Marvel’s Princess Chapter 124: Bloodbath

After having a preliminary understanding of the weapons and equipment of the Albanian gang, Bella continued walking inside.

“Puff” Two vicious Cane Corso dogs were killed by her in advance.

The strong man who didn’t sleep in the middle of the night and was doing pull-ups in the yard only felt a breeze blowing by. The next second, he found that the world was spinning and his head rolled out more than two meters away. He could still see the… A headless corpse gushing blood.

The Albanian man, who was holding a towel and clothes in his hand and seemed to be about to take a shower, walked out of the room and saw something unusual outside the house. As soon as he opened his mouth, Bella covered her mouth, took out a tactical straight knife and stabbed her through the heart. Then she supported the body and slowly lowered it.

The two men who were still watching the football match in the house didn’t even notice that the door slowly opened. Bella walked over very lightly and shot each of them in the head.

She slipped over to the Albanian who was sleeping on the bed and stabbed him in the neck.

The Albanian who was venting his animalistic desires on some girls was held down by Bella on his forehead and chin. With one mistake of his hands, Bella broke his neck with a “click”.

More enemies were killed with pistols within a range of ten meters.

Along the way, Bella killed more than ten people in a row. She originally gave herself the power of invisibility, but later found that doing so was too troublesome, so she simply used violent means to kill them inside.

As long as no one sees me, it’s perfect stealth!

After using two magazines, she found several girls one after another in the room on the west side of the first floor. However, the girls’ right hands were handcuffed to the bedside and they were in a daze. They were obviously drugged and then encountered. Violate.

These scumbags!

Bella is really angry, these Albanians are worse than the cultists of Silent Hill! So bad!

The door behind her made a very slight shake. Bella immediately turned around and saw an old man with white hair wearing a black leather jacket pointing a gun at her.

Her movements were also extremely fast, and she pointed the gun at the old man at the same time.

“Did you kill those people outside?” the old man asked in a low voice.

He didn’t wear a hood or mask, and he didn’t hide his accent. You could tell it was standard American English.

“Yeah, who are you?” Bella said hoarsely.

There’s no need to hide this, it doesn’t matter even if it’s being recorded, you know who I am!

The old man looked at the FBI logo on her body armor, holding the gun in his right hand unchanged, and took out a photo from his jacket pocket: “I’m looking for my daughter, have you seen her?”

Bella looked carefully and found that she really knew them: “Are those Jin and Amanda? I’ve seen them on the plane, but I don’t know if they are here.”

The old man slowly lowered his gun, Bella’s female identity played an important role.

The old man arrived a few minutes later than them, and then hurriedly followed the footsteps. There were quite a lot of dead bodies along the way. According to the French law after the abolition of the death penalty, once convicted, these dead people would be enough to sentence Bella. Went to 3001!

The old man came to see his daughter, and Bella came to vent her anger. There was no conflict between the two, but they could cooperate to a limited extent.

They walked up to the second floor together and found that the second floor was almost cleared, with dead bodies everywhere.

“My name is Brian, a former CIA agent. What’s going on here?” The old man Brian checked the corpses on the ground and found that they were all killed by one shot.

“My companion should have done it. We came to France to travel, and these guys ended up…”

Bella did not give her name, but briefly explained the cause and course of the incident.

Old agent Brian was a little speechless. He felt that these Albanians were really blind. Not only did they offend a retired CIA agent like himself, but they also apparently offended two female killers!

No wonder he thinks so, Bella doesn’t look like a normal person.

Masked, mute, wearing body armor, ruthless, with a silencer on the gun and blood on the knife! Is this how a normal citizen would dress when traveling to France?

Compared with Bella’s dress, Brian, the old agent, was very upright. He rushed in with a pistol without any disguise!

On the one hand, he is anxious, but on the other hand, he really does not take the French government seriously. Does a dignified former CIA agent need to worry about what the French think? No need at all!

“Who is he? Your friend?” At the corner of the second floor, they met Natasha.

The little beauty looked the old agent Brian up and down.

“I’m here to save my daughter. We all have the same goal.”

Bella explained in a low voice, Natasha also had the same idea as the old agent before, these Albanians are really looking for death!

You are so awesome, why don’t you kidnap the daughter of the President of the United States?

“Puff!” “Bang!” With the assistance of old agent Brian and Natasha, the three of them joined forces to advance faster.

With the continuous sound of gunfire and the rapid death of people in the building, the remaining Albanians finally reacted.

Now that the action has been exposed, the power of the pistol is slightly insufficient, and it will not look good if it hits the enemy!

“Go on!” Bella opened the travel bag and threw an automatic rifle to the cheap sister.

Then she took out a rifle and gestured at the old agent: “Do you want it?”

The old agent looked at his small pistol, which was indeed not very powerful, and nodded happily.

Bella made a slight dash with each hand, opening a path in the middle.

Press the trigger to the end, pull it to the left, and four or five people will lie down directly. Then he raised his right hand, and the enemy who just jumped out was beaten into pieces by more than a dozen bullets.

The blood on the corpse spurted everywhere, and the remaining limbs were blown around by the potential energy of the bullets.

She didn’t even look at the dead bodies everywhere. As long as the hostility and malice disappeared from her mental vision, it meant that the enemy was dead.

Different from her magic marksmanship, Natasha and veteran agent Brian have both received professional training. Their movements are extremely standard, with the butts of their guns against their shoulders and their center of gravity lowered. As long as an enemy appears within sight, they will pull the trigger. The trigger is a **** hole.

The power of a rifle is much greater than that of a pistol. If it hits the body, it will cause a penetrating wound. The entrance of the bullet is a normal-sized hole, but when it reaches the exit, it becomes a wound the size of a bowl. The internal organs are smashed, and many The Albanian died in pain without even making a sound.

The gunshots were getting louder and louder. The three of them did seem to be alone based on the number of people, but they couldn’t hold off the three of them. They had good weapons and good marksmanship. They shot one at a time. Albania organized two counterattacks in a row, but they were easily defeated. The ground is dry.

“Ahem! Hello!” Bella took out two pineapple-shaped grenades from her bag. After thinking about it, she felt that she couldn’t use these things and it would be easy to accidentally hurt her, so she coughed and handed over the travel bag and the grenades. Natasha.

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