Marvel’s Princess Chapter 274: Suppression

Bella’s voice was transmitted through the mobile phone. The pitch was not high, but the momentum in her words was extremely strong.

Momentum is invisible and intangible, and has no direct relationship with personal strength.

Where Elder Jiubao stood, no one dared to speak. Is it because of his strong personal strength? No, it’s the momentum.

This momentum comes from social order, from people’s awe, and also from himself.

At this time, Bella’s momentum was rising at an incredible speed relying on the opening verses.

The country villa of the Yashida family was shrouded in a strong atmosphere of murder. Many of the bodyguards were soldiers who had experienced iron and fire. But at this time, each of them was extremely nervous and held their breath, for fear of being killed because of their recklessness. Disturbing this majestic and solemn moment.

Yashida Shingen subconsciously took two steps back, and many slayers also stepped back. The only one left in the middle of the field was Max, who was holding a mobile phone.

The fool also saw his hypocrisy, and now relies on the masters behind the scenes to suppress the ghosts, but no one breaks through this layer of window paper.

Max could see it more clearly than anyone else, as if there was an invisible giant hand in the air, directly photographed on the video tape that was the host of the ghost.

Three seconds after the videotape and the notebook beside it were hit, they began to fight back. A cloud of mist was seen rising from the videotape, and the inside of the notebook was shadowy like a fountain, spurting out small streams of bright red blood.

Max felt that his heart was about to beat out of his chest, and he swallowed with all his strength. Fear, unimaginable fear, surrounded him.

Watching ghost movies in cemeteries and running around in haunted houses. As a standard American young man, he used to be fearless. But since he met Bella and realized the cruelty of the world, he I was scared, very scared.

Before fear was about to completely surround him, a crystal white light emitted from the surface of the Diamond Sutra, which stabilized his mood a lot.

He dared to rub his eyes with his left hand and looked with all his strength. He found that there seemed to be a deep well in the mist, and a woman in white clothes and black hair was slowly crawling out from the bottom of the well.

Yashida Shingen narrowed his eyes. He had seen this scene many times, but he had always seen it alone or in his dreams. Now it is so clear that everyone around him can see it. It is really the first time he has seen this scene. once.

Max was the closest. He felt that he and the female ghost were less than two meters apart. The other party was crawling very slowly, but he was worried that the other party could jump up and knock him down with just one effort.

Seeing that the female ghost is still crawling out, she doesn’t care about revealing her secrets or not. Her life is at stake.

He shouted anxiously: “Boss! Boss, don’t stop, don’t stop! Come on, come on, that thing is coming out soon, keep reading!”

Holy shit! Bella on the other side of the phone sat up from the bed. According to her estimation, she should have suppressed the other party after reciting the opening verse? Not suppressed? This ghost is stronger than expected!

She quickly pulled up Sakurai who was sleeping soundly beside her: “Sakura, give me a little bit of your breath, just a little bit.”

“I’m still young…”

“Don’t make trouble, don’t joke, it’s just for saving people!”

Even if Yinglong degenerates into a dragon, her essence is still a dragon. At this time, she twisted her **** reluctantly and released a small ball of breath onto Bella.

What is this? This is dragon energy! It’s the dragon energy of Kunlun Dragon!

After briefly gaining dragon energy, Bella’s momentum surged again.

Some people in the past life have analyzed that Yinglong is Wu Zetian. In fact, this is a bit of an over-interpretation, but Bella relied on that bit of dragon energy to reach the peak of her momentum. Wu Zetian personally wrote the opening verse, coupled with Bella’s own psychic ability and Yinglong’s dragon energy, the three merged into one. At this time, she was not a princess, a queen mother, or a queen, but an empress!

He is the emperor who rules the world and the founder of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Inheriting the rule of Zhenguan and ushering in the prosperous age of Kaiyuan, Wu Zetian’s influence on the East was too great after being in power for half a century.

Bella’s momentum reached its peak in an instant, don’t you accept it? Whip, hammer and dagger at your service!

Originally, as the female ghost in white slowly climbed out of the deep well, the lights in the villa were like candles in the wind, as if they could be blown out in one breath. But as Bella merged with the dragon energy, the lights were strengthened. It was as bright as day, so bright that it felt very dazzling.

“So I heard. At that time, the Buddha was in the country of Savatthi. There was only one tree in the Solitary Garden. He was with a group of great bhikkhus, one thousand two hundred and fifty people. At that time, the World Honored One…”

Bella read half a book, and most of her voice was directed at the female ghost in white, but the aftermath still caused the villa to shake a lot.

The old master who came from Southeast Asia was covered in sinister things. At this time, he was completely unable to resist the aftermath of the sound. All the insects that usually lived in his body exploded, and he was covered in blood. He looked miserable.

The female ghost in white at the center was even worse. She was about to climb out of the well. She hated all the lives in the villa. Why? Why can others live while I have to die? She wanted to kill people, and she wanted to kill a lot of people.

But this time it was not just Max who was close at hand. Everyone in the villa saw a giant hand wrapped in golden light, pressing her head hard and pushing her back.

The female ghost’s fingers clung to the rock wall of the well, her fingernails dug into the gaps between the bricks. She used all her strength to the extreme. Her resentment towards her parents, humanity, and the entire world was as thick as It was boiling water, but she was still pressed down little by little by the giant golden hand.

Her heart was filled with unwillingness and overwhelming resentment, but Bella suppressed her with unusual force and finally sealed the wellhead.

Calm returned to the villa, and the previous gloom and coercion seemed to disappear out of thin air. Everyone couldn’t help but look at Max standing in the middle.

The inscription and the first page of the Diamond Sutra were all burned cleanly, and the notebook obtained from Reiko Asakawa was reduced to ashes. The firelight as bright as morning glow covered the video tape and was dyed with a layer of clear waves. No matter how you say this evil thing The object and the ghosts inside were sealed.

The mobile phone in Max’s hand was completely shattered into powder. As a medium for the warring parties, this mobile phone would have reached its limit long ago if Bella hadn’t deliberately maintained it.

Mushao sat down on the ground, like a fish out of the water, gasping for air.

“Master? Has that evil spirit been sealed?” In the team of demon slayers, the young monk asked the old monk next to him.

Even though the young monk’s Chinese proficiency is not high, he can still understand the Diamond Sutra, which makes him feel very excited. Although Max, a Yankee, is so arrogant, he still uses Buddhist methods in the end!

The old monk could see it more clearly than he did. It was the Diamond Sutra, but it didn’t have much of a Buddhist atmosphere. What the other party used was not the Buddha, but the Dharma.

But if you know it, you know it, and you won’t say it like that.

He had a solemn look on his face: “Of course, Buddhism is vast, and no matter how powerful the ghosts are, they cannot resist Buddhism!”

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