Marvel’s Princess Chapter 1012: Entropy

Seeing that Isaac Newton was exhausted and fell to the ground, Captain America quickly helped him out of the room. He had already lost Alexander Pierce, an important subordinate, and he could no longer lack Newton at this stage. support from this important ally.

Seeing that there was really no other way for him, he was still unwilling to give in. This time he was ready to take a little risk and ask “outsiders” for help. He took photos of many of Newton’s formulas written on the wall and showed them to Mr. Fantastic.

He can’t talk about Snake Shield, Hydra, or the Book of Darkness. He is still using the same excuses he used to deceive 006. There are problems within SHIELD, and there lurks an evil person full of world-destroying thoughts. The church, these calculations were captured, maybe there is some big secret hidden in them.

“Reed, can you figure anything out of this?”

Connoisseurs will know if there is one as soon as they take action. Isaac Newton’s extremely beautiful mathematical formulas immediately impressed Mr. Fantastic. Even Stark, who was studying antimatter bombs together, was impressed by the profound mathematical attainments. Attracted, he kept asking who wrote the formula.

After learning that it was spread by ancient mathematicians in the ‘cult organization’, Mr. Fantastic and Stark both looked regretful, which roughly means ‘how can a beautiful woman be a thief’.

Mr. Fantastic is still slightly better than Newton, but because of the deeper calculation, the truth almost shattered his worldview.

He also came to an answer similar to Newton’s. The entire universe will eventually return to nothingness. This is an unstoppable fact.

He locked himself in his room and thought hard for two days, but could not find a solution.

Mr. Fantastic scratched his head hard, his face full of frustration: “The universe will definitely end. After the cold numbers, although I don’t want to admit it,… Captain, these calculations you found are all correct. I With limited intelligence, I really don’t know how to prevent this from happening.”

Stark’s mathematical attainments are not as good as those of Mr. Fantastic and Newton, but he has been with Galactus day and night for two months. In his opinion, even if the huge cosmic energy is not counted, Galactus itself is A very outstanding scientist.

Before the destruction of his own universe, he also tried to save his own universe in many ways, but in the end, it all ended with the destruction of the universe and his transformation into a planet devourer. The previous universe could not be saved, and the current one could not be saved. The universe is full of trouble!

“Maybe Lao Tun is right, and his actions can indeed delay the destruction of the universe?” At a certain moment, Stark wanted to give up Iron Man and continue to be the Iron Messenger.

Seeing that the two of them were getting more frustrated than the other, Captain America had to encourage them.

When I was a superhero, I had to encourage these guys, but now that I have become a Hydra, I still have to encourage them!

Captain America thinks it’s ridiculous, but for the sake of his dream of Hydra ruling the world, Mr. Fantastic and Stark can’t fall yet, let alone become the messengers of Galactus.

“Listen to me, guys, I don’t understand your math, I can’t even read it, but I know that the survival of human beings depends not on numbers, but on beliefs…”

A burst of chicken soup finally stopped the decadence of the two of them, at least the decadence on Stark’s side.

Stark continued to make his own anti-matter bomb, but Mr. Fantastic did not get out of the dead end so quickly. He held his pen and locked himself in the room again to think silently about the future of the universe.

“Admit defeat. All your thoughts and efforts are meaningless. You are just a speck of dust in the universe…” A slightly cold female voice sounded in Mr. Fantastic’s ears.

“Who? Who’s there?”

Mr. Fantastic looked around, but no matter how he looked, he didn’t see anyone around him. The woman’s voice suddenly appeared, and then disappeared suddenly.

Beyond time and space, Bella looked directly at the woman in front of her.

She let Alexander Pierce re-enter Captain America’s control, and went through such a big circle, just to follow some kind of causal relationship and see who was behind the incident who planned all this.

Kronos, the God of Time, was involved in this matter. She was sure of this, but the mastermind behind the scenes was probably not the God of Time. He was a target at best.

The conflict in S.H.I.E.L.D. should not be revealed now. Originally, Bella was planning to resolve the matter in Charlie’s second year as president, or even in his third year. Caught off guard, even she was in a very awkward position to deal with it.

The chaos in SHIELD has reached a certain level of chaos and disorder. All problems broke out at the same time. There are so many coincidences that they are problematic.

Her Twilight Book was an inducement, but she was transferred out of the current timeline, and there must be a black hand behind the chaotic situation that happened to be a book. She wanted to see who the black hand was.

She always thought that the other party’s target was Stark, but she didn’t expect that the big dog was rejected this time, and the other party fell in love with Mr. Fantastic.

The guy who was pulled out of the earth by Bella was undoubtedly a cosmic god. He was a woman with a graceful figure and fair skin.

She wore a red mask that completely covered her eyes and bridge of her nose, leaving only a delicate chin exposed. Her white skin was set against bright black lip gloss. This woman exuded an evil charm all over her body.

The woman’s white hair was flying, hanging down to her waist. Her masked face looked at Bella, as if she was not surprised by her appearance.

“What’s your name?” Bella looked at the other person for a while, and after having a rough guess in her mind, she asked.

“My sister, can’t you see this?” The masked woman stretched out her hand to tap her, her bright red fingernails containing a layer of fluorescence.

“I am the mourner of the end of all things. I am the heat death of the universe. My name is entropy.”

Bella pondered for a few seconds: “Entropy? No wonder you want to create chaos… Eternity has a son named Anti-Entropy. Are you a pair?”

She made a few nonsense remarks, and then got to the point: “Entropy, the disorder you created has seriously affected my life. I hope you can stay away from me.”

Entropy showed a smile: “Why refuse sister’s help? Aren’t we all daughters of annihilation? Let dust return to dust, soil return to soil, let everything return to nothingness. Isn’t this also the idea in your book? ? Or have you not finally made up your mind? Are you still resisting your innate instinct?”

She made a look of realization: “Do you want to throw yourself into the arms of eternity? Do you love this universe so much, do you want this universe to last forever? Hahahaha, you are such a cute little sister, I like you a little bit .”

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