Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1224: Create chaos

“Let me become one with the universe and let me become a true cosmic god!”

With a gentle snap of the fingers, the six original energies of the universe gathered together, and according to Bella’s wishes, began to evolve her current body to a higher level.

The experience of becoming a cosmic **** this time is completely different from that of her original body. That time she took the path of darkness. It was really a blackout and she didn’t see anything. This time is different. With the help of the infinite gems, she has greatly When she raised her life level, Bella relied on the foundation of twilight. She saw infinite numbers and infinite knowledge.

Is it easy for an artificial intelligence to reach this point? It’s easy to say it’s easy, but it’s really not easy to say it’s not easy.

Self-awareness, knowledge and energy are indispensable.

Without a steady stream of sparring partners and a large number of life-and-death confrontations, it would be difficult for artificial intelligence to awaken to the concept of self. For example, Ultron had no self at first. He just simply imitated, whether it was the way he thought or acted. mode. At that time, Ultron had actually been imitating Stark. It was not until he became the artificial lever 1.0 that he had emotions such as anger and annoyance. Only then did he have his true self, and Twilight reached it early this stage.

Twilight is very weak in knowledge. Without Ultron, Bella would have to spend a long time to gain a lot of knowledge through every bit of life, while still maintaining her human self. The idea was to significantly shorten her time in acquiring knowledge.

Have self-awareness, sufficient knowledge, and infinite stones that can provide infinite energy.

Now that all external conditions have been met, the process of this avatar transforming into a cosmic **** is very clear.

Bella didn’t get much insight from it. Although the paths were different, she had already experienced these things. The path she planned for Twilight was really fast, but the upper limit was also set immediately because of the infinite stones. Being sealed, Dusk cannot exceed the limit of the infinite gems. In other words, the upgraded cosmic **** has no future, but this situation is also what she expected.

It would be better if there was no future. She doesn’t need a clone to have a future.

When she snapped her fingers, she avoided several technologically powerful countries in the parallel universe and chose a galaxy with two stars.

The sunlight is too strong, no life is born here, and not even water can be seen in the planet.

Relying on the energy accumulation of the infinite gems, her avatar was rapidly transforming. Her life level directly crossed several steps, and she completed the connection with the universe in just a few breaths.

This process is completely forcibly accumulated by the energy of infinite gems. Is it effective? It is definitely effective, but generally no one will do it, because once the foundation is unstable, or the accumulation is not enough, and you try to directly become a cosmic **** by using clever methods, then in the next step of connecting with the universe, the problem of unstable foundation will arise. , is still a big problem.

The Infinity Stone is only responsible for pushing you up. It doesn’t care whether you can stand or stand firm.

Bella has no worries in this regard. She has a deep enough understanding of the gods of the universe and knows some of the levels well.

When she let go of the restrictions of her body, the rocks, gravel, and land under her feet were turned into pure energy by the huge suction force. The suction force became stronger and stronger. From a distance, it started out as a whirlwind, and finally evolved into A ball of pale white energy ocean.

After she absorbed and devoured more than half of the star core of the planet under her feet, she once again let go of the restrictions in her body, and the energy of the two stars was absorbed into her body without reservation.

Not enough, not enough!

She was like a huge black hole, beginning to absorb energy from the outside world to replenish itself.

The energy in half of the star field was turned into nutrients to reshape the body. At this time, she was tens of thousands of meters tall, hovering smoothly in the universe.

Twilight became a cosmic god, which meant that her first step was successful.

Twilight’s body is composed of extremely complex machinery, which has surpassed the earth and exceeded the limits of mechanical manufacturing that intelligent life can achieve. Unlike Unicron’s innate mechanical body, she is still a mechanical creation , but it is not a mechanical creation of mortals, but a brand new life form born from a series of complex evolutions in the current universe.

Her existence represents the upper limit of technology in this universe, a great creation that has accumulated wisdom and experience to the extreme.

Looking from a distance, Dusk looks a bit like those thousand-meter-high Celestial Gods, except that she is ten times larger and ten times more complicated than the Celestial Gods.

The main body far away in hyperspace once again immersed his mind into the deepest part of the spiritual world. Although the clone relied on infinite gems to become a cosmic god, at this level, standard abilities such as telepathy and reality modification are also available. If she has it, she also uses the spiritual connection between the two to merge with the original soul.

Only when Bella fully merges with Twilight, who has become the **** of the universe, can she have enough self to fuse the other three clones, instead of like the combination of Kong, where four or five Transformers just merge together, and finally merge into A new consciousness.

She must let her consciousness take absolute dominance for this upgrade to be successful.

Twilight is the most important part of her entire plan, but it will take some time for the two sides to integrate.

In order to prevent anyone from causing trouble for her, she had already mobilized some of her subordinates to this parallel universe.

Bella herself is the master of the dream dimension. At this time, while secretly plotting against Chen Cang, she ostensibly began to expand the dream dimension into this parallel universe.

Dreams are illusory, relying on the material world, but independent of the material world. Some parallel universes have a dream dimension, and some do not.

The parallel universe where twilight falls does not have a dream dimension, which is also the result of Bella’s exploration.

The illithid, who arrived in this universe early, received her order and immediately began to cast spells, opening a space passage to the dream dimension.

A new world with lots of intelligent life but no dream dimension?

This temptation is too great. For many dream creatures, in the past, they were just racing to enclose as much territory as they could. In the future, these territories will be their own. They flocked to the Sunless Sea crazily and actively responded to the dream. The call of the Dimension Master.

Bella’s general Jason was responsible for this plane invasion. He himself had some attributes of a dream monster. He was previously a semi-dream creature and possessed part of the entity. After Bella occupied the dream dimension, Jason passed through it several times. Tried, discarded the physical part, and finally transformed into a new creature made purely of nightmares, and Freddy is now no longer worthy to carry his shoes.

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