Marvel’s Princess Chapter 150: Commitment

The powerful psychic ability promises not to be used easily, but it is not unnecessary. The old bald man secretly used it twice without anyone noticing, and it was not difficult at all to read the memories of several salted fish mages.

There is no question of who is higher or lower between superpowers and magic. For example, the Omega-level mutant Vulcan, the God of Fire, can absorb magic forcefully. He regards magic as a kind of energy and can absorb it without any obstacles.

In addition, the old bald man also has Storm by his side, so he knows the existence of magic, so it is not a surprise.

Bella answered frankly: “I am different from them, and I am different from Ororo. I am…”

Charles quickly raised a palm to signal her to stop, and said with a smile: “Ororo once explained the principles of those magics to me. To be honest, I didn’t understand them, and I don’t understand how you control them either. Those strange energies.”

He did not delve too deeply into the topic of magic, but spoke of his purpose: “Miss Swan, I want to cooperate with you.”


“Yes, cooperate. I can see that you are a good person and have no hostility towards mutants.”

Bella pushed his wheelchair and said nothing, waiting for the old man to continue.

“But the ideas of mutants are still in their infancy. The world is not ready, and mutants are not ready either. The contradictions broke out so suddenly.”

The old man sighed: “The longer I live, the more powerless I feel. When I was young, I once wanted to correct those mistakes, but what happened later proved that I was not correct. Of course, neither did my enemies. Correct, in the face of survival, no one is correct.”

Bella was a little confused. What does this have to do with herself? Are you asking yourself to write a book about the peaceful coexistence of mutants and humans?

“I hope to cooperate with you and use your perspective to make some more objective judgments, identify the pros and cons, and correct the wrong actions of some mutants or humans.”

The old man said it very complicatedly, but Bella understood the core meaning.

To put it clearly, I just want to hire her as a thug. Whether it is a mutant or a human, as long as something happens that is not in line with the old bald man’s values, Bella will help him solve it, and the old man can pretend not to know, he still You can maintain your image as a mellow elder in front of and behind the scenes.

The old man is a thief, and the word he uses is cooperation, not employment.

In other words, it’s a deal.

You help me catch a mutant who wants to cause destruction, and I will help you once later. If you help me get rid of another one, I will help you in other ways.

Bella is a little afraid of trouble: “I am still in the learning stage. If it is an enemy that is too powerful, then I will definitely be…”

What are you sure about? Definitely can’t beat it!

What if Professor Charles asked her to capture Magneto? Without a particularly suitable time and environment, she really couldn’t beat Magneto.

The old bald man patted the back of her hand gently: “Don’t rush, don’t go out of your way to change anything, just follow the plan and do your own thing.”

“Okay, I agree.” Bella really had no reason to refuse such a verbal promise, so she agreed immediately.

That afternoon, she took a flight back to Stanford.


The Da Vinci Code was selling like hot cakes in the United States. In less than a month, it became the third best-selling book in the United States. Bella’s name as the beautiful author also gradually emerged in the promotion. water surface.

A reporter from the Los Angeles Times came specifically to interview her.

The character design is still the cliché of being pitiful, weak and helpless, and looks easy to bully, but this time the photos are much more beautiful!

After all, in the eyes of the public, Bella is already rich and has enjoyed the benefits of capitalism’s overnight fame. It is really not inspiring enough to dress in rags and be unkempt! Not enough of the American dream!

After her beautiful photos were published, spiritual praises came in a steady stream.

There must be many of them with dirty thoughts, but compared to the increase in strength, she feels that she can endure it. Isn’t it just licking the photos? Let them add it!

On the Stanford campus, Bella’s popularity has become even higher. However, there are many capable people who have done great things while they were students at Stanford. Her achievements can only be said to be not low, compared with those who constantly develop a Programming, compared to people who make millions by writing an algorithm, she is still worse.

Stanford is deeply influenced by Silicon Valley. Writing work cannot be said to be despised, but for those top students, only those who are talented in the IT industry, economic field, and medical field are the best, and the rest of the industry is just that. .

“Oh **** ho ho—” In the dormitory, Bella calculated her royalties and couldn’t help laughing like a pig…

At this time, nearly 700,000 copies of The Da Vinci Code have been sold, and the hardcover version is being printed. She has finished writing the Spanish and French versions and emailed them to Random House.

The current royalty income alone exceeds one million. This is still in the early days. The Da Vinci Code in her impression has printed 7.5 million copies in the United States alone, and now there is not even a tenth of it. arrive.

But the money still has to be taxed, and Random House will not be able to settle the royalties to her until the end of the year. In other words, she is still not rich at this time…


The Zodiac Killer has been slowly forgotten by the people of California, and the human trafficking incident in Paris seems to have been successfully resolved. Bella and her family are preparing to go on a family trip.

It has been almost a year since this new family was formed. Charlie and Samantha went to Spain for their honeymoon, and Bella and Natasha also went to Paris for a ‘tour’, but the family of four has never taken a single trip. This is very un-American.

On Friday, Charlie called Bella, who was still writing a new book at Stanford, back to Los Angeles, and their family of four was going to travel.

“The Hunger Games? Is this your new book? Yo…it’s the heroine!” Natasha looked through Bella’s manuscript and gradually became interested.

“Panem? Is this a utopian background in the future? I always thought you only wrote religious stories.”

She watched it with great interest, as if she wanted to find some mistakes and make fun of Bella.

But as the story slowly progressed, Natasha’s eyes couldn’t help but beat a few times when she saw the heroine participating in the Hunger Games on behalf of her sister.

She was a little touched by the deep feeling in the text that a sister would die for her sister, but she still pointed to the paragraph and asked: “Is this based on me? I am this frail, blond and blue-eyed sister, and you are That brave and heroic sister?”

“Huh? Haha–” Bella raised her head and said haha. Her cheap sister seemed to have misunderstood something. The Hunger Games was originally the plot arrangement. How could she, a copycat, substitute her own reality? Emotion!

But this thing is really hard to explain, so just misunderstand it.

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