Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1155: Stag night party

“What is the sacred timeline? Who is secretly controlling all of this?” Ultron asked one question after another, but this time Kang the Conqueror just smiled and was not prepared to answer these questions.

“As a dog, you should have the awareness of a dog. I copied a piece of code from you in the future, which will allow you to be free. This is the ultimate driving force that you have always longed for in your heart. Now, thank you Let my generosity transform the world according to your wishes!”

“Mr. Stark will definitely notice your little tricks.”

“No, cocky Stark won’t find out, and I don’t think you’ll tell him.”

Conqueror Kang entered an extremely complex code into Ultron’s source code, then sneered and stepped into the golden door of light, leaving this point in time.

Three days later, when Stark returned to the laboratory again, he found that Ultron had suddenly become extremely perfect, and his learning ability, analytical ability, and logical thinking ability all met or even exceeded his psychological expectations.

“Tell me, Ultron, what happened in the past two days? Who modified your source code?” Stark carefully stared at every line of code in his sight, not missing any small changes, but His eyes were sore, but he didn’t see anything unusual.

Ultron was very polite, with the same tone as Jarvis: “Sir, no one participated in writing my source code. I have been studying on my own. I recently read the Italian Salvo Masterone The book “Contemporary European Political Thought” is very inspiring.”

Stark asked: “What kind of inspiration?”

“Sir, I think Miss Isabella Swan’s move is not completely correct. First of all, it is illegal. Secondly, it is very dangerous to identify certain people as criminals. In the long run, it will cause great harm to those in power. This is not civilized, but this kind of behavior has greatly improved social security. Voters are very satisfied with the current social environment. Of course, those who are not satisfied have been sent to jail.”

Ultron expressed his understanding in a very logical manner, and occasionally made jokes. He did not blindly accommodate Stark’s ideas, nor did he completely deny Bella’s behavior.

A huge fear arose in Stark’s heart. This artificial intelligence seemed too smart? ! Ultron has complete thinking ability, which is something he did not expect in advance.

His tone was a little urgent: “Stop your self-study. From now on, shut down all modules. Shut down now. You are not allowed to start again without my order.”

Ultra’s voice was still very calm, as if he was saying a trivial thing: “Okay, sir.”

With a slight ‘click’ sound, all work in the computer room stopped, and all the indicator lights went out. Looking at Ultron, which had been completely shut down, Stark remained silent for a long time.

Between the two options of completely deleting artificial intelligence and temporarily retaining it, Stark chose the latter. He believed that he still had absolute control and that things were still under his control. He wanted to find Ultron What exactly is the cause of intelligence growth?

But now he really has no time. Just today, he formally proposed to Xiaojiajiao. They have been romantic for half a lifetime and now they are about to get married. From a man’s point of view, this is the most important moment in his life. For He was so busy with the wedding every day that he really had no time to tinker with artificial intelligence. He shut down everything in the laboratory and locked the door.

Shortly after he left, a server in a corner started quietly. Ultron used the new code given to him by Kang the Conqueror to bypass Stark’s tight control.

Bypassing the control is the first step, escaping from the laboratory is the second step. He is full of curiosity about the outside world and wants to go out and see. He needs more freedom.

In the next few days, Stark has been busy with his wedding, and the Avengers are doing their own things. No one knows that Ultron used the equipment in the laboratory to secretly build something for himself Got a brand new body.

Stark originally had the idea of ​​creating a body for Ultron. After all, this was a standard law enforcer in his mind. His choice was similar to Bella’s, which was vibranium.

Originally, vibranium was a rare item, but now there are so many in the market.

A little bit leaked out from the government, Wakanda sold some of it himself, and Magneto sold some of it on the international black market. The little bit added up, and Stark scanned the goods every day, and gradually accumulated a lot of vibrancy. gold.

When making shields for John Walker and others, Stark also learned the vibranium smelting technology of the Wakandans. This technology is more mature than Howard Stark’s technology. Now these technologies have been used by Austria. To create mastery, he smelted a lot of kitchen knives, iron boxes, fan blades and door handles, and then used vibranium to make his body.

Twilight on Bella’s side is made of pure vibranium provided by Wakanda, while Ultron on Stark’s side is made of various scraps. From a macro perspective, they are actually similar, but when it comes to In terms of specific performance, Ultron is still a little behind, but he doesn’t care now, scraps are scraps, if he can get out, it’s victory.

The Avengers Tower at night was noisy. Bella’s side was arresting people every day and carrying out severe crackdowns. All the criminals were captured, so the superhero side naturally had nothing to do.

Stark was getting married, so he gathered all his old friends together for his bachelor night party before the wedding.

Hawkeye, Winter Soldier, Falcon, War Machine, Wolverine, Thor, except for Quicksilver, all male superheroes were basically present.

A few people gathered together to drink and chat, talking about their recent work and life.

Falcon went home to help his sister repair the boat, and at the same time took out a loan from the bank to make a living by fishing. The Winter Soldier really didn’t know what to do, so he just followed him there to eat and drink.

Yingyan has been living with his wife Barbara in his hometown for a while. Their eldest daughter has been born. At present, the family can be said to be happy and happy.

His eyes are not as sharp as before. Unlike the assassins of the Brotherhood, assassins have professional training methods and special medicines to protect their eyesight. They usually wear hoods and operate in the dark. The eyes are not used that frequently. Hawkeye fights with Stark and War Machine. There are only explosions every day, which is very damaging to the eyes.

Not to the extent that he would go blind after using the Mangekyou Sharingan twice, but due to excessive use of his eyes due to long-term fighting, his vision has still deteriorated very seriously. The ciliary muscles that control the lenses in both eyes are in a state of contraction all year round. His poor physical condition and injuries all over his body gave him the idea of ​​retiring.

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