Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1153: The philandering Thor

 Dusk was also a little surprised. She looked down at her palms, how could she have so much strength? She is just an ordinary person.

 Daniel Rand was also taking a peek at Dusk’s fists. They were completely different from his casserole-sized, calloused fists. Dusk’s fingers were long and the skin was white and tender. He could punch such an earth-shattering punch, not to mention breaking the bones of his hand. , it looks like the skin is not even broken.

 Is this the true level of weak women in the outside world? Got the lesson!

 Daniel Rand was filled with despair.

 He finally recognized the reality. It seemed that he did not have the talent to practice boxing. This weak woman in front of him was the real ‘Iron Fist’!

 Stop wasting Kunlun’s food and asking your master to teach you martial arts. If you are so weak, your master must have discovered it long ago, right? I will return to Earth next year and inherit billions of dollars in wealth.

 The next morning, several Kunlun people who had been exposed to the twilight noticed that this outsider woman was different.

 Among them, Daniel Rand who led the way, Lei Gong who was responsible for teaching boxing, and Jade Emperor who taught her to be calm, the three of them felt the deepest feelings.

 It’s so different! Genius also has its limits, and someone like Twilight cannot be described as a genius at all.

 The language of Kunlun can be spoken once you hear it, and you can write it after reading it twice. In terms of boxing skills, she can remember them just by watching them once. Dusk can occasionally use many moves that make Lei Gong look extremely sophisticated. On the evening of the second day after arriving in Kunlun, she used the French kicking skills in her memory and added a large number of tricks. He has accumulated fighting skills and fought more than seventy moves with Thunder God.

 When she rested for a night and fought again on the third day, because she was familiar with Kunlun’s martial arts, Dusk was able to accurately find out the flaws in Lei Gong’s moves. After only twenty moves, Lei Gong competed with those sparring partners in the Western World. Just like that, they were beaten badly.

 Daniel Rand was already calm at this time. Looking at Lei Gong who was still pretending to be calm after his defeat, he felt no disturbance in his heart.

 The Jade Emperor doesn’t dare to let Mu Xi learn martial arts anymore and exercise his body? Don’t be ridiculous, this woman’s physical fitness can defeat a group of them, so she doesn’t need to practice anymore, let’s talk about mysteries.

 Ten days later, seeing Dusk’s mood becoming more and more stable, Bella was also very satisfied. She hoped that the Jade Emperor would continue chatting with Dusk, about any profound topics about the universe, the universe, and the universe. Promise, return to Washington with Sakura Dragon.

Before leaving, a large number of dragon brothers and sisters came to see them off. Compared to Yinglong, who was fat and strong and three times bigger than her peers, her brothers and sisters were as skinny as each other. It can be seen that the Shenlong clan is really not doing well in Kunlun.

  The magical atmosphere here is quite strong, but it can’t handle the number of people it absorbs. A bunch of dragon brothers and sisters have no training resources at all. They can only practice by drinking the northwest wind every day. That situation is not a miserable one at all. can’t be described.

 Sakura was one of them back then. If she hadn’t been abducted to the Palace of Origin and then met Bella, she wouldn’t be able to enjoy playing games every day and collecting treasures in her free time. Eat it as a snack and upgrade your happy life while lying down.

 At this time, all the little dragons looked longingly at Bella, a rich man, hoping that she could give her some greeting gifts.

 ”Let me think about it. Take it. This is for you. Well, this is for you. You are not allowed to **** it. Every dragon has one.”

  Many of Yinglong’s ‘snacks’ were at home and were not brought out. Bella rummaged through them for a while, and finally the dragon gave her a bag of homemade dragon bone strengthening granules, which were ground from the adult dragon’s bones. It is a kind of condiment that Yinglong eats when eating skewers. Now it has little strengthening effect on her. Bella has a lot of it in her hands, and now it is just in time to give it out as a gift.

 Dragon nature is extremely greedy. Although Yinglong carries a big package back to Kunlun, the actual gifts he gives are very few. Most of the time it is just to show off, and after showing off, he still has to carry it back! The only few things that were given out were actually gifts from little Katie and little Elsa to the dragons of Kunlun. She was just borrowing flowers to offer to the Buddha.

 Seeing Bella using her condiments as gifts, she licked her lips. She seemed a little hungry. The food in this poor place in Kunlun was really bad! She wanted to **** the pellets back to eat, but she thought that the bone-strengthening pellets were a bit salty in taste and had a poor strengthening effect on herself, so she finally endured it.

 All the dragon brothers and sisters were extremely excited. The energy emanating from the strong bone particles made them intoxicated. They were either reserved or enthusiastic, surrounding Bella, and they almost shouted “please support”.

  Yinglong would not share his legs with his younger brothers and sisters. He showed off his eldest sister’s attitude and scolded them, and told them to practice hard, and then returned to Washington with Bella.

 ”Xiao Kai, Xiao Ai, I’m back!” Yinglong ran into the house with a big package on his back, and then happily greeted his two friends. After ten days, she came back again, and she still felt like this Biancai is like a home, and I have fun all day long.

Bella didn’t stay at home too long because her Twitter friend Sif came to talk to her again.

 ”Thor is an idiot!” Sif threw the wine glass to the ground in an Asgardian manner, and Bella quickly gave the bar owner a “I’m with you” sign.

 “Hmm, Thor is really not smart”

Whether Thor is wise or foolish remains to be discussed, but his charm is indeed impressive.

 Sif came to complain. In the final analysis, this matter still lies with Bella.

  She introduced Helen Zhao to Thor, and then she was busy for a while and stopped caring about the affairs between the two of them. But these people are not motionless NPCs, they have thoughts.

Thor does not love Jane Foster to the core. The reason why the relationship between the two originated is because Thor was exiled to the earth. When he was the most depressed and helpless in his life, he met someone who was willing to share the same love with him. Beauty in distress, what is this? This is a typical suspension bridge effect, and then it leads to a result, that is, Thor covets Jane Foster’s body. Their love comes and ends quickly. If we delve deeper into this matter, that is Thor subconsciously likes beautiful women with rich knowledge.

 Jane Foster and Helen Zhao both meet this criterion.

 Now that ‘Jane Foster’ only knows ‘I want it, brother, I want it’, Thor is already a little tired of it. A woman pursues a man, and after Helen Zhao boldly sent out several invitations, Thor did not return to Asgard, but stayed on Earth to hang out with Helen Zhao.

 Marriage is very far away for Thor. He is still young and falling in love with anyone he sees is a characteristic of Asgardian warriors showing off their bravery, but his actions undoubtedly make his character more conservative. Sif was hurt.

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