that of 006, and she left the decision to Bella.

Bella observed the fat old man carefully. He was amiable, like a harmless old grandfather.

But Bella knows his life history. If she guessed correctly, this should be the Santa Claus from the Marvel world. He is not a god, but a powerful mutant who is better than a god!

This old man has worn the Infinity Gauntlet and beaten up the Illuminati. If the evil personality in this fat old man revives, he will probably give Thanos a 50-50 fight!

When such a person comes to your door, it is actually like a mayor asking for help from his poor relatives. There is not much room for rejection. Bella even felt a faint call from the gift box. This thing seemed to be An Isu artifact?

She leads the Assassin Brotherhood and Wieland Yutani. She is also a very decisive person. She weighed it up and agreed immediately.

“Okay, we’ll help you.” In fact, she didn’t want Natasha to get involved in this matter, but she knew the character of the cheap sister very well, and refusing at this time would seriously hurt Natasha’s self-esteem.

“Come on, let’s pick one!” The fat old man happily placed the gift box in front of them.

Bella directly took away the long gift box that was vaguely related to her, while Natasha took the short gift box indifferently.

“Take it apart, take it apart and see if you like it?” The fat old man said he was in a hurry, but looking at his expression, he didn’t seem to be in a hurry at all.

Bella opened the gift box, and inside the box was a sharp weapon shaped like a dagger.

It is more than 20 centimeters long and has a sharp crescent-shaped arc blade. Bella picked up this dagger-like thing and waved it lightly. There were also traces of forging and inlaying on the side of the dagger, which was obvious. Someone once processed this dagger, but the parts added later were not as good as the original, and all the added things were lost. Today, the dagger is still a dagger.

“Is this a halberd blade? A part of a certain weapon, where did you find it?” Bella has already seen the origin of this thing. It is a halberd blade of the Isu artifact trident. If you can Collect all three halberd blades and this artifact can reappear.

In response to her question, the fat old man tilted his head and thought hard for a long time: “Maybe I picked it up in Scandinavia? I can’t remember the details. I am too old. Big, hahahaha——”

Bella nodded. She didn’t want to say anything, so she didn’t continue to ask.

The tip of faith, the tip of fear and the tip of loyalty. What she holds now is the tip of loyalty.

The three halberd tips merge into one, which is the brand new Isu Trident.

I remember that the halberd tip of Faith mentioned in the records of the Brotherhood, but I don’t know where the halberd tip of Fear is, but she can perform divination by gathering two halberd tips. It will be a matter of time to find them all.

At this time, Natasha also opened the gift box and found that there were more than ten sheets of manuscript paper filled with dense formulas.

The handwriting is very heavy, and it can be seen that the person who wrote it is very decisive, without any hesitation at all.

Bella was confused at first glance. There were a lot of chemical symbols that she, a science illiterate, couldn’t understand at all. What was this?

Natasha understood and asked in surprise: “Where did you get this?”

Santa Claus covered his left eye: “I stole it from a guy who was all black, looked very fierce, and was blind in one of his left eyes! Hahahaha – that guy must be very anxious now! ”

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