Marvel’s Princess Chapter 221: Solicitation

Professor Miles Warren, who was physically and mentally exhausted, returned home and fell asleep. Everything he experienced today was as terrifying as a nightmare.

It wasn’t until noon the next day that the family woke up from hunger and finally regained some vitality.

While drinking milk, he casually flipped through the paper Bella gave him. He originally looked at it with a condescending attitude. What kind of biology does a young woman of at most twenty years old know? Still want to find errors in your paper? Are you crazy?

But looking at it, he broke into cold sweat.

The errors and omissions on the first page are obvious. With his professional knowledge, he can see at a glance that the argumentation process provided by Bella is undoubtedly more rigorous. Although it is a bit more cumbersome and mechanical, the other party’s thinking is more correct than his own. , there is no doubt about it.

It’s just that he couldn’t understand why a person with such a genius idea could have such a dull argumentation process.

Picked up the second page again. These were excerpts from his thesis. They were very familiar to him.

It took me ten minutes to read this page.

The more he watched, the more nervous he became. He asked his wife and children to eat first, and went back to his room to calculate for a long time. Finally, he came to the conclusion that he was wrong again…

For the whole afternoon, he wandered in the cycle of ‘wrong, wrong, wrong again’.

He identified twenty-eight of the thirty errors and omissions. Even with his professional knowledge, he could not make a hasty judgment on the remaining two, and needed to do some experiments to prove them.

Originally, with his arrogant character, he would not admit that he was wrong. I am an authority on biology! Everything I said is correct! But now, with twenty-eight consecutive mistakes in front of him, he didn’t dare to say this.

Two days later, Professor Miles Warren accepted Bella’s employment.

This guy is not 006. He does not need to take various risks and does not have many connections. Bella only needs him to convert the Isu technology provided by Golden Apple into human technology, so the contract is a monetary employment, and Not shares.

If he proves his ability in the future, then we will talk about shares.

Bella has a fairly clear plan for herself.

The identity of a scholar, explorer, and best-selling author cannot be lost. When she has money in the future, she will buy Chanel and add some shares of Koenigsegg, and her image will be more complete.

Various research on Wilander is carried out secretly, and 006 is responsible for those matters.

One light and one dark, two identities, enough for her to deal with all kinds of problems.

Take Miles Warren and his family to Newt, Texas.

Bella plans to start the organ cloning project first.

This thing does have big moral problems, but I have to say that the money comes very quickly.

Neither she nor 006 are rich people. If they want to operate subsequent projects, they must find a business that can make money quickly in the early stage.

The town of Newt has become an abandoned town. A large number of construction machines are constructing ground facilities. Bella, 006 and Miles Warren held a short meeting.

Human cloning technology sounds very high-end, but in fact the Umbrella Company began research in this area in the 1990s.

The prototype of those tyrants was a Russian commander among Umbrella’s top brass. This Russian commander had the highest integration with the T virus. In the end, Umbrella Company cloned a lot of bald men as prototypes of tyrants.

Creating clones and taking organs from living bodies is something Bella’s moral standards do not allow her to do.

Fortunately, the Sun Staircase offers an alternative.

The patient provides his or her own genes to cultivate human organs on those plants derived from the Sun Staircase. This thing grows very fast. The plant is regarded as a living body, and it usually relies on nutrient solution and photosynthesis to replenish the energy required by the organ. After the cultivation is completed, it is cut out with a ‘click’ and installed on the patient. There is no moral pressure on her side.

The golden apple contained human cloning technology, and after scanning the tyrant more than a dozen times, combined with the biological structure of the Sun Staircase, a super complex organ cloning plan was finally deduced.

Not to mention experts like Miles Warren, even Bella found this plan to be cumbersome, mechanical, and lacking in aura at all.

Myles Warren dared to fuse his genes with those of a jackal, so he had no moral concerns. Looking at the cloning plan provided by Bella, he nodded or shook his head from time to time.

He couldn’t understand some key technical points, so he asked.

Bella couldn’t take out the golden apple and explain it to her face, she could only say that she didn’t know.

But often when she goes out for a walk, she can come back with the answer. If Miles Warren asks again, she will go out for a walk again…

“In fact, there is no need to make it so complicated. Here, here and here, you can actually skip some steps…”

Miles Warren is indeed talented. He reduced the Golden Apple’s plan by one-third, and actually accelerated the growth rate of the organs by one-fifth.

The professor finally talked about the human cloning issue that Bella had been avoiding: “Human cloning technology should not be demonized. Our technology is already very mature, why not go further?”

Bella looked directly into his eyes: “I also have selfish motives. Human cloning technology is indeed useful to me, but I will not let this technology be used for commercial purposes.”

Seeing that both of them looked puzzled, she felt that she should explain her position clearly.

She said to the two of them: “Wilander is not an evil company. Human cloning technology can be used, but it should not be abused.”

Seeing what Miles Warren was about to say, she stopped him and signaled to let herself finish: “It is indeed simple to create clones and then harvest the organs, but this is not the correct use.

Cloning technology and human cloning should be distinguished. We develop organ cloning technology to treat diseases. Although it can only treat rich people at present, it cannot save everyone.

When someone’s daughter needs a bone marrow transplant and no suitable bone marrow is available, we should help her. When someone loses a young child and lives in pain all day long, we should help him or her. When a husband has to leave his wife and daughter because of organ failure, we should provide him with help.

As for human cloning, it is up to me to decide who to clone and when. ”

Bella looked at the two of them: “This is my principle, don’t break my bottom line.”

As she spoke, the indoor temperature dropped visibly. 006 and Miles Warren noticed that the coffee in front of them was freezing rapidly, and the cold wind was pouring into their necks and collars.

Bella withdrew her psychic powers: “The reason why I can discuss this issue with you two here is because I have a high moral bottom line. Once this boundary is broken, you will face an unscrupulous me. , you don’t want that to happen, right?”

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