Marvel’s Princess Chapter 133: Selling cars

Christian Koenigsegg scratched his bald head and looked very hesitant.

What Bella said was not profound, and he knew the reason behind it.

The racing and horse racing industries are very interesting. Except for those at the top of the pyramid, the rest of the racers and riders simply cannot afford those multi-million sports cars and famous horses. High-quality resources are in the hands of the rich. They He is like a tool man, training and fighting hard to increase his taste for the rich.

Christian Koenigsegg knows many engineers and racing drivers in the circle, and everyone praises his car. But after praising him, they can only shout a few words, and no one can afford it. Even if you sell your money and buy one, in real life, that high-performance sports car is far less practical than an SUV…

I’m just going out to buy groceries. Do I need to consider the vehicle’s acceleration per 100 kilometers?

Currently, the only people who like to buy sports cars are the rich.

“We lack understanding.” Christian Koenigsegg said stiffly.

“Of course, we can cooperate first. You entrust the vehicle to me, I will help you sell it, and then you will pay me a commission.” Bella had expected this.

Both parties are quite satisfied with this cooperation plan. Some people bring their own dry food to help sell cars, and Koenigsegg will not have any objections.

Bella can also test the waters with the other person’s car. If there is any difference between the two worlds and the car cannot be sold, she will send the car back, which will have no impact on herself.

The two parties will maintain a cooperative relationship first, and then talk about investment when she has money.


Bella and Natasha left Paris on the embassy’s charter flight and landed in New York. They did not leave the airport and transferred to Los Angeles again.

Charlie picked up the two people at the airport. During dinner, Samantha saw that her two daughters were not affected at all, and she breathed a sigh of relief: “I thought California was dangerous and foreign countries were safe, but now it seems that California is safer. Don’t run around during this holiday! Just stay at home.”

The two nodded quickly, their expressions particularly sincere. Who is the culprit of the Paris murders? I don’t know, I’ve never seen it before! The two of them acted like good children and pretended to be stupid.

Back in Los Angeles, Bella started her own money-making plan and contacted the Koenigsegg company in Sweden. The other party sent an engineer and brought a latest silver-gray Koenigsegg. CC8S.

At present, Koenigsegg is not even considered an upstart in the sports car industry. It is a pure newcomer, so the price of sports cars has not reached the sky-high prices in the future. A car of 690,000 euros, such a car Sports car, the profit is not much at all, most of it is the cost.

Among the people Bella knew, the richest person was undoubtedly Tony Stark, who also loved and collected cars.

Although Tony Stark has been driving Audi series sports cars in public, driving and collecting cars are two different things. Selling Koenigsegg to him is definitely the right thing.

Her purpose is also very simple, as long as she sells it, it doesn’t matter to me whether you drive it all over the city or leave it to collect dust in the warehouse.

Arriving at the Malibu villa with familiar familiarity, the fat bodyguard Happy looked at her speechlessly.

“Don’t look at me like that. Let me tell you, Koenigsegg is definitely a good car. I won’t tell most people about it!” Bella’s move of treating Stark like a fat sheep is too obvious. No wonder the fat bodyguard had a bad look on her.

However, Fat Bodyguard is also a knowledgeable person. Just looking at the appearance of Koenigsegg CC8S, he feels that this car is extraordinary.

It seemed that he had completely lost interest in Bella. Gou Dahu didn’t make any attempt to hide it this time. When a few people found him, he was playing beach volleyball with two scantily clad girls.

Tony Stark was fighting one against two, and the two turbulent girls opposite him understood his thoughts very well. They kept smiling and swinging their bodies in a wide range. Seeing their cheerful faces, Bella was very worried that if If you use too much force, the silicone will fall off.

“Hey, Tony, I brought you a new toy.” Bella didn’t regard herself as an outsider at all, leaning against the car and patting the hood and said.

It seems that we are not familiar enough to call each other by our first names, right? Tony Stark secretly complained.

However, he has always been tolerant of women, especially beautiful women.

Even though the ideological differences between them were almost irreconcilable, he did not make any move to drive them away.

Huh? Originally it was just a casual glance, but his eyes were still attracted by the smooth appearance of Koenigsegg CC8S.

The two girls were directly thrown aside by him. The wealthy man walked up to Bella with a relatively reserved pace, pretending not to care and asked: “What are the specific data of this car?”

The Koenigsegg engineer who came with the sports car is a typical otaku. English is Sweden’s second language. Many people born after the 1940s can speak it, so naturally this engineer can also speak it.

The scene of Tony Stark’s passionate fight with the two girls did not cause any trouble to Bella, but made the engineer and technical geek extremely nervous.

Seeing that her teammates were dumbfounded and didn’t seem to know where to start, Bella immediately took over the task of introducing them.

She has read the information about the sports car once, and based on her memory, it is probably no problem.

“655 horsepower engine, all-aluminum turbocharger, 32 valves, it only takes 3.2 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h. The current top speed of the vehicle is 395 km/h, and the top speed can be maintained for 9.9 seconds. End The tail speed can still reach 235 km/h, and the braking distance is…”

Whenever she mentioned certain numbers, she would raise her voice slightly to show the extraordinary characteristics of the entire car.

Power was the focus of her introduction, and all the data were explained in detail.

In terms of safety, I mentioned a few words casually. Tony Stark is such a wasteful person, does he care about safety issues?

Fuel consumption is not mentioned at all. The big dog is not short of money at all, so there is no need to save fuel for him.

You are insulting him by saying this car is fuel-efficient!

“Can I try it?” Stark asked, pointing to the car.

“Of course.”

Bella got out of the way, and Stark didn’t change his clothes. There was still a lot of sand on his feet, arms and hands, so he sat directly in the driving position, stepped on the accelerator and left the Malibu villa.

The technical engineer with glasses and a big beard wanted to say something, but in the end he couldn’t say it.

Bella and the fat bodyguard sat aside and waited for Stark to come back.

The faces of the two models who were still playing ball not far away suddenly turned gloomy. Their eyes towards Bella were full of hostility. The financial backer they had chosen was actually cheated away by a car seller?

Bella felt the malice in it, but this malice was still within the normal range. She found it very boring, took out the pen and paper in her bag, and continued her writing.

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