Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1097: Dark Door

When 006 took a bunch of souls on an adventure in Silent Hill, many superheroes gathered together again in the Avengers Tower in New York.

The Hulk, the Red Giant, these massive bodies of muscular men and women are wreaking havoc across the United States under the control of evil thoughts within their bodies. The impact they are causing is so bad that the White House is under great pressure, urging them to hurry up as soon as possible. Solve the current problem.

Not only the Avengers, but also the Fantastic Four, Natasha, Coulson, and even Qin and Cyclops were present at this meeting.

Qin and Cyclops have not seen each other for a long time. They know that there are some problems in their relationship. Cyclops is too proud and cannot accept a girlfriend who is much stronger than him. Qin could not use it before. Ability, seems very weak, and he needs to be protected. The relationship between the two parties is quite harmonious. Now that Qin’s strength is completely released, conflicts between the two parties immediately arise.

Both of them were very cautious, and neither of them backed down, but neither of them made any move to save their relationship first. They both seemed to want to leave the problem to time to resolve.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Stone Man said angrily: “What on earth are we going to do to defeat six Hulks at the same time?”

Stark corrected his language problem: “Strictly speaking, there are five. She-Hulk has been in contact with the Avengers. Many of her thoughts are very peaceful, and there are no violent behaviors after suddenly gaining powers. , the reason why it also broke out this time is because…”

He looked at Mr. Fantastic.

Mr. Fantastic opened an extremely complex digital model on the screen: “I detected a burst of strange energy affecting She-Hulk. This energy is very similar to the gamma rays in her body, and can be considered to be the same substance. It’s just that the energy level is higher, so it affects She-Hulk’s sanity. I tried to awaken her sanity through some methods of recalling the past, but failed. Her brain gave me a very strange feeling, a bit like the Hulk before. It seems that there is a new personality in her body controlling her body. Miss Jennifer, whom we met before, has gone somewhere.”

Stark looked at Qin. Warlock Adam had gone somewhere, and Qin was currently the only wizard the Avengers could contact.

“The artifact the teacher left for me needs to be used to protect the entire earth. There is not much spare power at the moment, but I will try to awaken Miss Jennifer’s mind.” Qin said not very confidently.

Compared to the entire earth, a person’s life and death is really not worth mentioning, but Qin also knows that if She-Hulk regains consciousness, she will help them hold off an enemy. One minus and one plus, the situation will be different. .

Everyone quickly discussed the next battle plan.

Let Qin deal with She-Hulk.

Stark demolished the east wall to make up for the west wall, saving another set of Hulkbuster armor, allowing him to deal with his old rival the Hulk.

The stone man went to fight the red giant, and the falcon and the war machine cooperated to deal with the flying harpy. Natasha relied on her father’s relationship to get in touch with the military and stop the military blackmail. Technology has strengthened the hatred several times. In the end, no one cares about Bigfoot in Canada. Canadians can even lose money on state-run businesses. With such low IQs, there is no value in saving them. Let them die.

Stark laid it out well, but when the battle actually started, accidents happened frequently.

First of all, Jean tried several methods, but could not wake up She-Hulk Jennifer Walters.

She-Hulk is almost immune to the Mind Stone. It can’t even knock her out, let alone restore her calmness.

Qin used the Mind Stone to negotiate with the other person’s inner world several times. The burning feedback made her a little surprised. You must know that Qin is the host of the Phoenix. It is not an exaggeration to say that Qin is immune to fire. It can make her feel hot. It must be really hot.

The American side stretched its hips as usual and was strengthened several times. Now its body is covered with ferocious bone spurs, and its face looks like it is covered by a nine-fingered giant hand. The abomination was originally released to hunt down the red giant. Unexpectedly, this The goods are out of control as soon as they are let go.

Abomination killed a lot of American soldiers, and a major commander at the scene was torn to pieces by him. Natasha was unwilling to fight this kind of monster in the city, so she led Abomination away while fighting. Washington.

Qin and Natasha had too many worries and were at a loss when fighting, making it difficult to quickly defeat the enemy.

If they can maintain an undefeated situation, the Stone Man will be in danger.

The red giant incarnated by the concierge Uncle Luo is the most powerful. If the Invisible Woman and Thunderbolt hadn’t rescued him in time, he almost killed the stone man.

Falcon and War Machine flew around the east coast three times and found no trace of the harpy. The two went to look for witnesses. Some said the harpy went to the west, while others said she was hiding. .

Among the six giant men and fierce women, the harpy is the most murderous, ripping out people’s hearts at every turn. The two of them did not dare to neglect, and continued to search carefully.

The only good news came from Stark. The Hulkbuster armor had been strengthened with many parts. The Hulk died twice in a row, and the combat skills he learned on Sakaar were lost. I have basically forgotten all the deaths. It cannot be said that I have been washed back to level zero. Anyway, I am now back to the old way of beating hard.

The 2.0 version of the Hulkbuster Armor has obvious advantages over this shrunken Hulk.

The crisis caused by six giant men and fierce women is not over yet. Civilians who had committed suicide all over the world have climbed up from their graves. Their bodies are all green, and some kind of strange radioactive material has given them Their bodies recharged with energy, they staggered through the streets, killing every living person in sight.

All vacations for the army and National Guard were cancelled. According to the deployment, the entire army went out to kill every living dead who took to the streets.

“Dr. Grey, has there been no news from your teacher yet?” Stark asked Qin in the headset.


“Where did she go?”

“…Sorry, I can’t tell you this.”


The expedition of the gods to **** was not smooth, but it could not be said to be very difficult. They did not rush in hastily, but were making preliminary preparations.

Seven cosmic gods joined forces to open a portal to the lower levels of hell. The gods used the power of order to widen it, and the Nova Corps used various high-tech equipment to completely stabilize the passage so that it could carry the seven people. The true form of the cosmic god.

Countless **** demons were driven as livestock. They transported bricks, stones and building materials from all over hell. After a week of hard work in hell, a road was three thousand meters high and one thousand meters wide. One side was red and the other side was green. A huge portal rose from the ground.

This door leads to a deeper dark hell, so Bella named the giant door the Dark Door!

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