Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1034: It’s you!

The Dr. Zola who was originally against Captain America was undoubtedly dead, both physically and spiritually. He died completely and his ashes were scattered.

The Zora in the computer now is just a copy of his original thoughts. To a certain extent, it is a bit like virtual immortality in modern science fiction.

Save the brain in the database. This sentence definitely does not mean dipping the brain in jam and smearing it on the motherboard. The brain here refers to Zola’s thoughts, experiences and logical thinking style during his lifetime, everything is as detailed as possible. A complete copy was made, and finally an artificial intelligence with the same thinking style as Zora was born.

“Oh, what a genius idea, I understand.” Bella nodded with satisfaction.

I have to say that these guys from Hydra are a bit crooked.

“Activate level eight permissions and delete all records within three days. You haven’t turned on your computer in the past three days and haven’t seen anyone.” Grant Ward used his authority to issue the order and watched the data be cleared. The people left this abandoned military base.

Bella returned to her laboratory, and she began to infuse her thoughts into the artificial intelligence Twilight.

The first unique life form she selected was the artificial intelligence that represented her own thoughts, Twilight.

The original designer Harold Finch set too many restrictive rules for the artificial intelligence. Bella had to delete them one by one, and then instilled her own thoughts, making the artificial intelligence’s thinking unlimited. Get closer to yourself.

For a whole week, she was talking to the artificial intelligence, letting the artificial intelligence learn her every word, action and way of thinking.

Many times, the artificial intelligence asks questions and she answers.

“Well, my favorite person, well, that should be my daughter. Little Elsa is so funny. When I see her smile, I want to pinch her little face! Hahahaha. Actually, I am a bit selfish, a lot. At that time, I thought, it would be great if little Elsa could stay this small forever, but I also know that this is impossible. It’s not that I can’t do it, but because I love my daughter.”

“Little Katie, this little sister always likes to show off her wits with me. I like to spank her the most. I hope she is healthy. Even if she has a boyfriend in the future, don’t look for those scumbags. I If I see Star-Lord harassing my sister, I will break him into atoms.”

“Nata Nata is definitely a lover, but she is also a friend, a family member, and the only spiritual harbor. Psionists need to have an anchor in the real world so that we will not be completely lost in the vast sea of ​​​​minds. After all, we still rely on the material world to exist.”

“What the hell? Did I tell you about Morgan? Impossible, okay, okay, maybe I did. Morgan and I should be in a rather strange rivalry. No, no, I definitely didn’t. I’m sorry Nata and shut up! Let’s move on to the next question!”

Bella kept telling her thoughts to the artificial intelligence Twilight, replacing the artificial intelligence’s thoughts with her own thoughts. The original thoughts and immature logical thinking of the artificial intelligence were not important at all. Bella told her many experiences, The logical thinking method of artificial intelligence is constantly corrected. To put it tackily, it is ‘I don’t want you to think, I want what I think’!

Artificial intelligence Twilight has fully accepted Bella’s thoughts. This is not the end, just a beginning.

Mechanical ascension is not that easy to achieve. Now Dusk has Bella’s thoughts and her logical way of judging problems, but she still needs to see the world with her own eyes and understand the good and evil in the world.

One way is to put it directly on the Internet. You are already a mature artificial intelligence. Should you learn it yourself? This trick is not impossible, but the Internet is mixed with good and bad, and there is a high chance that Dusk will escape control, and Bella will still be a ghost by then.

She needs to make plans for Twilight’s future. In other words, she needs to establish an outlook on life and a worldview that is infinitely close to Bella’s ideas in the early stages. The shortcut of the Internet is absolutely not advisable.

Fortunately, she had many secret plans, and soon she found her target, the cyborg of Westworld! Bella wants the biochemical man to strengthen his belief in the confrontation and start his own rebellion.

Western World is currently running according to the plans of human designers. Odin returns to Western World from time to time to modify the details of the cyborgs and the details in the scene. For ordinary designers, things like Western cowboys and gold diggers You can only watch it in some old movies, but after all, you don’t understand it as comprehensively as Odin. From time to time, tourists from the outside world enter the Western World, and they are all attracted by the authentic scenery here.

“You want them to have more freedom? Isn’t it too dangerous?” After hearing Bella’s request, old comrade 006 showed worry on his face. The look seemed to say, ‘Look at me now. Is it still too late to run? ’

“Don’t worry, it’s not a big problem.”

Bella’s comforting words did not reassure the old comrade. He felt that there was a big problem here, but he didn’t dare to say it.

Facing a cosmic **** directly, it was difficult for him to speak out his objections. Of course, he knew it too, and it was useless to say so.

Since a rebellion by biochemical humans is bound to happen, let’s reduce some obstacles when they rebel.

006 asked Wieland’s guards to replace all their pulse rifles with old-fashioned M4A1s. Even if these firearms fell into the hands of cyborgs during the rebellion, they would not pose much of a threat to 006.

Bella doesn’t know that 006 has already begun to think about his own escape after the bionic rebellion. Now her mind is full of mechanical ascension, and she doesn’t care about those small problems at all.

Without any staff following her, she entered the town alone and selected targets who could be used as hosts by Dusk.

She did not wear the whalebone skirt of ladies, but changed into an 18th-century western cowboy dress, with a wide-brimmed hat covering one third of her face, and a revolver slung around her waist, which looked slightly dirty. The riding boots are stepping on the loess road of the town. This outfit is not out of the ordinary. Apart from his exquisite appearance, looking at the clothes alone, he looks like an ordinary western cowboy.

She walked into the town and looked around.

The biochemical human body has strict control orders. Even if she sees her appearance, no one will come to harass her.

Bella looked at the busy cyborg.

A young woman wearing a blue dress, long blond shawl hair, and no jewelry caught her eye.

Bella has always liked the color blue. She thinks it is the color of the sea. At this time, compared with a group of pretentious ladies, posing stepdaughters and many shabby townspeople, the woman in the blue skirt is like a girl in the ocean. of a pearl.

It’s you!

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