Marvel’s Princess Chapter 102: Revenge

The supernatural movie was turned into a gunfight movie, which is something no one would have imagined.

“Get in the car! Get in the car!” Bella endured the pain in her arm, forced the seriously injured policewoman and Sharon to run more than 300 meters, stuffed them into the back seat of the pickup truck, and put Saint Dian was thrown into Sharon’s arms, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

“Xiao! Let’s get out of here! Hurry! Hurry!” She urged anxiously. The pickup truck had no time to turn around, so it reversed and rushed out.

The cultists couldn’t catch up with Pika, so they could only jump around and curse.

“Get rid of that old guy!” Bella pointed at the old woman surrounded by many believers. This woman was the source of all evil. Without her, there would not have been so much **** in the future.

Xiao looked at the distance. Having recovered most of her memory, she used weapons like some kind of instinct. She threw away the M4A1 and took out an Austrian SSG-69 sniper rifle from the side.

As a female ghost, there are no problems with breathing or muscle balance. There is no need to consider recoil. Newton can’t control ghosts. Simply calculate the wind force and a bullet will rush out of the gun at a speed of 860m/s. chamber.

The moment the bullet was fired, the old woman seemed to be dragged by something and moved a step to the side. As a result, she dodged her head instead of her body.

The bullet hit the shoulder, the shoulder blade was directly shattered, and the entire arm, including the bits of flesh on the shoulder, were blown away by the bullet. Five seconds later, the old woman noticed that she was injured, and her voice was extremely shrill. , like a fierce ghost.

Xiao was a little surprised when he saw that he had missed, and wanted to try again.

“Forget it, let’s go first!” Bella stopped her from continuing to attack, and the pickup truck quickly disappeared into the white mist of the other world.

“Come and save me! You idiots!”

“Help me stop the bleeding! Hurry up, I still have important responsibilities, I still have to lead the cult…”

“…Me? I am not guilty, I am pious…pious…”

The old woman lost too much blood and was in a trance. There seemed to be countless real or illusory scenes floating in front of her eyes.

“The bishop is dying…”

“…then what should we do?”

“Our shelter is gone too!”

The old woman entered a dying state, and the believers were also panicked.

When chasing Bella before, Xiao killed a dozen of his companions. At this time, there were only about fifty remaining believers, and nearly half of them were injured.

Faced with the endless monsters that emerged in Silent Hill, these living people who had been trapped for thirty years also thought of many ways to deal with it in order to collect living supplies. They used firearms and flamethrowers to plunder the entire town and then gather everyone. Wisdom, modified and transformed, but limited by raw materials, there has never been much ammunition, and now it is basically used up.

Searching for weapons and ammunition from the dead people might last for a while, but the remaining believers still turned around.

The church, which was the last refuge, was badly damaged. Not to mention the power of faith, even the door was gone. Bella had knocked a large human-shaped hole in the side wall. How could they resist the next threat?

“Hehehehe…” A silver bell-like laughter suddenly sounded.

A little girl in a purple dress, with long black hair and an evil face walked out of the air. Her eyes were filled with boundless hatred and pain. Her appearance was vaguely similar to Sharon’s, but she was just an evil girl. , a positive one.

The little girl, who was full of evil spirits, raised her head slightly and looked at the dilapidated church with a curious gesture.

“What a pity, it seems that your **** has abandoned you.”

As her voice fell, the other world suddenly landed in this dilapidated church.

The previously gorgeous murals were instantly stained by sewage, the elegant columns were covered in rust, and the church that was already dilapidated due to the gun battle suddenly became ugly.

The fire that was originally intended to burn the policewoman was covered by thick and smelly black mist. The firewood disintegrated one after another. Then the ground sunk, a large amount of soil fell, and a hospital bed that seemed to have been burned for many years slowly rose from the hole.

A woman whose whole body was severely burned and now covered with bandages was lying on the hospital bed. She looked at the old woman with unwavering eyes.

The evil little girl said jokingly: “Haha, respected bishop, God’s spokesman on earth? Wake up, your old friend is here to see you.”

The old woman who was originally on her deathbed seemed to have entered a period of reflection. She stared at the hospital bed, as if she wanted to eat the woman on the bed alive.

A rusty wire emerged from the soil. It had saved the old woman’s life before, otherwise she would have been beaten to death by Xiao.

Of course, there is no contradiction in the relationship between Tieshi’s rescue of her before and his intention to kill her now.

No matter how fierce the old woman’s gaze was, it was useless. The wire wrapped around her neck and hung her in the air.

Realizing that something was wrong, the remaining believers hurried back, but by this time it was already too late.

Countless iron wires suddenly jumped out of the muddy ground. They were like poisonous snakes, either circling or piercing. Many believers were helpless in the face of such tricks. They hurriedly raised their guns to fight back, but the bullets The hit on the evil little girl went right through, while the hit on the woman on the hospital bed was blocked by numerous wires.

The bodies of the believers were penetrated by the iron wires that seemed to have their own life, and some were even dragged off the ground, like specimens, wailing crazily in mid-air.

The blood was like a fountain, and soon dyed the cemetery in front of the church red. The originally dark brown land seemed to have absorbed some nutrients, and the color of the land became heavier.

“Dear Bishop, where is your god? Where is your performance of justice? In such a solemn occasion, you have to be more serious?” The evil little girl stood there and looked up at the old woman.

“Alessa! You bastard! Bastard! I won’t let you go, I tell you! My Lord will…”

The old woman seemed to be ready to say a few harsh words, but the snake-like iron wires around her still entangled her feet and remaining arms. Then they used all their strength to tear the old woman into pieces, like five horses tearing the body apart. , the smelly flesh and blood were scattered around, and Alessa on the hospital bed finally showed a hint of pleasure.

Revenge has begun! More believers were penetrated by the iron wires, and clouds of blood rained from the sky.

From the appearance of the evil little girl and Alessa on the hospital bed to their entire team of exterminators, it didn’t take half a minute in total.

“It’s really boring. It can be solved so easily!” The evil little girl jumped around in circles. She opened her arms happily and raised her little face. The flesh and blood scattered in the sky looked like nectar to her. wonderful.

Alessa was unable to speak in the hospital bed. After her revenge was avenged, she quietly disappeared.

The evil little girl stopped spinning. She glanced in the direction the pickup truck left, shook her head in disappointment and disappeared.

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