Marvel’s Princess Chapter 24: New car

“James, we should calm down. Lawrence’s soul has disappeared. What kind of thing can take away the soul of a vampire? This ability is too weird…” The female vampire wants to persuade her lover to give up. There is absolutely no need to carry a long life here. It is too worthless to lose one’s life for no reason.

The soul of the black vampire completely disappeared, which made her feel real fear.

So what if the body is resilient? Some kind of strange force inhibits the vampire’s ability to regenerate. Now that he has no soul, can he still be resurrected?

James grabbed the female vampire by the neck: “You actually want to give up? That guy’s attacks are getting weaker and weaker, can’t you tell?”

He has become weaker, will we become stronger? The female vampire looked at the corpse of the black vampire and said nothing. She was using silence to express her attitude.

“I admit that this guy’s ability is indeed strong, but it only takes a few back and forth. As long as you master the rules, it’s not difficult to deal with. He had a very close connection with that woman before, and now the connection has reached us. This Don’t you understand what it means?…”

White vampire James lowered his voice: “I always feel that if this ability is controlled by us, it will be very powerful! Use your brain and think about it! If we can crack the secret of this ability, those vampire elders will only You can kneel on the ground and kiss our feet!”

Inducement, coercion, good persuasion, and bad threats, the two vampires reached a consensus with some difficulty. They must continue to fight that strange guy! Kill that venomous woman by the way!

Smashing the black vampire to death made the God of Death feel bad. His form of existence is difficult to interpret from a human perspective. He once existed, but then fell, and now he has revived. Many things have actually changed. It was different before.

He is still in the stage of re-recognizing the whole world. At this time, he is like a newly born child, except that he has huge energy compared to ordinary babies.

The battle with vampires and the defeat of the female ghost in white made him realize the difference between ordinary people and extraordinary people. He learned from experience and began to accumulate energy, preparing to launch a new round when the time was right. s attack.

At this time, Bella parked the car on the side of the road and was looking curiously at the ghost truck that was almost completely scrapped but was still chasing her.

The tires of this car were completely destroyed, and the engine and transmission shaft were either gone or broken. The whole car looked miserable, but it still relied on the ghosts in the car to provide power, and it drove towards Bella at a turtle’s speed. The position slowly moved.

Who can you kill at this speed?

Racial discrimination must die! Bella picked up a stone from the roadside and threw it from a distance. There was a muffled sound and another dent was made in the left door of the ghost truck.

This car is ruined! The ghost in the car is about to die!

She quickly came to such a conclusion.

If Bella were an ordinary person, she could only be like the supporting actresses in many horror movies, screaming heartbreakingly while continuing to run as far as she could, but she Obviously not.

She approached the ghost truck with excitement. The closer she got, the angrier the car seemed. It was roaring, yelling, and trying to kill all the passers-by.

“Are you still going against me?” Bella grabbed the door of the truck, and she pulled the badly broken door down.

The truck was actually still moving forward at this time, but the speed had slowed down to an extreme. Bella entered the cab easily.

Huh? As she sat in front of the steering wheel, she noticed a white mist-like creature that seemed to be condensing into shape. There was a small piece of translucent thing in the white mist, like a ball of thread, struggling.

“Haha! Fortunately I came over to take a look!”

She could tell at first glance that this white mist-like creature should be the soul of the truck driver, but it was too damaged before to condense into shape.

The black ball of thread wrapped around him is also easy to identify. Isn’t this the soul of a black vampire?

Once the truck driver’s soul devours the black vampire’s soul, he will most likely be able to recover from his injuries and continue to pursue Bella.

“You are so unlucky!” The only spell she was good at, the mind shield, was used as a weapon and hit the co-pilot’s position.

The fog-like creature is like a sandwich, sandwiched on both sides by the psychic shield, squeezed in the middle.

After holding on for less than two seconds, the thread representing the soul of the black vampire was squeezed out, and then the soul of the truck driver was on the verge of collapse.

Just when Bella was about to kill this guy completely, a white light suddenly appeared outside the car door.

She has an explosive figure, black hair covering her face, wearing a white dress and bare feet.

“Send me home.”

Bella really couldn’t control her mood swings. She felt like she was seeing a relative: “Holy shit! Sister, you’re not dead!?”

For Bella, as long as someone sincerely praises her and praises her beauty, he is a good person! Dear!

“Take me home.” The female ghost in white pointed at Bella’s pickup truck.

The words are still the same, but the specific meaning is very different.

Bella understood it carefully, frowned, and discerned the information she read from the psychic energy. After coming over for a while, she asked tentatively: “You mean… you Already integrated with my car? ”

This answer is unexpected, but it is also reasonable.

The pickup truck itself was used by the Indian tribe for nearly thirty years, and it was more or less tainted with the spirit of the Indian tribe. After that, Bella drove the car and escaped the attacks of death many times. To a certain extent, this The car also has immortality properties.

When the female ghost in white was killed by someone, by some strange combination of circumstances, she merged the last bit of her soul essence with Pika.

She got rid of her fate of seducing male drivers passing by, and the pickup truck became different from before.

The female ghost in white nodded and pointed to the ghost truck on the other side: “Send me home.”

Bella scratched her head and thought again: “Do you want the parts of this truck to modify the pickup truck you are currently living in?”

“Send me home.”

“But the pickup truck is my car!… What? It’s mine during the day and yours at night? Why do you still work shifts? It’s like driving a taxi… Weird. ”

“Send me home.”

“…Let’s negotiate two conditions. As long as you don’t kill people casually and praise me every seven days from now on, then I will promise you. How about it?”

After some negotiation with the female ghost in white, they finally reached an agreement amicably.

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