Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1087: Stark and the Mind Stone

 ‘Wind’ was quite lethal, but Bella didn’t care much about it at first.

 Her gaze has always been outside the universe. In the vision of her, the cosmic god, there is always something outside the universe trying to get in.

 That thing is truly terrifying. The ‘wind’ in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston is a minor problem at best. As long as it doesn’t involve her family and friends, she really doesn’t want to worry about it.

 A few people died, is this a big deal?

 Just like what she and Stark said, at the beginning of the time travel, she would do her best to rescue the 180 people on the plane. She would turn a deaf ear to ridicule and insults. She would be excited for a long time every time she rescued a person, but After gaining enough ability, she became indifferent when faced with the three million poor people in Africa who starve to death every year.

  Has she changed? It can be said that it has changed, or it can be said that it has not changed.

 She will help someone who is dying right in front of her, but she may not pay attention to someone who is far away.

 Her gaze has been looking out into the universe, where there seems to be some creature looking at her with the eyes of a prey.

 If the universe is an egg, then the egg is now surrounded by a thick layer of green smoke.

  What is this? Bella’s understanding of Marvel in her previous life was very average, at the level of an ordinary person. At this time, she couldn’t figure out what the green thing outside the universe was after thinking for a long time.

  I have been thinking hard and can’t find the answer. The ‘wind’ that is raging all over the earth is still killing people.

 She couldn’t help but feel a little irritated.

 She didn’t believe that there was no connection between the two. With the intention of testing the opponent’s strength, she activated the Mind Gem and tried to expel the unknown energy field with the power of her mind.

 The first hit of the collision between two energies with different attributes made her a little unbelievable. There was no explosion, no devouring each other, and several of the reactions she expected did not appear. The unknown energy field seemed to her like Clay, I touched it here, and the other party took a step back. It seemed like nothing big, but in fact, Bella spent a bit of spiritual power on her side, and the other party was still intact. At most, she was expelled from New York. In fact, This energy is still here on earth.

 ”What the hell?” Seeing the unknown energy field spreading to all directions, she quickly increased the output of the Mind Stone. When she surrounded the entire earth, she found that the unknown energy field was still very powerful. Passivated, not even flinching, but still eroding her mental shield in a tenacious manner.

Bella looked around the universe. She took action on the earth, so the losses were not big, but the intelligent life in the universe suffered heavy casualties. It is expected that in less than a year, these ” The winds can gather together and sweep across the entire universe.

 ”The people who live and die are so pitiful. My dear sister, your actions only delay the time of their death. It is meaningless.” Entropy walked out of the time mezzanine, her His right hand reached out, trying to touch Bella’s face, but Bella waved it away.

 Bella is quite serious: “Did you do this? I really don’t know, you are so strong now?”

 Entropy chuckled and said: “It doesn’t matter whether it’s me or not. The universe is about to perish. We can go together to welcome the last moment. Annihilation will go to a higher level. By then, there will only be two of us left here. Yes, isn’t it very romantic?”

 “What a waste of money you are! Without the process of entropy increase, you are just a scumbag in the entire universe!”

 Bella was quite angry. This was not only talking about entropy, but also talking about herself. She lacked the necessary process and entered the void directly in one step. Her Twilight was not much better.

 Stark has been standing next to him like a transparent person. At this time, he looked up and down at the entropy that suddenly appeared. The shape looked extremely weird.

  He asked tentatively: “Is this your relative? There are so many sisters in your family.”

 Entropy was still wearing a mask, only revealing her delicate chin. She looked at Stark: “Hey, a pure and interesting soul”

 Seeing that they seemed to be chatting for a few minutes, Bella hurriedly interrupted.

 ”Shut up! Don’t chat! The matter is very serious, do you still have the heart to chat? Since it’s not your fault, then you can come with me. The eternal son has called us over for a meeting in hyperspace.”

 Entropy is obviously not interested in the meeting: “Let them fight, what does this have to do with me?”

Bella forcibly dragged her to hyperspace. Before leaving, she specifically told Stark: “We have known each other for ten years. I don’t want to go too far, so you didn’t do anything just now.” See, hear nothing, right?”

 After all, he was a **** back then. How could Stark not understand the meaning of these words? He looked at Bella and then at Entropy. There was something wrong in his eyes, as if it was the first day he met Bella. : “Okay, okay, go ahead, go ahead, I didn’t see anything today.”

 “You are smart!”

Bella threw the Mind Stone to Stark: “This thing has the characteristics of space immunity, so it cannot go through the transmission channel. Please help me send the stone to 177A Brick Street, New York. This is It’s an artifact that protects the earth from harm. Remember, hurry up! By the way, you can’t touch the gem with your body. That’s a problem, okay! I’ll change it so you can push it away. I have something else to do, so I’ll leave first! ”

  “What is this? Can’t you touch it with your hands? Oh, people? Where are people?” Stark looked at the Mind Stone floating in the air twice. When he looked up again, he found Bella and the previous one. The strangely dressed woman has disappeared together.

  “You don’t mind if I scan this thing, right? You have no objection? It seems that you don’t mind, Jarvis! Quick! Use 95% of the energy to give me this thing from the inside out first Scan again! ”

 Stark didn’t dare to delay the important matter, so he took off immediately, pushing the Soul Stone surrounded by air to fly to New York. However, during the flight, in the spirit of never missing the opportunity, he flew at high speed, While asking Jarvis to scan the internal structure of the Mind Stone twice.

 In less than ten minutes, he flew to the New York Temple and handed the Mind Stone to the contemporary Supreme Mage.

 The Book of Emperor Weishan floats in front of the piano. She holds the Mind Stone tightly and continuously extracts spiritual energy from it to strengthen Bella’s mental shield around the world to resist the erosion of the earth by unknown energy fields.

 Stark was sent out politely by Fatty Wang. His talent of being able to chat with the boss for five minutes was invalid because Wang was a cook, not a boss!

On the way back to Avengers Tower, he kept studying the scans of the Mind Stone, thinking for a while.

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