Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1223: The first step to the multiverse level

With the help of Red Lotus Godzilla to knock off King Kong’s pride, and with the help of King Kong’s big target to attract Red Lotus Godzilla’s attention, Bella controlled the water vapor in the Antarctic and drove Red Lotus Godzilla from the inside out. Outside, it’s frozen layer by layer. Please calm down first.

She forgot what the plot of the movie was. Anyway, she knew that now the fat lizard was out of control. Not only was it emotionally out of control, the nuclear material absorbed by Godzilla in the body was also reacting crazily like a runaway wild horse. .

The form of Red Lotus Godzilla is not a conventional transformation form. Now the amount of radiation on this big guy’s body surface is astonishingly high. A large amount of radiation is emitted to the outside world through the skin. He is like a nuclear power plant about to explode. If Letting him enter the sea would be 10,000 times more serious than dumping nuclear waste into the sea.

Human beings are too fragile when facing radiation. If Godzilla wandered around the four oceans, the global ecosystem would collapse.

In the snowflakes flying all over the sky, Red Lotus Godzilla’s body temperature was getting lower and lower, and his vision was getting blurry. When he saw Bella, a little bug, constantly surrounding him with ice, he yelled angrily, but The extreme low temperature almost froze his mind, and the last thing he saw was that he was surrounded by a large iceberg.

There was some deviation in the position, but Bella still sealed Godzilla into the iceberg according to the approximate direction, which was similar to the location where Ghidorah was sealed before.

On the one hand, it is to reduce the radiation on Godzilla’s body surface, and on the other hand, it is for Ghidorah!

If Ghidorah is used as a trump card, then Godzilla must be dealt with. It cannot be said that Ghidorah was just called here and Godzilla came to fight Ghidorah five minutes later, then the trump card will be lost. meaning.

The last aspect is for Professor Serizawa. The old man really likes Godzilla. Bella, give him a chance now. If you are not afraid of radiation and have nothing to do at home, come to Antarctica to research, and save the Japanese old man. The professor spends his days wondering about the mystery of the Titan’s disappearance.

The earth does not need Godzilla now, and sealing him in an iceberg would be a good thing for all parties.

“Um, uh huh!? Ho ho?” Bella was about to send King Kong back to Skull Island, but the gorilla pointed to the ground, and then picked up a piece from the rubble. Godzilla broke away while fighting Ghidorah. dorsal fin.

King Kong roared and gestured.

Bella listened patiently.

“You are no match for strength, so you want to make tools? You want to use this thing as an ax, and then compete with Godzilla? Look at my mouth shape, haha! Such a dorsal fin is not enough, energy We are all old friends. I may not be able to be there when you fight next time. I have to go to a far away place. It is useless to talk to you. Let me help you transform this dorsal fin. ”

Bella uses her skillful level 8 diamond language to talk to the gorilla.

She took King Kong to the depths of the underground world, where the energy was very rich. She found an energy node, and then drew a simple energy-gathering array. Finally, she placed the dorsal fin inside the node and enjoyed the energy here. Energy blessing.

“When Godzilla walks out of the iceberg one day, and you still want to challenge him to a duel, then come here and use this tomahawk.” Bella patted the gorilla on the shoulder: “But I really I don’t think you can beat that guy, so don’t fight if you can.”

King Kong roared twice, and she waved her hands casually: “That’s all I said, I’m just a little sad right now. Normally I don’t bother to pay attention to you. Anyway, I told you the location. If you want to fight Godzilla, Then come here and get the battle ax and I’ll take you back.”

Bella had an indifferent attitude. Seeing that nothing was missing, she sent King Kong back to Skull Island.

One day later, the staff of the Monarch Project returned to the Antarctic wearing full radiation protection suits. They saw Godzilla in the iceberg. Old Professor Serizawa was so excited that he worked all night just to study Godzilla. characteristic.

Three days later, a somewhat exhausted Natasha returned to Earth.

She fought with Ghidorah for three days on Venus. After completely subduing the giant beast, she used Bella’s slave owner contract and turned Ghidorah into a trump card for her side.

There are space gems and a contract signed by both parties. During the battle, Natasha can summon Ghidorah, who lives on Venus, to Earth to join the battle within ten seconds.

One morning a week later, Bella kissed her lover on the forehead.

Natasha closed her eyes, shrank her head into the pillow, and said in a very low voice: “Remember to come back, this is your home.”

Bella nodded heavily: “I will definitely come back.”

She walked around the children’s room twice more, looking at her sleeping daughter and third sister. She sat alone and made wild gestures with little Elsa’s toys. Her faith had never been greater. Some are intense.

Feeling that her state had reached its extreme, she quietly left the earth, left her own point in time, entered the hyperspace with a higher energy limit, and began to embark on a new path that was unique to her.

After a long search of one year and three months, Dusk found all the infinite gems in this parallel universe. Among them were a statue of a **** worshiped by a race in the universe for thousands of years, an inexplicable stone that ordinary people could not see the use of, and a A long, sharp knife, a cyclone of pure energy orbiting a star, a piece of translucent metal, and a stone that grows in the head of an intelligent being.

As Bella adjusts in hyperspace, Twilight also shuts down most of its external modules and reruns the core code. Twilight’s thoughts are infinitely close to Bella’s. When the two sides complete the true resonance, , Dusk became Bella’s clone in this parallel universe.

She still has her own thoughts and values, but in terms of cause and effect, she is completely tied to Bella.

Bella opened her eyes on Dusk’s body.

It would be meaningless to simply throw a clone into a parallel universe.

You must leave your own mark on the current universe, so that this universe can provide energy to Bella’s body, and in order to leave a mark, you must become the **** of the universe here.

The remaining three clones are either the will of the planet, the body of Unicron, or a collection of Titan beasts. Twilight is much worse than them in basic conditions.

Even if Bella’s will comes in person, she can’t use magic here, let alone use her many abilities. At this time, if she wants to become a cosmic god, she needs to use the energy of the infinite stones.

She followed Stark’s design ideas and combined it with her own understanding of magic to create a mechanical version of the Infinity Gauntlet. She then installed six gem-turned energy blocks on the gloves. Bella controlled Dusk’s body. He snapped his fingers gently.

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