Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1090: Has the strategy been transferred?

Now let alone the Daughter of Annihilation, even the other two Sons of Eternity are dissatisfied with the chaos of negative entropy.

It is true that Negentropy is strong, but it is not strong enough to defeat four of them. However, he still has an aloof character. At this time, he did not dare to confront the other cosmic gods, so he vented his dissatisfaction on Quasar.

He scolded sternly: “Such confusing physical rules cannot be explained by simple radioactivity. Didn’t you conduct more in-depth investigations?”

The negentropic aura among the gods at the scene was the strongest, stronger than their ‘elder’ Galactus. His questioning made Quasar sweat. He wanted to defend himself, but he really didn’t dare.

Quasar thought hard and finally came up with another clue: “Mirror! The Nova Corps discovered that those intelligent beings who committed suicide have lost their souls. If they were allowed to look in the mirror before they committed suicide and imitate their brain waves to generate images, They will find that they can see another life form in the mirror, but there are too few examples to make an accurate judgment yet. Most intelligent life forms affected by radioactivity will commit suicide immediately.”

Although it has not been confirmed, this is a big discovery. Regardless of whether it is a tangible enemy or an invisible enemy, for the gods, having an enemy is better than having no enemy.

It looks like a pair of giant hands. It moves quickly and grabs an intelligent life that looks a bit like an orc directly from the material world.

This orc remained indifferent even in the face of the pressure of many cosmic gods. His cloudy eyes were looking straight ahead, and he was holding a slightly rough bone dagger in his hand. It looked like he was about to commit suicide.

“Let me see what’s weird about his inner world.” Bella’s understanding of the soul is undoubtedly the deepest among the many cosmic gods present. Even if the Mind Stone remains on the earth, it will not damage her ability.

At this time, there was no need for any brainwave imager. She pointed her finger at the orc from a distance, and the thoughts in the orc’s mind were completely presented through the medium of the mind.


“What is this?”

“It feels so evil!”

What is hidden in the inner world of the orc is not his own mind at all, but a smog-like monster that is green all over, like an oversized bacteria, with several large and small arms and legs.

Several cosmic gods traced the cause and effect, but no matter how they looked, they could not see any connection between the smoke monster and the orcs. It could even be said that there was no connection at all. It was as if this thing appeared out of thin air.

“No contact at all? How is this possible?” Yongshi was very puzzled, and Bella was also thinking hard about the answer.

Entropy chuckled: “You are too hasty to jump to conclusions. Take a closer look. In fact, they are connected. This monster is the manifestation of chaos after this ephemeral thing was contaminated with extremely evil thoughts.”

Bella immediately instilled several spiritual evil thoughts into the orc, and the dazed orc suddenly became ferocious, and his body turned into a blood-red monster in less than ten seconds.

Looking at the appearance alone, it looks a bit like the green fog monster in his spiritual world.

The monster was not strong, so Bella easily crushed it to death.

But when the monster exploded into a ball of flesh and blood, several cosmic gods received a dangerous signal. They all looked over and saw that the original orc had lost the breath of life at the same time. Deep in his soul , a ball of colorful and brilliant energy emerged without any warning.

All the gods retreated together. The angels and demon advisors on the periphery ran faster. On the contrary, more than a dozen groups of gods stood in front of the gods like iron walls.

Bella and Entropy were hiding behind a **** who was eight hundred meters tall, wearing fiery red armor and holding a scepter. She looked through the gap and saw a more feminine face emerging from the gorgeous energy. human face.

Her face is slightly enchanting, with pink eye shadow, predator-like vertical pupils, and sharp fangs. Her hair is completely composed of snakes, pythons, anacondas, dragons, dragons and other creatures, with only one piece of hair exposed. His face was ten times taller than the tallest **** on the scene.

Who is this? Bella, who had been watching the excitement for many years, had no idea who this guy was. She couldn’t help but lean closer to Entropy. In any case, the two of them could join forces.

“What is this? Do you know?” she asked in a low voice.

Entropy carefully looked at the huge face emerging from the smoke: “I’ve never seen it before. This thing is so evil, more evil than you and me combined.”

Bella’s face darkened, what the hell? You said you could do it by yourself, why did you take me with you?

“If you slander me again, I will throw you into the deepest place of time! By the way, this guy has the face of a woman in my eyes. Is what you see the same as what I see?”

Entropy shook his head: “What I saw was a blue skull.”

Bella asked the other cosmic gods and found that everyone saw different things. What Qi Yi saw was a giant sword covered in rust, what Yong Sheng saw was a black hole, and Negentropy saw a ball of energy that continued to shine in it.

“Is this guy so strong?” Bella couldn’t help but feel faint in her heart. She had only seen this feeling of ‘looking like a ridge from side to side and a peak from the side’ before in Annihilation. It was also seen by several cosmic gods. It’s not the other party’s true appearance, but just the part that the gods of their universe understand. This is very scary.

She secretly prepared an ultra-long-range teleportation spell, and now it was obviously time to change her strategy!

She was going to go home and take her wife and children to the dream dimension. If she couldn’t hold on to the dream dimension, she would go to the parallel universe. Lucy’s universe last time was good.

Entropy glanced at her strangely: “What are you doing?”

Bella said seriously: “I am observing the enemy’s weaknesses.”

“But I think what you have prepared in your hand seems to be a teleportation spell?”

“Nonsense! Can you know magic better than me?”

Entropy crossed his arms and said in a brisk tone: “I think I know better than you.”

Bella’s face froze, she was really too lazy to argue the issue, she waved her hands rather irritably: “Whether you still have memories of the past or not, it seems that things have reached an irreversible point. Go back to your Ava “Long, I’ll go back to my Sunless Sea. If we have a chance to see you again, if not, then we’ll never see you again.”

Just when she was about to retreat, Negentropy punched the smoke monster in the face from afar.

He didn’t add many order characteristics to his attack, but in Bella’s eyes, this punch almost broke the smoke monster’s face into two pieces.

The originally chaotic and extremely evil smoke monster shrank by one-third in an instant.

Bella stopped the teleportation spell in her hand and stared at the smoke monster. This guy didn’t seem to be very strong!

Negentropy was very confident in its own strength, and said proudly at this time: “Huh, no matter what this is, it will not be stronger than the current universe! Don’t take action, let me solve this Something.”

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