Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1063: The Hulk’s Heart Knot

Bella said calmly: “Your strength has indeed entered a period of rapid growth. It’s better not to go to work during this period. You need to pass this period of growth and be able to master the power of mind in your body before you can resume your daily routine. life.”

 Natasha lowered her head and looked at her hands. She clenched her palms into fists and then released them. Unknowingly, had she become stronger again?

 “Then what level will I be at after I stabilize?”

 Bella looked at her with a half-smile.

 “I know it’s better for you to tell the truth and not to undermine my self-confidence!”

 ”What a hypocritical woman. She wants to hear nice things, but she has to tell the truth to cover it up.” Bella despised her daughter-in-law.

 Under Natasha’s repeated urging, she thought for a moment: “It should be similar to Thor when the Avengers were first established two years ago, but only in terms of energy. Thor has extremely rich combat experience, and you You have not adapted to many combat habits at this level, such as flying. You need to turn flying into an instinct, such as telekinesis defense, and you also need some good equipment.”

 In the next few days, Bella left her five-year-old daughter in the care of six-year-old Katie. She and Natasha went to a primitive planet more than a hundred light years away from the solar system. Planet for special training.

 This planet has no civilization, but huge wild animals and plants have appeared, just in time for Natasha to practice

 The universe has never been peaceful from beginning to end, and war is the main theme of the universe.

 As the messenger of destruction, the Hulk followed Galactus and destroyed many planets. The more he killed, the more he became addicted to violence and fighting, the weaker the part of his personality that belonged to Bruce Banner became, so that in the end Even Galactus couldn’t stand the crazy and endless impulse of anger of this subordinate. Stardust was also very dissatisfied with the Hulk’s violence, believing that this behavior destroyed the sanctity of maintaining the balance of the universe. In addition, Bruce Banner’s personality He quickly disappeared and lost the object of scientific discussion. In the end, Galactus banished the Destroyer.

 Get out of here, you’re fired!

 Hulk wandered among many star civilizations, hitting people more often and being beaten even more often. Finally, he met Gao Tianzun, who abandoned his funny personality, recruited troops, and prepared to unify the universe.

 Gao Tianzun admires the Hulk very much and sees almost unlimited potential in the Hulk.

 As an ancient life form that is almost the same age as the current universe, even though it was teased that it took away a lot of cosmic energy, it has a strong character, keen judgment, and sufficient life experience and wisdom. Today’s Gao Tianzun is still the strongest person in the first rank in the universe.

 He possesses countless knowledge and is helpless to the people on earth. Under his careful guidance, the Hulk has been able to gradually control his anger, and he has also absorbed the remaining personality and wisdom of Bruce Banner. .

 As the meditation deepens, the Hulk becomes quieter day by day.

 This kind of meditation will not make him lose his abilities. On the contrary, the anger is concentrated together, coupled with enough wisdom, sharp weapons and strong armor. The previous Hulk may just be a child whose anger cannot be vented. , and now the Hulk has become a real warrior.

 He has strength in his body, weapons in his hands, and wisdom in his mind. At this time, the Hulk has been reborn and has become a real person, instead of a broken personality caused by some intensified emotions.

 Sakaar, which once looked like a garbage dump, has been vigorously managed. The dilapidated environment is gone forever. Tall buildings are lined up in rows, which seem to have both beauty and defense.

 In the northwest corner of the central continent of Sakaar, there is a palace complex where Gao Tianzun rules over several galaxies.

 At this time, in an inconspicuous palace, Gao Tianzun and Hulk were sitting on the ground more than ten meters apart.

 Gao Tianzun constantly uses subtle cosmic energy to help the Hulk stabilize his emotions and clear the haze in his heart. When he was the messenger of the Star Swallower, he accommodated part of the cosmic energy. Now he has mastered Gao Tianzun’s unique meditation method, the Hulk’s mind. He is becoming more mature day by day, and from the occasional flash of wisdom in his eyes, you can vaguely see some shadows of Bruce Banner.

 Hulk and Bruce Banner are becoming more and more inseparable. We are in a world full of crises, and are shrouded in vendettas and wars every day. A doctorate is of little use, and strength is a necessary means to maintain life. Unknowingly, Hulk became the main personality, and Bruce Banner’s past memories became his resources.

 ”Teacher, I have completed the three stages of practice, and now I feel very comfortable, as if a heavy burden has been lifted.” The Hulk respectfully saluted Gao Tianzun.

 “Very good, your understanding is higher than I expected.”

 Gao Tianzun is very satisfied with the generals he has trained with his own hands. He has high qualifications and high understanding. The key is that he can fight. As a prestigious elder of the universe, he cannot deal with all the cats and dogs by himself. It is inevitable to recruit some masters. It’s a must-do. It happened that he was too funny before, but anyone with some ability would not consider Saka Star as the first choice to seek refuge. Now he is no longer funny, but you don’t know, just talking is useless, and the inherent impression is not so easy to change. .

 At present, there are many people under Gao Tianzun who want to learn to sing. The generals like salted fish catch a lot of them, but none of them can beat them. This shows the value of the Hulk.

 In order to help the Hulk regain his composure and master the power in his body, he can be said to have given everything to him. Since the Hulk was ‘born’, no one has ever been so kind to him. The kind of relationship between the two The relationship between king and subject, master and disciple, and father and son can be said to be as solid as a rock. The Hulk is willing to go through fire and water for Gao Tianzun’s dominance without hesitation.

 Hulk is no longer shirtless and wearing big pants. He wears a helmet and armor, and carries a double-edged battle ax and a big sword on his back.

 After finishing the day’s meditation, he hesitated, but finally said: “Teacher, I want to return to Earth.”

  Gao Tianzun was not surprised by this incident: “Oh? Do you still care about your companions abandoning you?”

 To reveal the scar so unceremoniously, if it were the Hulk in the past, he would definitely have gone berserk, but after nearly half a year of meditation, he just clenched his fists with a determined look on his face.

 “Yes, I still care about this matter. Stark went to be the messenger of Galactus, and everyone was helping to rescue him. Even I went there that day. As a result, Stark was saved, but I became I don’t accept being his substitute! They can’t treat me like this!”

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