Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1079: Successor

Leaving the giant panda cub holding her legs to play by herself, Bella thought about the problem twice. Maybe it was because the matter was none of her own and she couldn’t think of a good solution without using her extraordinary power.

It is impossible for Bella to use cosmic energy to solve this matter. This is simply like using anti-aircraft cannons to swat mosquitoes. She asked with a slight embarrassment: “Captain, the problem you mentioned does exist, so what do you want me to do?”

For her, the easiest way is to ask Captain America to surrender and leave everything to the law.

The disadvantage of this is that the name Steve Rogers will be nailed to the pillar of shame. His personal reputation is actually irrelevant, but the name Captain America is still very valuable to the people. A sudden revelation that heroes have always been villains before? It will have a huge impact on the people’s values. Maybe dozens or hundreds of people will commit suicide due to broken beliefs. The people at the bottom of the United States are really retarded. If hundreds of people die in one breath, Charlie will also feel very uncomfortable.

Captain America on the other side of the phone smiled, and his smile was extremely bitter: “Watching Sharon running around for my affairs, I feel like torture every minute and every second. If possible, I hope you can Use the government’s connections to suppress the news related to me. After the incident cools down, I am willing to surrender. I will do what I say.”

“I can suppress the news appropriately, but what happens after that?”

Captain America asked another question: “Miss Swan, can magic resurrect the dead?”

Bella refused without thinking: “As far as I know, it’s not possible. Even if there is such magic, the price will be higher than imagined. Why do you ask this question?”

Captain America talked about the real purpose of his call: “I will convince Tony and the others, and then I want to pass on the code name of Captain America. After a while, the successor can reveal his true identity through some kind of accident, and then it will be done Tell the people that Captain America has been him all these years, and Steve Rogers fell years ago. He is a bad guy who conspired to rule the world, and it was the current Captain America who stopped him.”

Bella was silent for a moment: “From an objective point of view, this can indeed restore most of Captain America’s honor, but you”

“It doesn’t matter what I am like, what matters is that the flag of Captain America is still there.”

For the next half hour, he talked about his plan.

Captain America was ready to let the Winter Soldier take over his title, while he himself retreated behind the scenes. When the time was right, he walked into the court and put an end to the name Steve Rogers.

The problem now is that the Winter Soldier has a very bad foundation. If his true identity is exposed, we really have to compare which one is worse, Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers!

If the background of the Winter Soldier is exposed by the media again, then the public will take a look, huh? Really hammered! There is no wrongful accusation against a good person at all, these two guys are both Hydra!

The records on the Winter Soldier side must be made somewhat redacted.

Among other things, killing Howard Stark and Maria Stark with his own hands is a dead end. Captain America didn’t know about it before, but after becoming the leader of Hydra, he knew all this information. Saw it.

He wants to give his friends a bright future, but the past must be dealt with.

He has destroyed all the records from Hydra, but there may be some remaining records from the government and military.

He just hopes that Bella will help erase these records. At the very least, the matter of Stark’s parents must be covered up.

This is not difficult at all. Not to mention text and video records, even Bella can modify the reality. If she wants to, Tony Stark will see Howard Star when he comes home. Gram and Maria Stark had a quarrel at home over trivial matters like pots and pans.

These two people are extremely important to Stark, but they are just that for the entire timeline. Bella still controls the Abyss Glider at the end of time. She is not afraid of the backlash of a little bit of time, but Not being afraid and taking action on yourself are two different things.

Howard Stark and Maria Stark would die not only in the hands of the Winter Soldier, but also in the hands of other Hydra assassins. If they were not assassinated, they might also die in other accidents. It doesn’t mean much to save these two people.

She gave the choice to the Winter Soldier. Which realities she wanted to erase and which mistakes she wanted to correct required his own efforts and exchanges.

A day later, Bella saw Captain America and the Winter Soldier in Berlin.

She knows about the Winter Soldier, but the Winter Soldier has never seen her in real life.

Captain America didn’t waste much effort in persuading his good brother to inherit his title, but the Winter Soldier still felt a little unsure about correcting the mistakes he had made. How should he correct this?

Bella handed him a ticket with a somewhat yellowed appearance. The Winter Soldier was proficient in English, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Russian, Latin and Japanese, and could conduct a certain degree of French conversation, because the Soviet Union Regarding the relationship with China, I also understand a small part of the Chinese language.

At this time, he can make some simple identifications of the Chinese characters on the ticket through numbers, shapes and patterns.

He looked at the ticket repeatedly and asked doubtfully: “Bus No. 330?”

Captain America also asked: “Bella, what is this?”

Of course this is something Bella improvised

Nightmare, the former owner of the Dream Dimension, has been harassing the Dream Dimension. Bella is very annoyed, but the illithids under her command are indeed incompetent.

Veterans like the Winter Soldier and Captain America can use 100% of their combat power to 120% in battle. Bella’s illithid? I can’t say it. If I say too much, I will shed tears.

Nightmare will not personally enter the dream dimension, but it is really annoying to send his men every three days to sneak into the dream dimension through various hidden passages to harass her. Bella hopes that the Winter Soldiers will go to the dream dimension to help her fight. Every time she kills one For intruders, the ticket will record a point for him. After accumulating a certain number of points, Bella will help him modify a certain reality.

This is an employment agreement, one person contributes, one contributes, simple and clear.

“Three days later, that is, late at night on the 14th of November this year, you take the ticket and walk on any bus. The ticket will send you to a specific area. When you eliminate a certain After an intruder, an unknown entity will grant you a wish.”

She briefly explained the function of the ticket. This underworld thing was relatively easy for the two veterans to understand, and the process and purpose were simple enough.

“How can I tell the difference between this invader and the aboriginal people? Are there aboriginal people?” the Winter Soldier asked uncertainly.

Bella actually didn’t think about it, so she waved her hand carelessly: “You will know when the time comes.”

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