Marvel’s Princess Chapter 17: Vampire

After the girls initially accepted Bella, the boys also began to show their attentiveness.

No one is a fool. Everyone likes beautiful women, but if you are ostracized by the entire circle and die socially because of beautiful women, it will be a disaster for the people here.

To put it simply, they value their social relationships more.

After conflicts arise between social relationships and personal relationships, personal preferences can take a back seat.

For the sake of social relations, Professor Charles can turn against his friend Magneto. Also for the sake of collective interests, Storm can quarrel with her husband Black Panther. When faced with choices, their personal feelings give in to the so-called ‘The big picture’.

The love story of Dong Lei Zhen Zhen Yu Xue can only be born between vampires and humans. It is impossible to have that kind of strong love between humans and humans…

The boys’ attentiveness allowed Bella to gain another wave of spiritual power.

Relax and let go with a pious attitude, and we will become friends from now on. If you are bullied at Forks High School, call me Bella. Those with bad attitudes and ulterior motives will be written down separately, and then the list will be given to Jacob, find an alley or something, close the door and let the dogs out!

Call the police? My dad is the police chief, you can come and try.

Private revenge? How dare you insult a Native American? Learn about the Aboriginal Protection Act!

I didn’t notice it at first, but once the contact lasted for a long time, Bella’s spiritual energy would also affect the people around her in a certain magnetic field. Those girls who had the most contact with her would be slightly affected. They can’t help but think, ‘This person is a really good friend,’ ‘Bella is so beautiful,’ and so on.

The influence of this kind of charm is very low, and there is no priority. On the premise of not violating each other’s vital interests, it can improve the relationship between each other in a gentle and silent manner.

She speaks well, is not stingy with money, is beautiful, and her biological father is the only police chief in the town. In just two days, Bella has completely opened up the situation.

After gradually revealing her face as the bully of Fox High School, Bella also had a choice. She chose several clubs and it was impossible not to sign up for any of them.

Obviously it is a school with 300 people, but there are more than ten clubs of various kinds. She picked and chose and joined a volleyball club, an Internet future development club, a rock climbing club, and an American cultural studies club. group and an opera society.

Sports, technology, art, several major aspects are covered.

The opera society even arranged for her to play the lead role in this year’s opera, playing Snow White! The reason is that she is fair-skinned, beautiful, and kind-hearted. She is like a princess straight out of a fairy tale!


Vampires are evil creatures that are described in detail in both Eastern and Western religious texts. There are different opinions on their origins, and there are various ways to kill them.

You have Zhang Liangji, I have Wall Ladder. You humans have written 108 ways to kill vampires. Vampires have long lifespans and a lot of resources. They are not fools. They will naturally find ways to overcome themselves. weakness.

After humans entered modern society, the rapid development of genetics, biology, materials science and chemistry allowed human science and technology to take off, and vampires also benefited from this.

A small group of vampires followed the methods of mutants and improved some fragments of their genes to create completely different X-genes. Their essence is still vampires, but to a certain extent, they can also be regarded as a group of very different people. of mutants.

These vampires are still unable to withstand strong light for a long time, and their strength, speed, and endurance will be reduced during the day, and their spirits are also very poor. However, they are already as good as ordinary humans on cloudy days and thunderstorms. Exactly the same.

Places like Fox Town, where it rains all year round, are simply treasures in the eyes of vampires.

Because Bella came a month late, she and the vampire did not meet in the biology class, but the school is so big, with more than 300 people, and it is impossible to be completely invisible without looking up.

In the history class on the third day, Bella finally met the vegetarian vampires, three members of the Cullen family.

The big man, with muscles bulging like a weightlifter, was Emmett Cullen.

The one with exquisite facial features and short dark black hair is Alice Karen.

The young man who is tall and thin, with deep eyes and a stiff expression is Edward Cullen.

Bella is not prepared to have anything to do with vampires. The Karen family is very Buddhist and vegetarian. It can be said that it is completely harmless to the town. She has no intention of targeting her. She will go to high school here for the first half of the year and then go there. University and Fox Town are a newbie village for her.

She looked at a manuscript she found in the school library, which was written by a missionary who described the Indian tribes who lived in this land two hundred years ago.

Bella looked a little struggling. The manuscript was filled with a lot of slang and abbreviations, as well as some religious allusions. God didn’t know her, and she didn’t know God either. Wouldn’t it be nonsense to tell her religious allusions? She could only copy down the words she didn’t know, and was going to go home and search the Internet on her computer for specific meanings.

Huh? Suddenly, she felt something strange. She turned around to look, and met two pairs of eyes diagonally behind her.

The owners of the eyes are none other than Edward Cullen, a thin vampire with auburn hair and Alice Cullen, a female vampire with short black hair.

The big, weightlifter-like Emmett Cullen was belatedly aware of it. It was not until Bella turned around to continue reading her book that he realized that something had happened before. His face was full of alertness. He asked his two companions with his eyes.

“I can’t see her inner thoughts.” Edward, the thin vampire, whispered.

“She is a mist in my perception…” The female vampire Alice was also a little surprised.

The two of them looked at each other, both looking a little flustered. It was like a shepherd suddenly seeing a wolf among the sheep. They were stunned, confused and afraid.

Big Emmett’s idea is more direct: “Isn’t it, aimed at us…”

Before he finished speaking, he was stopped by the female vampire with short black hair on the side: “Maybe she can hear it.”

Bella turned back in time and showed a bright smile, which means we can indeed hear it!

In the next two days, she did not deliberately avoid it, nor did she provoke the few vampires who looked a little panicked. Instead, she focused on studying various ancient documents.

With a lot of reading, her English proficiency improved by leaps and bounds. At this time, except for some religious allusions, she no longer had much obstacles in reading.

However, the greater gain is knowledge.

What the spiritual world provides is spiritual energy, a kind of pure energy, but how to use this energy requires her to learn, master and summarize it herself.

She is now a mage with no magic power but few spells.

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