Marvel’s Princess Chapter 330: Conditions

Crete Barton couldn’t tell how he felt. He had mixed feelings and many thoughts were mixed together. The blond woman was their enemy, but this enemy could not die now. Fortunately, Bella saved him.

Facing this first nightmare in his life, he mustered up the courage: “I’ll come down right now!”

He didn’t take the elevator at all, and hurriedly ran down the twenty-fourth floor to the 95th floor. He looked around and quickly found Bella’s room.

“I’m the CIA, and this woman is an important suspect we arrested.” He took out the CIA ID and showed it to Bella.

Looking at the name of William Brandt on the ID, it looked like a fake name. Bella asked him to take the blond woman away indifferently, but before Clint Barton was about to leave, she still Slowly said: “Have we met somewhere?”

“No.” Clint Barton flatly denied.

Bella smiled: “You have awakened a very strange visual ability, which comes from your bloodline. There are more abilities in it, if you need it…”

Clint Barton refused: “Thank you, I’m fine, I don’t need anything. Thank you again for your help, goodbye.”

Carrying the unconscious blond woman on his shoulders, he strode out of the room.

“The mentor wants to win over him? He seems to be a person who has awakened his eagle vision.” Gavin Banks had a very low sense of existence. Before, he seemed to be a transparent person, standing by the side without saying a word. At this time, Colin Te Barton left and walked out immediately.

“I just think that his ancestor was probably a well-known assassin…Forget it, it looks like he has received professional agent training, so he may not need the help of the Animus.”

Bella didn’t take it seriously. She didn’t have any foreknowledge of danger, and the divination results were very smooth.

But she never expected that that evening, a Russian nuclear submarine launched a nuclear bomb towards the United States! Fortunately, Ethan and the others caught the blond woman and released the nuclear bomb’s detonation order at the last moment, preventing a shocking catastrophe that would shock the whole world.

The nuclear bomb fell into the water and, except for injuring a middle-aged man who was sailing on a yacht at the time, it did not cause any harm.

Ethan Hunt saved the world and brought mankind back from the brink of nuclear war, but he was also criticized by the military, the US government and the CIA.

After learning the news from Natasha on the phone the next day, Bella was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

Her thoughts are similar to those of the leaders of the U.S. government, Pentagon, and CIA. Ethan Hunter’s abilities are incredible, and his courage and wisdom are worthy of recognition, but his mentality is wrong!

It’s so scary! You have known about this for a long time, can’t you inform us and let us make preparations together?

Sending fighter planes to intercept and launching missiles to intercept is not possible. How troublesome can it be to destroy the Indian satellite used by the other party to launch nuclear bombs? There are too many ways for the country!

Ethan Hunter didn’t tell anyone about this except his own team!

During the entire incident, even if he reported a few words to his superiors, he could prevent the launch of a nuclear bomb. The United States and Russia have ambassadorial-level diplomatic relations. How difficult can it be to find out something with just a phone call?

Ethan Hunter does not believe in the power of the organization and must engage in individual heroism!

Fortunately, the nuclear bomb was successfully prevented at the last moment, but what if it had not been successful?

The U.S. military and CIA were furious and immediately disbanded the IMF team. Black Braised Egg also recalled Clint Barton. This young man looked very shrewd with thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he actually still needs to continue practicing!

Bella was terrified, but the nuclear bomb did not explode. In an era where heroes are judged by success or failure, she had no say.

She is also in Dubai discussing training of soldiers with the 800,000 Forbidden Army instructors from the former Soviet Union.

Svetlana Belikova seemed to want to gain the upper hand in the negotiations. She was full of momentum and her voice was sonorous and powerful.

“I have not been responsible for these specific tasks for a long time. Since you want to use my personal abilities to train soldiers for you, these soldiers should obey my orders during training.”

Bella pretended to be a follower, holding a notebook and taking notes in a serious manner.

Gavin Banks was pushed to the front desk by her and took charge of this negotiation.

The middle-aged assassin’s voice was very cold, and the meaning behind his words was also very cold: “Yes, not only will they obey your orders, but I can accept the casualty rate below 20%.”

Svetlana Belikova secretly calculated that someone volunteered to help her, even if a few died, it didn’t matter. This was good news for her.

Even if the matter is exposed in the future, she can shift the responsibility to these guys in front of her, which will not affect her reputation in East Slavia.

“I feel your sincerity, but you are just doing some things for me. It is not worth doing these things myself. To be honest, I was tired of the boring training life twenty years ago.”

Her core idea is that the reward is not enough. Just helping her with things does not impress her.

She is also a political figure now. She is not the instructor she was back then. Naturally, she cannot be hired at the price of an instructor.

Gavin Banks did not talk about remuneration, but made many demands: “Three hundred soldiers must reach the level of the Signal Flag Special Forces, and we also need to build a military base and a military airport in East Slavia, and East Slavia is needed to provide asylum, new identification and entry and exit records for those who hold our tokens.”

Svetlana Belikova listened quietly. She knew that the other party was very open-minded and made so many demands at once, so the reward for herself would be very rich. She was not afraid of asking for more, but was afraid of asking for less. , own remuneration is low.

Gavin Banks said that he had already discussed the terms with Bella: “We can provide you with a variety of weapons and equipment, from fighter jets to artillery, rifles, and submarines. In addition to nuclear bombs, we can provide you with anything you want. All available. ”

It is different from the Templar Knights’ policy of focusing on the future, focusing on creating Animus, and spending huge amounts of money and manpower to find Isu technology.

The Assassin Brotherhood is more practical.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, the Assassin Brotherhood secretly received a lot of weapons and equipment, and also purchased fighter jet production lines and many military equipment processing factories.

Bela has made statistics, and the Soviet equipment in the Brotherhood’s inventory can at least arm one mechanized division, two artillery regiments, and a flying group.

Even today, ten years later, Soviet-style equipment is not considered backward. It is durable and has guaranteed quality.

Before the Brotherhood encountered the Great Purge, it accounted for almost 10% of the arms trade volume in the international black market every year. Even now, what is lacking is not weapons, but people, people who use weapons.

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