Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1022: White Mouse

Bella sat on the treetops and pointed out from time to time: “Legs, what are your legs doing? Do you think there is any necessary connection between karate kicks and your flying?”

“There are too many redundant movements! Think of your body as a whole, don’t push your chest out, oops! Don’t pull it back, that little weight won’t affect your flight.”

“Empty your mind and stop thinking about those messy things.”

After ten minutes of nagging her, Natasha went berserk. The cheap wife picked up a finger-sized stone on the side of the road and smashed it in Bella’s direction.

Such a small stone wouldn’t pose much of a threat to ordinary people, let alone Bella.

Bella turned her head to avoid it, then she balled up the snow on the treetops and threw it down. Natasha did not hesitate and picked up the snowballs to fight back.

“Oh oh oh oh!” The two children who were flying around in the sky saw the adults having a snowball fight and joined in noisily. Sakurai, who had been clamoring to go home and play games, quietly inserted his hand into Bella’s neck. Stuffed a snowball.

The children quickly ran aside to play by themselves. Little Elsa even called all the deer, unicorns, and beavers in Arendelle to play together. Only two children were left on the snow. An adult.

The two lay together in the snow with their heads on top of each other.

“Huhu-I’m so exhausted!”

“Tsk, tsk, the beating was too harsh! If I didn’t use the energy of the universe, my body would be just that of an ordinary person! Can’t you just let me go?”

After a while, Natasha asked her in a low voice: “Are you feeling better?”

“Much better!”

Natasha snorted: “You know how to bully me!”

“If I don’t bully you, who should I bully?”

The family stayed in Arendelle for the next few days, and Natasha’s flight progress was still very slow.

According to Bella’s explanation, she has too many thoughts, too complicated thoughts, and a solid worldview. She still has an instinctive rejection of human flight that does not rely on external forces. This is not as good as two simple-minded children.

What I didn’t say is that there is no good solution to this situation. You just need to practice. As long as you don’t practice to death, practice to death.

“In fact, you can understand any strength as a kind of muscle. Of course, it is definitely not the case in reality, but this explanation is the most suitable for you to understand…” Bella now also has a bit of Gu Yi’s The problem is that he likes to be a teacher!

“Muscle growth requires continuous exercise, and the same goes for your telekinesis. The more you use it, the stronger it becomes. Use it frequently and make it instinctive, and that’s almost it.”

Natasha rolled her eyes. She had always been conceited, but Bella said she had no understanding. This was a huge blow to her.

The training method Bella gave her was simple and crude.

Use telekinesis, then meditate, then continue using telekinesis.

Whenever her cells reach their limit, Bella will inject her with a little CPH4 to rejuvenate the cells, and then continue the cycle of using telekinesis, meditation, and telekinesis.

On the ninth day of the family’s trip to Arendelle, Natasha finally took to the sky. As soon as she learned to fly, with her excellent mind and body control, her flying speed surpassed that of little Elsa. .

When flying in a straight line, she could even surpass Sakurayu, who was seriously out of control. This achievement finally made her feel proud.

“How is it? Do you think there are any shortcomings?” Natasha landed on the ground, her face full of pride and raised her face, meaning that you should come and praise me quickly, otherwise I will really lose face.

Little Elsa immediately clapped, meaning her mother is awesome.

Bella smiled, it was rare for her cheap daughter-in-law to show such a arrogant side. It seemed that she had been stimulated enough by the children these days.

“It’s okay.”


“It’s okay.”

“Too perfunctory!”

Flying is really not a difficult task. There is no difference between understanding it early and understanding it late. However, we can also see some clues from such a simple training. My daughter-in-law has extremely high IQ and EQ, but this understanding …sincerely.

After nine days of playing, Bella quickly sent her family back to Earth. Those who should go to work went to work, and those who should go to school continued to go to school. Even she took out her mobile phone and checked on Twitter to see if there was anything for her. message.

Implementing new taxes on energy-based companies, and then raising wages for police, firefighters, and teachers, Bella was busy for several days.

She walked out of the dead end of her thoughts and slowly became aware of some problems.

Whether it is her own choice that entropy has reached this point, or someone’s deliberate arrangement, Bella only knows that this state from order to disorder will break all the shackles imposed on her, regardless of the original fate What it is like, when entering a state of disorder, things will deviate from their original trajectory.

Just as the ‘Doll’ originally sacrificed herself to save her companions, as the variables increase, her fate will naturally change accordingly.

The choice of entropy may be to retreat in order to advance. Of course, it may also be a natural destructive maniac who likes to destroy the world. It is hard to say.

This knowledge is not very important to Bella, because she cannot let herself go like Entropy, and break away from the shackles of fate after focusing on doing things, but she can learn from this idea.

Kronos is an example of a man who struggled, but in the end could not escape his destiny. Bella can’t be so reckless. I can’t shout that my fate is my own. Bella has reached the ceiling that she can reach. No matter whether she takes the path of annihilation in the void or establishes a balance with eternity in the universe, The directions and end points of these roads have been fixed.

She has been clearly arranged. Want to fight? Kronos is waiting for you ahead.

The way Bella came up with was to add tiny variables within the framework, allowing more and more people to deviate from their original destiny, and with it, she would also gain room for movement outside of her destiny.

Understanding everyone’s fate is the strength of a time traveler. Bella only has this advantage. She wants to change the established fate of several people to see if it will have an impact on the operation of the entire universe.

She didn’t know whether her idea was right or not, and she couldn’t discuss it with others. She didn’t dare to say anything because she knew that she was still under the management of the Court of Life. Once anyone wanted to go against the line set by the court for everything, , the guy who comes forward will definitely bear a considerable degree of wrath from the managers of the multiverse.

The cyborg thing can only be observed as a target group, and she also needs a brave white mouse.

The goal of the cosmic **** is too big, and Bella is only planning to run away on her own, not to lead the revolution with everyone. After some screening, Bella sets her target on someone who has deviated from her established plan. The guy of destiny, Captain America, the organization has decided, is you!

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