Marvel’s Princess Chapter 231: Unexpected enemies

Complaining is a complaint, but when doing things, Frank Castle is still extremely serious. He thought for a moment and shook his head: “I didn’t go there, Ms. Hand, what about you?”

Victoria Hand is also a person who has received professional agent training and has a good memory. She thought about it and shook her head.

Bella went into the water again: “I’ll go over there and look for it again.”

She is so active in helping, so the two of them will definitely not slack off. The three of them entered the coral area to search.

Coral groups look beautiful, but beauty is often accompanied by danger. A seemingly inconspicuous touch may paralyze humans for a long time. It’s good to have companions to rescue you, but without companions, you will die!

None of the three people thought that sharks would come to this area. When searching before, they only took a look at the outermost periphery and did not go in depth to search. At this time, Bella took the lead, and the three of them started searching carefully.

Suddenly, Victoria Hand, who was searching from the side, waved to them, and the two hurriedly swam over.

This sight filled Bella with doubts.

I saw the shark tied to the bottom of the sea by iron chains. Various algae were like camouflage, covering more than half of the shark’s body. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t really see it.

What’s going on?

Bella looked around for the first time.

The shark definitely couldn’t be **** on the seabed by itself. Its intelligence has not reached this level. Who tied it up?

The three people took a closer look and found that the shark was anesthetized and the iron chains were extremely rough and rusty. The two iron chains crossed through the shark’s back and were then driven into the seabed.

It would be difficult to see clearly. The water near here is more than two hundred meters deep. Just relying on the light source carried, the visibility at this depth is very poor.

Victoria Hand suspected that a business rival was causing trouble. In this case, many things made sense. But what was the use of these people tying the shark to the bottom of the sea?

Her response to sharks was dull, but to humans? There are so many ways!

Since the shark did not escape, she was not in a hurry to take the shark back.

All she thinks about is business plans such as collecting evidence and threatening the other party.

Pointing to the sea, he motioned for the three of them to come up and return to the boat if they had anything to say.

Bella was originally there to help. No matter how the incident unfolded, whether it was a historical mystery or an attack by Hydra on S.H.I.E.L.D., the favor she had always owed was repaid, and she had no choice but to take the lead. Floating up.

She was the fastest swimmer and was the first to return to the motorboat, followed by Victoria Hand, and finally Frank Custer, who carried the most equipment and was slower.

The accident happened when Frank Custer, the king of soldiers, came to the surface.

There was a sudden ripple on the dark sea floor, and a dark green claw with scaly fingers suddenly grabbed his ankle.

There are enemies below!

Frank Custer’s reaction was very fast. He drew out the saber from his waist and stabbed downwards.

But the opponent’s strength was several times greater than that of humans, and his defense was unimaginably strong. Most of the strength of the saber was blocked by the current. He only knew that he had stabbed something, and then he was dragged downwards. .

“Frank!” Victoria Hand still valued her security captain very much, so she went back into the water for rescue without saying a word.

Bella’s movements were faster than hers. She didn’t even have time to put on her diving goggles and plunged into the sea water.

Her vision is not affected underwater, so she activates Eagle Vision to see.

This was really shocking.

I saw a strange humanoid creature with a rickety body, about one person tall, with scales all over its body and fins on its elbows, dragging Frank Custer down quickly.

The two are still fighting, but the warrior king on land cannot display much combat effectiveness in the sea, and defeat is only a matter of time.

Bella was filled with surprise.

What is this thing? Looking like this, he is definitely not human.

This is like seeing a fat house on the road. No one would say that it is another species. At most, it is just a difference in size. But the thing in front of you is definitely more than just a difference in size.

To put it in a magical way, this thing looks like a blah blah blah murloc, but to put it in a scary way, it seems to be a chirping deep diver!

If it is a fishman, then it will be easy to handle, a natural and harmless miscellaneous soldier. If it is a deep diver…

Vaguely, she also felt a familiar aura, the ocean goddess Calypso!

It’s just that this breath is very weird, and it seems to be mixed with a lot of chaotic consciousness.

Bella did not dare to use her psychic powers because she was worried that the other party would contaminate her mind. She hit the water with her feet and approached quickly like a swimming fish. She condensed an ice sword in her hand and stabbed the fishman’s head.

The water flow had almost no resistance to her, but the fishman still responded effectively.

It opened its mouth the size of a basketball, revealing a mouth full of jagged fangs.

It was very angry at Bella’s attack, thinking it was a provocation from the people on the surface.

It turned a blind eye to Bella’s attack, and its claws went straight for her heart.

It would be stupid to die with such an ugly guy.

Before the fish-man made a move, Bella was very cautious, but as soon as it made a move, its bottom was immediately exposed.

This guy’s physical fitness is just average! Apart from swimming faster, there seems to be nothing special about it!

Bella originally only used more than 30% of her strength. After confirming that the opponent looked ferocious and was actually a badass, she suddenly used her strength.

With a muffled sound of “poof”, the ice stabbing sword pierced the fishman’s neck, and then pulled it out and stabbed again, twice in a row, but the opponent’s claw strike was stagnant due to the loss of life force before it could take shape.

The ink-colored blood flowing out of the wound was extremely viscous, taking on the shape of clay-like patches in the seawater.

The murloc was severely injured, and Frank Custer, who was caught by it, was not a good person either. Although he did not see what it was, the King of Soldiers still held the saber tightly and stabbed the murloc’s eyes several times.

No matter what it is, there is nothing wrong with poking your eyes! This is the crystallization of his wisdom honed over many years as a soldier.

Bella stabbed the fishman’s spine again, and after confirming that the thing was incapable of moving, she waved her hand to Frank Custer, motioning for us to hurry up.

She gave the other party the important task of bringing the fishman’s body to the surface because she was a little scared.

Didn’t you look like you were scared when you poked it? ! Frank Custer was not good at dealing with women by nature, so he scolded him with all his heart, but he still dragged the fishman’s body to the surface.

On the way, I met Victoria Hand who came to help. The agent sister was really surprised. What was this thing you killed?

It took a lot of effort to completely drag the fishman’s body onto the motorboat. The three of them were a little confused. How should they deal with this thing?

“Do you think this is an independent incident, or something, something…” Victoria Hand did not use new species to describe it, but both of them understood what she meant.

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