Marvel’s Princess Chapter 273: Help

Bella had no interest in answering the call at all. She waved her hand casually: “You answer this for me and let him die!”

Yinglong answered the phone, and before Max could speak on the other side, he yelled in a childish voice: “Go to hell!”

Not two minutes later, the call came again, and this time I hung up!

What kind of trouble could Max have with him? Ignore him!

But I don’t know what kind of medicine this guy took wrongly. He kept calling, one every three minutes, and another every five minutes.

Bella was really unbearable and had to answer the call.

“Mr. Max, you disturbed my sleep. If you don’t give me a good reason, you will be in trouble!” She said angrily.

“Boss, boss, you are the most beautiful woman in the world, hehehe…”

“No, don’t flatter me. You and I no longer have an employment relationship. We can only say that we are acquaintances. I’m not familiar with you, so don’t pretend to be close to me.”

“I have always respected you…”

“Stop talking nonsense! Isn’t it time to scold my evil boss? If you have something to say, please tell me immediately!” She urged impatiently.

Max hesitated for a few seconds: “Well, boss, do you know how to eliminate the ghosts in the tape?”

Talking about ghosts with me in the middle of the night? Or a ghost inhabiting the video tape?

Bella didn’t think too much about it: “A ghost with a video tape as a medium? Surround it with salt, pour holy water on it, and then burn it. Don’t you know how to do such a simple thing?”

There was a hint of trembling in Max’s voice: “That…I followed the steps, but it had no effect. I only saw a white shadow…”

Bella scratched her head: “It seems that the strength of the holy water is not enough, so… try it with the forbidden magic circle of the Seven Stars. Anyway, the video tape will not escape. Do you have a pattern there? Follow it. Draw it once, then change the medium he relied on before, and completely seal this ghost away.”

“This…this won’t work either. The reaction on the video tape was a bit big and the floor cracked.” Max didn’t tell the truth completely. The fact is that the floor where he had painted the Seven-Star Forbidden Magic Array cracked. A huge crack more than ten meters long and one meter deep, opened out of thin air without any external force!

He is still a little confused now.

Bella became a little interested. This ghost is a bit powerful, and it doesn’t look like a Western ghost.

“It seems to be a Japanese ghost. Let me think about it… In this way, you can buy a Tibetan scripture and recite it for seven days, it should be effective.”

The trembling in Max’s tone could no longer be controlled: “There is a Japanese monk here, who seems to be reciting the Ksitigarbha Sutra, and then… then he spit out a big mouthful of blood… ..”

Holy shit! Bella was really surprised this time. Is this ghost so resentful? Even professional monks chanting sutras don’t work? It would definitely be worse if Max read it himself.

“Where’s the charm I sold you?”

“I’ve basically used it, and it’s effective, but not great.”

Bella’s expression became serious: “When Heather leaves, ask me to prepare a life-saving item for you. It’s under the back seat of your car. Go get it out.”

Max quickly ran out of the Yashida family’s villa, opened the back seat of the car, and took out a thin scripture.

“This is the Diamond Sutra written in my handwriting. The Diamond Sutra is known as the King of Ten Thousand Buddhas and the Mother of the Sutra. It can suppress any demons or monsters.”

As if you could see Max’s happy face through the phone, Bella added: “Of course, it also depends on the person who reads it. You definitely can’t. Open the first page of the scripture. Then put the phone on speakerphone and let me read.”

Max is really busy right now!

Yashida Shingen in the villa, including the spiritual masters and the bodyguards in the villa, were full of hope for him. At this time, they were watching him busy, but there was nothing they could do, and the others could no longer help.

As long as you have money in this world, you can still find some experts, but there are also three levels of experts.

That Southeast Asian subdued master just went to Japan for a trip and did nothing and asked for one million.

What was the result? Just one round, like epilepsy, lying on the ground.

The two priests read the Bible for a long time, but got no response.

The old monk at Todaiji Temple went to recite Buddhist scriptures. This time there was a reaction. Everyone felt that the surroundings were gloomy. The lights flickered, but they only lasted three seconds before the old monk vomited blood and retreated.

After that it was basically Max’s performance time.

One moment a deep trench opens on the ground, another moment there is lightning and thunder in the sky, and most often it is the female ghost in white from the video tape crawling out.

Yashida Shingen doesn’t understand mysticism, but he understands people.

At this time, he felt that this American was more reliable than those Japanese monks and Southeast Asian head-turning masters. Anyway, after fighting for several rounds, he even forced out the figure of the female ghost in white. This is his skill.

“Mr. Max! I’ll add money! Add one million more to the original amount!”

Max’s legs are trembling now. It is true that he can make money faster by removing spirits than by selling fakes, but this is too scary!

He knows his own affairs, and he knows very well that this incident is far beyond his level. If it were not for the many props given by Bella, he would not be as good as those monks and head-bending masters.

He had money to make but no life to spend, but he didn’t dare to back down. Once he did, he was worried that the bodyguard of the rich Japanese man would really shoot him.

At this point it’s time to bite the bullet.

According to Bella’s request, he took out the manuscript of the Diamond Sutra, which was thin and contained only a few pages.

He is just a tool now. He has no ability to participate. He relies on Bella to compete with the female ghost in the video tape from a distance.

A dark box of video tapes was placed on the ground. This video tape suddenly appeared in Yashida Shingen’s desk a day ago.

Besides the videotape is a notebook used by a woman. According to Yashida Shingen, this was the notebook used by his ex-girlfriend, Reiko Asakawa, during her lifetime. Now it has been contaminated by evil spirits and must be removed together.

The distance was hundreds of miles, but Bella still sensed her own codex through Max, the tool man.

Without any preparation, she cleared her throat and began to read.

The opening verse of the Diamond Sutra was written by Wu Zetian. Later generations cannot continue to write it, nor can they add a single word, because this unveiling text is already perfect.

At this time, Bella began to read softly.

Her feminine voice combined with the scriptures, coupled with her own spiritual attainments, is just the beginning, and she carries a majesty that dominates the world.

I don’t care about your grievances, and I don’t care what you do, just suppress it first!

She spoke clearly and seemed to have some kind of power in her words. Several monks with profound attainments in Sinology, including Yashida Shingen, could understand her.

“The supremely profound and subtle Dharma has been encountered in hundreds of millions of calamities. Now that I have seen and heard it, I am willing to understand the true meaning of the Tathagata…”

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