Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1159: Seal

“Hahahaha, senior, you are really good at telling jokes. When you just said, ‘Every decision you make is hurting the timeline,’ did the ‘you’ include me?”

Bella took one step from Los Angeles to Cama Taj. Fatty Wang was still a bit immature. He thought he had no flaws. In fact, he underestimated Bella’s spiritual attainments.

Bella is not omniscient and omnipotent, but lying to her during a telepathic conversation is still quite difficult.

She looked directly into Agamotto’s eyes: “I know that Qin wants to accept Miss Rasputin as her disciple, and I think there is no problem! Really, I really think so. Rasputin Miss Ting’s demon blood and soul blade are very suitable for today’s Kama Taj.

I felt that catching the little devil was too inefficient before, but there has been no solution to the problem. Qin’s method is very good. With the help of Miss Rasputin’s relationship, Karma Taj can even occupy the limbo of hell. It will be very convenient to catch demons. Karma Taj’s mage no longer has to worry about insufficient magic power. I think Miss Rasputin is better than Dr. Strange who is a surgeon in New York. ”

Agamotto said word for word: “That’s just what you think.”

“Doctor Strange is no longer suitable for today’s Kama Taj. You forced him to be a mage and gave him a tragic and painful future. You also put yourself in the position of justice to maintain the stability of the timeline. At the highest level, do you have a grudge against him?” Seeing that Agamotto was dragging her like 25,000 to 80,000 yuan, Bella was not polite to him.

Respect is mutual. This guy came over to point fingers in a menacing way, which made Bella uncomfortable.

“Back then, I established Kama Taj, hoping that the mages could resist the erosion of dark magic and keep the earth away from the evil at the deepest level of magic.”

Bella nodded, she agreed with this: “A very noble mission, a very clever system construction, the Kama Taj model established at the beginning was very successful.”

Agamotto continued: “Now I want to establish an organization to maintain the timeline just like I established Kama Taj, to collect all time and establish a sacred timeline.”

Bella thought for a moment, and she thought this was too unreliable: “It’s not that I, the younger generation, are looking down on you. It seems that you are not that capable yet, right? You must know that there are too many strong people who keep an eye on time. ”

Actually, she is not very clear about the position of Kronos, the **** of time, and her subordinate Thorgos, the abyss glider, at the end of time. The water here is too deep, and the extraterritorial demons and single universe-level powerful beings involved There are a lot of powerful people in the multiverse.

Agamotto’s true form must be a multiverse-level powerhouse, but just based on that? Not enough!

Agamotto said firmly: “Emperor Weishan can do it.”

Bella smiled politely: “I think you should discuss such a big matter with Eternal Life and the others. Since our strength is low, we will not participate.”

Agamotto took a step forward and pointed at Qin: “The Phoenix host should have died a long time ago. She is still alive now. Every day she lives will bring a lot of time variables because of the Phoenix. ”

No matter how good-tempered Qin was, her face dropped at this moment: “You mean I should die? Do you think I should be killed by Logan to protect your great timeline?”

Bella couldn’t hold it back, she laughed out loud: “Hahahaha, Qin, this guy is probably crazy, ‘Don’t be overly obsessed with the scene in the river of time.’ I guess this guy is the one who said this It has been passed down through generations of supreme mages. Unfortunately, he has violated his original intention, and now he is lost in the illusion of time.”

Agamotto seemed not to have heard her sarcasm: “The trinity of Emperor Weishan will establish a time administration as a guardian to consolidate all scattered timelines. You were once the Supreme Mage. I hope you can come and help. Me.”

Bella’s smile continued: “So you want me to work for you at that time bureau?”

“This statement is not rigorous, but it is roughly good.”

“You want to incorporate me and kick me out of the current timeline? Completely erase all traces of me on this timeline?”

“This is salvation, saving you, saving this timeline, it’s a good thing for all parties.”

Bella was very curious about his logical way of thinking: “Then what? Let Jean disappear from this world and let Doctor Strange become the Supreme Sorcerer?”

“Yes, this is what Emperor Weishan meant.”

“Fuck you Emperor Weishan! Qin, do it!” Bella was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, a multiverse-level boss? How scary! But she is not afraid of a clone.

She pulled out the sword in the stone, and the power of her soul gathered together. A brilliant ray of light like the setting sun appeared in the blade. The light carried the weight of half the universe and pressed towards Agamotto. The first generation of the supreme mage made a move The child became sluggish, his skin became saggy, his magic power declined significantly, and the clone’s lifespan was transformed into nothingness by the glow at an exaggerated speed.

Agamotto was prepared for this. His spellcasting movements were incredibly fast. He absorbed magic power from time to make up for his own shortcomings. The transformation speed of Xiaguang was not as fast as his absorption speed. It took at most one breath. , he can launch a counterattack.

“Hehehehe” a burst of charming laughter sounded in his ears: “It is understandable that people who live and die are greedy for the glory and wealth of the world, but an old antique like you should have looked down on everything long ago, why are you still Living? This is simply a blasphemy to the universe. Let me give you a ride!”

Entropy, who was wearing a mask, put her hands on Agamotto’s shoulders. She relied on her own characteristics to disperse and confuse the huge magic power that Agamotto had condensed.

The chaotic nature of entropy makes the huge magic power in Agamotto’s body turn into a mess. Agamotto’s skill in controlling magic power is far higher than that of Bella and Entropy, but no matter how high the skill is and how fast the speed is, it still takes time. In order to He took another breath to sort out his magic power.

Bella and Entropy gained two breaths one after another. Qin completed her own adjustment and transformed into a white phoenix! As if in revenge for Agamotto saying that he deserved to be stabbed to death by Wolverine, she shot Agamotto through the chest with Phoenix Fire.

Agamotto allowed his clone to be burned into charcoal, and he said: “I”

Bella answered for him: “Do you want to say that you will come back? Old-timer, you think highly of yourself and underestimate us!”

She and Entropy exchanged a look, and both of them used their characteristics as Daughters of Annihilation at the same time, one to seal and the other to add chaos variables. They sealed Agamotto’s clone into the void. No matter how strong the original Supreme Mage’s body was, I can’t find the clone for a while, let alone know what happened to the clone.

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