Marvel’s Princess Chapter 143: Nancy

The great white shark’s intelligence is higher than expected. It’s true that his eyesight is not very good, but his sense of smell is more sensitive than that of a dog. Natasha took the woman and swam less than thirty meters away. The smell of blood from the wound on the woman’s thigh It dispersed in the sea water and immediately attracted the attention of the great white shark.

Bella immediately noticed something strange. This guy smelled the smell of blood, and his combat power suddenly increased a lot. Not only did he roll crazily, his strength was 20% greater than before. Was he violent?

She beat the Great White Shark with her fists, and took time out of her busy schedule to take a look in the distance. The woman’s injuries were extremely serious, and one of her left legs was still bleeding continuously. This blood made the Great White Shark go crazy.

The woman was in a trance, swinging her arms mechanically, but the actual effect was minimal. Natasha was holding her waist and paddling quickly towards the beach.

The great white shark completely ignored Bella on its back, slapped its tail fin on the water, and rushed towards the two of them.

Natasha changed directions twice, but the great white shark still stared at them.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was only five meters, Bella shouted: “Grab my feet!”

Two ice stabbing swords appeared in her hands, one on the left and one on the right, and they stabbed into the great white shark’s head. Then, using the stabbing sword as a support, she forcibly broke the great white shark’s head to the left.

She lay on her side, stretched out her right foot, and Natasha grabbed her ankle.

“Your feet are so slippery!” Bella’s ankles were very thin, but Natasha’s hands were not big, so she could barely hold them.

“In this critical moment, don’t say such sentimental words!”

“Just talking, this woman is about to faint anyway.”

Bella wore two pendants on her legs and forced the great white shark to swim towards the beach. One fish and three people rushed out more than a hundred meters away in an instant. No matter how hard the great white shark was manipulated and beaten, it was unwilling to get close to the beach. At this moment, Natasha let go in time, relying on the previous acceleration, dragging the woman to swim to the beach.

Bella rushed to the rescuer, gathered her psychic energy again, and stunned the great white shark with a psychic blast. Then she caught up with Natasha, and the two of them rushed to the shore with the woman.

The woman was in extremely poor condition, almost completely comatose, her body was shaking, her lips were white, and she was breathing vaguely.

“We’re here!” The distance of eight hundred meters was nothing to them. Even with one person, the two of them swam to the shore quite easily.

Running back to the jeep, there was no time to change clothes. The two of them just wiped themselves with the towels in the car and quickly drove onto the highway, preparing to find a nearby hospital.

“Hello? Can you hear me? What’s your name? Do you know where there is a hospital nearby?” Natasha drove very fast. Bella looked at the map and asked the person in the back seat. woman.

The warm environment in the car made the woman sober up, and she said in a weak voice: “My name is Nancy…Nancy Ingram, my dad…is Nathan. Ingram…the phone number is…”

Bella picked up her mobile phone and dialed. The call was quickly connected, and she was opposite a middle-aged man with a magnetic voice.

“Mr. Nathan Ingram? There is a woman here who claims to be your daughter. She is injured. Her name is Nancy…” Bella just made her opening remarks when the other side exploded.

“Nancy? What happened to her? Is she seriously injured? Where are you?”

The series of questions on the other side confused Bella.

She looked around and saw that this place was in the wilderness. There was no place name at all. She could only give an approximate location.

“It should be on Route 206. We need to take Miss Nancy to the hospital now. She seems to think you can provide some help?”

Actually, Bella was a little dissatisfied with this. Looking at the phone number, what kind of help can such a person in New York provide? Not a superman who can fly over instantly? However, it is humane for a daughter to ask her father for help in a critical situation. She made the call mainly to inform her family members.

But she didn’t expect that the other person was really capable.

I heard the middle-aged man on the phone shouting to me: “Finch! Something happened to Nancy, help me locate this mobile phone number! See if there is a hospital near them!”

There was a sound of typing on the keyboard from the opposite side, and within thirty seconds, another very plain and gentle voice was heard saying: “There is a small town three kilometers away from them, called Oak Street, where There are certain medical facilities.”

“Oak Street? I remember it! Nancy lived in that town when she was a child…” Nathan Ingram picked up the phone again: “Please drive northwest, about three kilometers. , you will see a small town called Oak Street, where there are medical staff and facilities! I will rush there as soon as possible, please help my daughter!”

“Oak Street, right? I know.”

There are really too many small towns in the United States. Towns are often renamed, cancelled, or even moved away en masse. Ordinary maps cannot accurately capture every town. The two searched for a long time on the map and found nothing. See where this so-called Oak Street is.

But people say they have noses and eyes, and at this moment, they should be very confident. Bella doesn’t think any biological father would lie to others at this time.

The BMW M3 drove very fast, and the three-kilometer journey passed by in an instant. A prosperous town appeared in the sight of the two of them. Before entering the town, Bella took a special look at the town sign “XX Street welcomes you.”

There are traces of flames burning on the name of the town, which is really difficult to distinguish.

Nathan Ingram seemed to be a very influential figure. When they arrived at the small town hospital, several hospital staff had been waiting at the door for a while.

A bunch of people were busy arranging the operation, leaving Bella and Natasha with nothing to do.

“Give me your car keys and I’ll catch that big fish!” Bella said enthusiastically.

“Big fish? You mean that great white shark? You want to catch it? And then take it back to Los Angeles!” The little beauty has always been interested in these exciting things.

But this time Bella poured cold water on her: “My dear sister, I want to remind you that Charlie and Samantha will not agree to you raising sharks. I am…I I want to catch them and sell them for money…”

When it comes to money, Bella, who considers herself a cultural person, is a bit embarrassed to talk about it, but she is really short of money now. Even if the Da Vinci Code is a big hit, it will take less than half a year to settle the royalties.

This also means that in this little half a year, she is still very poor.

Experts say that there are only more than 3,000 great white sharks in the world. In fact, there are definitely more than this number, but it is not too many. Catch them and sell them for money. This is Bella’s only idea.

“Okay, okay, go ahead. I’ll find a hotel in this town to rest.” When Natasha heard that she wasn’t allowed to raise her own child, she immediately lost interest, threw the car keys to her, and left with puffed cheeks. Small town hospital.

Bella drove back to the beach. The Great White Shark ran away after getting rid of the influence of the mind blast. After searching nearby for a long time, she found this guy before dawn.

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