Marvel’s Princess Chapter 160: Secret

Bella found completely unexpected records in the bookshelf in the underground bunker of the White House. This was something she had never expected at all.

She looked through George Washington’s notes, Franklin D. Roosevelt’s diary, and a note left by John F. Kennedy. All three presidents mentioned the same term, Freemasonry.

If this term is normal, then it is very abnormal for the term Templar to appear in the records of three people at the same time.

According to George Washington’s records, in 1781, the Freemasons came to America with something extremely important. This thing then happened to fall into the hands of George Washington. After realizing that this thing would After causing unimaginable harm to himself, he commissioned his allies to throw the object into the sea.

More than a hundred years later, the thing reappeared on Roosevelt’s desk. The Templars retrieved the thing and gave it to Roosevelt for use in the war.

Then came Kennedy. There are very few records here. We only know that this thing disappeared from the eyes of the world again with his assassination. But according to the notes of subsequent presidents, it seems that this thing has returned to the White House.

Bella closed her eyes and used her psychic energy to detect the nearby ground bit by bit. Her psychic energy finally stopped on the west side of the underground bunker, where there seemed to be a very small space under the floor.

She pretended not to care and walked over the floor and found that under the floor was a metal panel with pupil verification and fingerprint verification. She turned away calmly and went back to reading.


“Natasha…Natasha…Sha, it’s me, Nick Fury…” Some noisy electronic sounds suddenly appeared in Natasha’s ears , she quickly put down the game controller and walked away.

“I can hear it, but the noise is very loud.”

“Don’t talk, listen to me…” Hei Lu Dan quickly recounted what happened outside. Due to the existence of interference equipment, even with the support of SHIELD’s technology, it would be difficult to break through the interference. It wasn’t easy. He said it several times before Natasha finally understood.

“The current president refuses SHIELD…’s participation. We cannot directly confront the US government, but the behind-the-scenes of this matter must be…not simple. We need Sawyer…” .The president stands up again, stands in front of the camera, and smashes the plots of those careerists!”

During the intermittent phone call, Black Braised Egg talked about his purpose: “The Senate President and the people behind him planned this farce. I need you to rescue President Sawyer immediately. Time is very tight! S.H.I.E.L.D. There will be some assistance for you, but not a lot.”

Natasha did not discuss it with her parents, but immediately communicated the matter with Bella. Can they take the black president out of all kinds of overt or covert siege?

The remaining three or two gangsters are no longer a threat, but the police, FBI, Secret Service, and even the Delta Force are hard to say. There must be someone among them who wants to kill the black president. Someone who breaks out. It is extremely difficult. Even if you rush out, you will be surrounded by enemies.

“Let him go back and be a civilian. The president is not lifelong, so he should retire early.” Bella didn’t want to get involved in this matter. In her opinion, it doesn’t make any difference who becomes the president. There is no need to let herself and her family suffer. adventure.

“But behind the Senate President is the military-industrial complex. Once they get the situation under control, the war machine of the United States will declare war on the Middle East countries. When the time comes…” What about then? Natasha didn’t say anything, but Bella understood.

The black president is a good person in the usual sense and a pacifist, while the Senate President is a bad person who would not feel comfortable without fighting.

Bella repeatedly thought about the pros and cons, added her own gains and losses to it, and finally nodded, indicating that she had a solution.

Natasha called the black president over urgently and told the situation about the outside world again.

At this moment, she could no longer hide her identity: “Your Excellency, I am an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and my visit to the White House today was a complete accident…”

The black president was not surprised at all. Instead, he nodded with relief. At first, he thought Natasha was a civilian. Judging from various subsequent performances, he felt that he was a waste. Now that you say you are an agent, he is worried about it. It’s much more comfortable. It’s not that I’m weak, it’s that I’m strong!

“Of course I want to get out. No matter what means they have, I am willing to fight and bear all the consequences. Even if it means death, I will not compromise. But the question is…how do we get out?”

Natasha lowered her head and said nothing. According to her ability, she could only fight her way out, but there were other options around her at this time.

Bella does have a way. Fighting and killing is the last resort. She has a spell that can easily get out of trouble, but she just didn’t want to use it before.

Politicians have an instinct for observing what is happening. The black president looked at Natasha and then at Bella, guessing that there was something inside. He asked anxiously: “Do you have any idea? Can we get out?” ?”

Bella made an expression as if she was hesitant to speak.

The black president asked again and again before she spoke slowly.

Say I know magic, can I send you out in a ‘swish’? You definitely can’t say this!

She told Natasha about the magic, and did not tell any of her remaining relatives and friends.

Now she is even more incapable of talking to a black president who has nothing to do with him. She doesn’t believe a word of promises made by politicians, and it’s useless to swear.

Just distrust, no other reason.

After calculating her gains and losses, she decided to take a detour.

Bella shook her head slightly: “It’s not us, it’s you. You can go out.”

“Your Excellency, have you read this book?” She took out a thick book from the bottom of the bookshelf in the underground bunker.

Aren’t you talking about escaping now? Why did the topic suddenly change?

I was confused, but the black president is a political figure after all, and he has basic patience. He followed Bella’s fingers to read the thick book. When he saw it, hehe! Don’t know a single word!

Bella peeked at his expression, seeing the black president’s puzzled face, she was secretly happy, it would be easy if you didn’t recognize him!

“This is Ethiopian Amharic.”

The black president is even more confused. Although he is a black man, Ethiopia is in Africa, but black people in the United States never think that they have anything to do with black people in Africa. All black people in the United States speak English. Some politicians have various reasons. For various reasons, I can speak some Spanish and French, but that’s it. It’s impossible for anyone to learn the **** Amharic…

I have never heard of this language, let alone learning it.

Bella said in a particularly mysterious tone: “When President Kennedy was in office, he sent people…sent people to build a, um, a very magical passage. This sentence mentioned The ritual seems to have fixed a certain ritual semi-permanently in this underground bunker.”

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